Producer (Project A; Producer of some functionality)

Consumer (Project B; Consumer of the functionality provided by Project A; Project B depends on Project A)

SituationProducer (Project A)Subproject(s)Action for Producer (Project A)Action for Consumer (Project B)Action for ArcAction for OOM
"Normal business" because both projects are maintained and only a subproject gets unmaintainedmaintained
(active PTL/Community) 
1 of n gets unmaintainedPTL:
  • manage decommissioning of subproject
  • involve TSC, RelM, Arc, PTL, Sec, Doc if required
  • propose patch to change status in repos.yaml
  • resolve dependencies to subproject of A

Current situation where an active project depends on an unmaintained project (which has no PTL/Community)already unmaintained
(no PTL/Community)
in consequence all are unmaintainedRelM+Team (proxy for missing PTL):
  • propose patch to change status in repos.yaml
  • resolve dependencies to project A
  • request exception from TSC

Ideal situation where the PTL is able to manage the project transition to "unmaintained" before leaving.foreseeable unmaintained
(PTL leaving/no Community)
in consequence all foreseeable unmaintainedPTL:
  • manage decommissioning of subproject
  • involve TSC, RelM, Arc, PTL, Sec, Doc if required
  • propose patch to change status in repos.yaml
  • resolve dependencies to project A