Location to draft the tasks and milestones for Nicholas Karimi's  2021 Mentorship Project.  

Content may be transferred into LFX Mentorship after agreed upon by the team

Assigned byTaskAssigned DateCompleted Date

Familiarize yourself with the following resources and compile a list of questions for the team



Kenny PaulWhile reviewing developer onboarding "how-tos" on the wiki if you find instructions that are incorrect please update that wiki page with the correct information.


Set up doc environment as per instructions



attend the following DTF sessions 

And any other sessions that you would like (smile)



Establish a maintenance model as first step

-initial focus to be on Doc team side of this


  • Nicholas Karimi create a location for capturing the knowledge transfer related to the project  



Thomas Kulik
  • Nicholas Karimito investigate the following utilities on how they can be used to manupilate SVG XML text files.
  1. yq 
  2. XMLStarlet