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Enterprise Recordings

Meeting Minutes - 1/20/2021

Key Questions: 

#1 What does ONAP offer to an enterprise customer (IoT, Financial, Healthcare, Gaming, etc) that we can't get from existing cloud offers or outside the Cloud.

#2 What does ONAP offer on top of that outside of the telco space?

Different Scenarios

1) 3rd party vendors using ONAP to serve their enterprise customers (operating model - managed services)

2) Operators offering solutions to Enterprises (based on 5G Techno - Network Slicing, Virtual Edge, etc) supported by 3rd party vendors

3) Enterprise customers running ONAP themselves (on their premises), supported/trained by 3rd party vendors

Additional thought(s)

#1 Investigate what Openstack is offering to Enterprise Business?

#2 Contact Cheng Huang, gyaoguang wang - leading ONAP Support for Vertical Industry (DDF Topic in Feb 2021)

#3 Maybe reconnect with Helen Chenabout Healthcare

#4 Ask TSC members, EAUG if any contact point from their Enterprise Business

#5 Kick-off a survey to get feedback about interest and use cases

Meeting Minutes (LFN Event) - 2/2/2021

Meeting Minutes - 2/17/2021 

Meeting Minutes - 3/3/2021 

Meeting Minutes - 3/17/2021 @7am PST

Meeting Minutes - 3/31/2021 @7am PST 


Meeting Minutes - 4/14/2021 @7am PST 

Welcome and Introduction Neil Hoff, NIWC PAC 

Super Blueprint and 2021 Roadmap, including slicing Amar Kapadia, Linux Foundation 

OPS-5G Technical Area 3 (SABRES) – Secure Slicing Dr. Erik Kline, USC/ISI 

MAGMA - Target release for network slicing and timeline for requirements development Amar Padmanabhan, Facebook 

ONAP - How network slicing will be orchestrated by ONAP Swaminathan Seetharaman, Wipro 

OUSD(R&E) comments / discussion

Key take away: Align people on "what it is a Slice" terminology

3 options:

#1 Create a dedicated controller via SDNC and handle Magma GW like any other device

#2 Have an adapter for the magma in ONAP Service Orchestrator and use it as a resource orchestrator for the specific jobs.   Disadvantage: create something specific

#3 5G PNF Plug & Play and consider Magma GW as a PNF?

    Current proposal: Avoid to create something specific but re-use what it is already developed in ONAP (SO/SDNC/SDNR) and orchestrate directly the Magma GW via gRPC

            Need to understand what it is behing the Magma GW and explore if there  is a possibility to interact directly with the devices? Maybe not acceptable

            Advantage: full re-use of the current E2E Network slicing capabilties developed in ONAP - 5G Super Blueprint_ONAP_Magma proposal (V1)

            Other Info:

Magma Core Orch is decsribed here

Meeting Minutes - 4/28/2021 @7am PST 

With ref. to the roadmap for CSMF, there is nothing planned for Istanbul release. Anything beyond it will depend on the interest from use case contributors and/or community.

A few points which came up in our earlier discussions include the following. However, none of them have progressed further since then.

#1 Control Loop actions at Communication Service (e.g., eMBB) level (service assurance) which will be driven by CSMF. This could result in slice-level reconfigurations, or even re-mapping of the service to a different slice instance.

#2 Having different service priorities, e.g., resulting in pre-emption (when needed) during service fulfilment and during operation, for services having a higher priority

#1 Review the 4 ONAP/Magma action items identified on 4/14/2021 - Feedback from Amar Kapadia, Prabhjot Singh Sethi (
Magma Controller REST Interface - magma | 1.0.0 | karthiksubraveti | SwaggerHub

        Magma Controller = orc8R = magma/orc8r at master · magma/magma · GitHub

        Doc web site: Introduction · Magma Documentation

        There is no Magma GW documentation at this stage

Magma GW = to be considered as CNF (by June 2021); currently available as PNF/VNF

Magma Controller= CNF

#2 Currently the goal is to interact with the Magma Controller as a first step directly.

     As part of the roadmap, we should also investigate if there is a way to interact directly with the Magma GW (reduce 1 overhead layer between Magma/ONAP)

     Additional information are required about Magma Controller to finalize the right architecture.

#3 Currently the scaling of GW is manual (sad)  and triggered by the user.

     Magma Controller is also manual so both (Controller/Magma) can be orchestrated via ONAP

     Opportunity for ONAP  to automate the scaling of Magma GW (Control Loop)

#4 Can we conclude Magma is an EMS (Element Management System)? YES

#5 5G Blueprint based on Guilin/Honolulu? Magma release is scheduled by June 2021 therefore let's consider ONAP Honolulu release

#6 Is there any Security Magma requirement? based on HTTPS, Mesh? Not yet available.

     Currently used DockerCompose, next step will be used Helm v3.0.

#7 Any information about Magma packaging, modeling requirement?

Recommendations: TOSCA descriptor pointing to HELM (in alignment with ETSI specs

Meeting Minutes - 5/12/2021 @7am PST will submit a proposal - details will be defined later with the Task Force. Key Speakers (TBC): Byung-Woo JunPrabhjot Singh Sethi.

Agenda - 5/26/2021 @7am PST 

Action Items (In Progress)

Action Item (Closed)