Agenda Items

AAI developers session info: <insert here>


Venkata Harish Kajur

William Reehil

Eric Santos

rodrigo lima

@Mohammad (Yoppworks)


Igor Dysko



Raised By


1Honolulu StatusWilliam ReehilSparky Documentation notes, good to close rc1
2Istanbul StatusWilliam Reehil

Brief discussion on current status and what we are targeting

3Integration Tests (Gatling delivered to Gating) delivered by Yoppworksrodrigo limaScripts written in Gatling for multi-tenancy for resources and traversal, they would like to upstream what they have for integration tests in Istanbul. Need to understand how the use cases integration tests are stored in git and added to gating. William Reehilwill reach out to Morgan Richomme via email to discuss and loop in the yoppworks folks.