
Feedback to Projects Congratulations to AAI, CLAMP, DCAE, DMaaP, EXTAPI, Mutlicloud, OOF, Policy, Portal, UUI, VVP, VID !!!
- 6 Delivered - Waiting for Integration Team to confirm artifacts well received (Modeling, VFC and SNFSDK)
- 2 Submitted - Waiting for OOM Team to merge Helm charts (CCSDK/SDNC)
- 6 In progress - Fixing issues and releasing containers (MSB, SDC, SO, Holmes and CLI)
Nov 4th: 77%
Nov 5th: 83%
Nov 9: 88%

Feedback to Projects -
Oct 7 - 33% complete.
Oct 11 - 65% complete / Congratulations CCSDK, Modeling, SDNC, SDC, UUI, VNFREQ, VVP
Oct 12 - 83%
Oct 16th - 95%
Oct 21st-98.6%

M4 Feedback to Projects (9/23) - 98%
Sept 17 ( 94% complete) - Congratulations to CLI, SDNC
Sept 16 (90% complete) - Congratulations to DCAE, Holmes, Portal, SDC, UUI, VID
Sept 10 (82% complete) -
Sept 9 (77% complete) - Congratulations to CLAMP, CCSDK, EXTAPI, Modeling, OOF, Policy, VFC for meeting M4 milestone requirements
Integration - How can we help?
MSB- Security Issue

M2/3 Feedback to Projects (8/11) - 97% Completion
8/6 - Congratulations to CLAMP, CCSDK, Holmes, SDNC
8/11 -Congratulations to AAI, CLI, DCAE, DMaaP, ExtAPI, OOF, Multicloud, Policy, Portal, SDC, SO, VNFSDK

M1 Feedback to Projects (7/16) - 100% Completion
Congratulations to AAI, CLAMP, CLI, CCSDK, DCAE, DMaaP, DOC, ExternalAPI, Holmes, Integration, Modeling, MSB, Mutli-Cloud, SDNC, OOM, OOF, POLICY, PORTAL, SDC, SO, UUI, VNFREQS, VVP, VFC, VID, VNFSDK
June 19 - M1 release management issues published
July 9 - APPC, MUSIC and Logging/Pomba, ESR, AAF are no more part of any ONAP release. These are moving under maintenance