According to ONAP R8 Release requirement input LINK
Reporting on the R8 release to the TSC will begin nnn, so the deadline for the input of high level requirement will be M0: DATE 2020.
Prioritize & Finalize:
before M1: DATE 2020 , the requirement will be finalized.
There are other 5 categories of high level requirement,
The first category is that those requirement will be documented only in R8 release
the second category will document the current implementation in those projects.
Other two categories like lower priority and experimental will not be included in the release 3, the contributor will work with best effort to influence future release.
Owners of each requirement needs to coordinate the modeling spec commitment and code commitment with PTLs of impacted project.
Below High Level Requirements have been agreed by modeling subcommitee with code commitment promise to Honolulu release, modeling subcommittee request related to projects to approve those related submission.
Category 1) will be implemented in the R8 release
Modeling Domain | Modeling Requirement | Modeling Requirement Description | Impacted Projects | Use Case Relevance | Modeling Spec Commitment | Code Commitment | Provider Priority | Mapping to M1 requirement | Owner | Use Case Owner |
A&AI Schema DM | Place Model | Uses the Place Information Model to associate instance of it to PNF in AAI | SO (AssignpnfBB) | R8 PNF Plug and Play Use Case | Benjamin Cheung | damian.nowak | This is the REQ Jira for the R8 PNF Plug and Play Use Case. | Benjamin Cheung | ||
Resource IM/DM | ETSI VNF Model | Support mapping of ETSI NFV SOL001 v3.3.1 VNF Descriptor + CNF enhancements from IFA011 v4.1.1 into AID DM | SDC, SO | Fernando Oliveira | Byung-Woo Jun | |||||
Service IM/DM | E2E Network Slicing – Enhanced solution of 3 domain network combination |
| OOF, SO, AAI, SDN-C | @LIN MENG | guochuyi | @LIN MENG | ||||
Service IM | Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) Model | Modeling work for CPS | Modeling | Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) for R8 Honolulu | Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] | (may have S/W impact / implementation - may move to Category 1) | Overview Slides: ConfigurationPersistenceSvcDDF_202010Oc15v12.pdf Potential Impacts to SDC and affects associated Use cases that use CPS such as E2E Network Slicing and OOF SON use cases.
| Toine Siebelink | ||
Resource IM/DM | Update Slicing Model for ANFD | modeling work for ANFD related | Modeling | R8 E2E Network Slicing use case | ||||||
Modeling Domain | Modeling Requirement | Modeling Requirement Description | Impacted Projects | Use Case Relevance | Modeling Spec Commitment | Code Commitment | Provider Priority | Mapping to M1 requirement | Owner | Use Case Contact |
Service IM | 5G Service Model | Modeling work for creating a 5G Service | Modeling | R8 5G Service Modeling | Benjamin Cheung | Documentation Only | Benjamin Cheung | |||
Resource IM | 5G Resource Model | Resource Modeling Work to support a live 5G PNF | Modeling | R8 5G Service Modeling | Benjamin Cheung | Documentation Only | Architecture Review completed. Meetings scheduled monthly at 5G - Use Case Realization Calls | Benjamin Cheung | ||
Resource IM | Model update for StndDefined VES | Update VES7.2 in Papyrus | Modeling | R8 ONAP/3GPP & O-RAN Alignment: Standard Defined VES | Benjamin Cheung | Documentation Only | Benjamin Cheung | Marge Hillis | ||
Resource IM | Abstract Topology Modeling | Begin development of an Abstract Topology Model | Modeling | ONAP / O-RAN Alignment | Documentation Only | Martin Skorupski | ||||
Modeling Domain | Modeling Requirement | Modeling Requirement Description | Impacted Projects | Use Case Relevance | Modeling Spec Commitment | Code Commitment | Provider Priority | Mapping to M1 requirement | Owner |
Common | Policy model | Update policy model based on implementation of policy project | Documentation Only | guochuyi |
Below tables are not downgrade, but Guilin won't make it
Modeling Domain | Modeling Requirement | Modeling Requirement Description | Impacted Projects | Use Case Relevance | Modeling Spec Commitment | Code Commitment | Provider Priority | JIRA Link | Owner |
Modeling Domain | Modeling Requirement | Modeling Requirement Description | Impacted Projects | Use Case Relevance | Modeling Spec Commitment | Code Commitment | Provider Priority | JIRA Link | Owner |
IM / DM | (in R8 Istanbul release) Vertical Industry Use Case will investigate E2E NS & CPS modeling interactions | Vertical Industry Use Case | Proof of Concept in R8 | PoC | Cheng Huang | ||||
Requirements can be based on:
Some concepts may be complex enough, if we wait for the release / project requirement, we will be too late to properly develop the concept.