Project Status in Guilin Release
Guilin Impact View per Component
Guilin release - non-functional requirements proposed list
Agenda :
ETSI NFV Demo - Gareth, Waqas, Andrew, Mukesh, Byung Woo (continuation of the previous session)
SO 1.7.1 issues and resolution.
5G slicing updates ? (Milind / Sanchita)
next week:
Ericsson SO NFVO PoC demo
Modify Configuration, Milind
Guilin Release:
SOL-002 Adapter will be deprecated for Guilin the changes will be merged to the Frankfurt release and retained there. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti - Done
SO Istanbul Architecture Review - Done
Service Orchestrator Guilin Release M1 - Done
Elena - Appc Orchestrator future to be concluded as the Appc module is removed from ONAP (Guilin) scope.
Action :
Java 11 upgrade to be compiled and tested on the openJDK - To be completed before the M2 -
Action : Seshu to start the activity and take the help f the module owners on need basis.
Discuss with integration team of the gating - Seshu
- Closed : Resolution is to have the gating as part of teh verify jobs in future, Integration team is working with LFN on this.
Security based TSC P1 to discuss and confirm with seccom SMEs - Seshu and Ramesh
> Max to brief the details
> Components may use HTTP as server and client (API hanlder and SO monitoring) -
> Ingress from Nodeport (30225 and 30227 port based communication) -
Closed : Identification is closed as part of the REQ-364. Orange will support us on the initial impl and Ramesh (ATT), Byung (Ericsson) and Seshu to handle the specifics.
REQ-323 Vulnerability removal / addressing - (Seshu to check the accessibility of the page with Amy)
> Max to help of the details
Closed : Seshu handle this with the help os specific module owners, granting permissions to all is not possible at the moment.
All containers must run as non-root user discuss with Integration - Seshu to get the confirmation from Sylvain
Closed : The final glitch is corrected. We are ok on master.
REQ-380 | ONAP container repository (nexus) must not contain upstream docker images | Krzysztof Opasiak |
REQ-379 | ONAP projects must use only approved and verified base images for their containers |
Topics for Guilin (Master Branch)
Topic Java 11 upgrade : Arun (Huawei) is working on this. The first version of changes will be merged 29th July.
The basic push has been made necessary for the java 11 are pushed, they are being tested in the ATT lab (JDK 11.13??) internally at the present and the required changes would be merged as and when needed
The questions that needs to be addressed are
SO simulator package -
Action : Ramesh Parthasarathy to Dmitry and check and get back with an example for usage.
Docker compose Mukesh Paliwal
Older docker files to be updated
The Password removal from the OOM - AAF integration / Service mesh (AAA)...
Action Items from Jira :
Action : Seshu to create a new label to track the generic issues. - done
Meeting recording:
Frankfurt Release Integration Test Blocking Issues
Integration Weather Board for Frankfurt Release
ARC Service Orchestrator Component Description - Frankfurt
Issues open :