Meeting logistics: Tuesdays 14:00 UTC -

Meeting Agenda/Status

Housekeeping Items:

  1. This is the Last scheduled Review session for the ONAP Functional/Non-functional Requirements - Completion date: Guilin Release  M1 - Jul-09-2020
  2. ONAP Components Architecture reviews will begin next week - Completion date by M2/M3 Guilin Release
    1. The Latest Guilin Component Diagrams and the architecture reviews guidelines can be found here: ONAP Architecture Component Description - Guilin-R7

1- Guilin -R7 Architecture Reviews

Topic 1: Guilin-R7 ArchCom Review - REQ-387 - NRM Configuration enhancements in Guilin - Deferred

Topic 2: Guilin-R7 ArchCom Review, DOC-608, (AR-0036-R7-052020) DOC-608 (REQ-386) - Approved

2-General Architecture Items

  1. Open discussion on the best way to begin the review process not that most of the features have been reviewed and recommended by the Requirements Subcommittee.

3- Weekly Updates

    1. ONAP Architecture Documentation: a placeholder for a weekly status update (Weekly update     ) –

      Chaker, Seshu, Ciaran, Ben, Andy, Adrian and others

    2. Continue the discussion about te landing page for ONAP Docs

4- Last Minute Items, Open Discussion

5 - Current Release Arch Review Tracking - when available

ONAP-arch-reviews- tracking-r7-07-Jul-2020.xlsx

Meeting Minutes and Referenced Materials


Additional Architecture Review Requests have come in from the TSC   as cited by  reported by Benjamin Cheung

VID 843 needs Architecture Review

DMAAP-1147 needs Architecture Review

VVP-426 needs Architecture Review

VNFSDK-600 needs Architecture Review

CLI-276 needs Architecture Review

Recording: 2020-07-07 ArchCom Recording