For information about the functionality provided by the Acumos adapter and about the adapter's architecture, see this overview.
The Acumos adapter relies on the following external components:
Before installing the Acumos adapter, identify an Acumos instance that exposes the E5 interface and arrange with the administrator to set up access. Since E5 authenticates clients using a TLS certificate, you will need to obtain a certificate and register the subject information with the Acumos instance.
After setting up access, you should have:
The Acumos adapter will create Docker images that it needs to push to a registry. Typically registries allow pushing only to users who have authenticated with a user name and password. Some registries also require authentication from clients attempting to pull images. Before installing the Acumos adapter, you will need to identify (or deploy) a Docker registry and set up the necessary user name(s) and password(s).
After setting up access, you should have:
WARNING: Using a registry that requires authentication for pull operations requires an extra (and somewhat complicated) configuration step.
These instructions will deploy an instance of the Acumos adapter into the same Kubernetes cluster and namespace as the ONAP instance where DCAE and DCAE MOD are running. Therefore you will need to be able to direct Kubernetes and Helm commands to the ONAP instance. The simplest way to get this information is to get a "kubeconfig" file that contains the Kubernetes API address and credentials for the ONAP instance.
After setting up access, you should have:
These instructions assume that you are familiar with Helm and Kubernetes commands and can install the kubectl
and helm
executables on whatever machine you will be using for driving the installation process.
The Acumos adapter, running inside the ONAP Kubernetes cluster, will need access to the Acumos instance and the Docker registry. Depending on the exact network configurations, this may require setting up firewall rules at various points in the network(s) involved. Similarly, the machine you are using to drive the installation will need access to the ONAP instance.
The Acumos adapter is installed using Helm, with a Helm chart that's stored in the ONAP dcaegen2/platform
repository, in the adapter/acumos-deployment
) in the cloned repository.helm dep up
Create a YAML file containing information about the Docker registry and the Acumos instance that the adapter will use. The table below shows the properties that must be in this file.
Property Name | Description |
dockerUser | User name to be used by the adapter to push images to the Docker registry |
dockerPass | Password to be used by the adapter to push images to the Docker registry |
dockerTargetRegistry | Address of the Docker registry where the adapter will push images, in the format host_name:port |
acumosCert | The certificate information needed for the adapter to authenticate itself to the Acumos instance, in PEM format. The information contains the following elements, in this order:
Note that this property is a multi-line string in YAML. |
Here is an example of the file, with some sensitive information truncated or omitted.dockerUser: example-user
dockerPass: example-pass
acumosCert: |
(remainder of private key) -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
(remainder of client certificate) -----END CERTIFICATE-----
(remainder of intermediate CA certificate) -----END CERTIFICATE-----
helm install -n helm_release_name --namespace namespace_of_running_onap_instance -f /path/to/yaml_file/path/to/acumos_adapter_chart_directory
For example:
Helm release name: testadapt
Namespace of running ONAP instance: onap
helm install -n testadapt --namespace onap -f ~/acumos-adapter-demo/overrides.yaml .
The plugin needs the Docker pull credentials to pass to Kubernetes, so that Kubernetes can pull the Docker images created by the adapter. There are two steps:kubectl -n onap_namespace create secret docker-registry secret_name --docker-server=docker_registry_server --docker-username=docker_user --docker-password=docker_password
For example, using the Docker information from the example in step 3 above and the namespace from the example in step 4, and choosing the name testadapt-adapter-pull-secret
for the secret, the command would be:kubectl -n onap create secret docker-registry testadapt-adapter-pull-secret --docker-username=example-user --docker-password=example-pass
kubectl -n onap_namespace port-forward svc/consul-server-ui 8500:8500
where onap_namespace i
s the namespace where the ONAP instance is running."image_pull_secrets" : ["onap-docker-registry-key"],
"image_pull_secrets" : ["onap-docker-registry-key", "secret_name"],
where secret_name
is the name you gave to the image pull secret you created in step a.
The image below shows the update using the secret name from the example in step a.Deploying the Acumos adapter will create a set of Kubernetes resources: a Deployment, a Pod, an Ingress, a Service, a ConfigMap, and two Secrets. Use the standard kubectl get
commands to verify that they were created. The names of all of the resources except the Service will be prefixed with the Helm release name. The Service name will always be dcae-acumos-adapter
The examples below assume that the adapter was deployed into the onap
namespace, using a Helm release name of testadapt
$ kubectl -n onap get deployments | grep testadapt-
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter 1/1 1 1 3m26s
Note that depending on how far the adapter is in the startup process, the "1/1"
(indicating the number of ready instances/number of expected instances) might show "0/1".
$ kubectl -n onap get pods | grep testadapt-
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter-6544d59f7f-pnv6z 2/2 Running 0 4m23s
Note that depending on how far the adapter is in the startup process, the "2/2"
(indicating the number of ready containers/number of containers) might show "0/2"
or "1/2".
$ kubectl -n onap get ingress | grep testadapt-
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter-ingress * 80 5m2s
$ kubectl -n onap get service | grep acumos
dcae-acumos-adapter ClusterIP <none> 9000/TCP 6m16s
$ kubectl -n onap get configmap | grep testadapt-
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter-configmap 1 7m38s
$ kubectl -n onap get secret | grep testadapt-
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter-certs Opaque 1 8m12s
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter-docker Opaque 1 8m12s
The Helm chart for the adapter specifies Kubernetes readiness probe that checks if the adapter container is accepting TCP connections on the port used by its Web interface. To check the current state, use the kubectl get pods
For example:
$ kubectl -n onap get pods | grep testadapt-
testadapt-dcae-acumos-adapter-6544d59f7f-pnv6z 2/2 Running 0 4m23s
The output should show "2/2" (2 containers ready out of a total of 2 containers in the pod). The adapter may take several minutes to reach this state.
This step verifies that the adapter can connect to the Acumos instance and access the catalog(s) of models on the instance.
Open the DCAE MOD design tool (this normally is found at ingress_controller_address/nifi/
, where ingress_controller_address
is the FQDN or IP address of a Kubernetes node where an ingress controller is running.
From the "hamburger menu" on the upper right side of the design tool, select the Import item:
Select the Import Models... item. A dialog box will appear:
Enter the URL for your Acumos instance and press the Lookup button. This will cause the Acumos adapter to attempt to connect to the Acumos instance and retrieve any catalogs available on the Instance. If it can connect, a drop-down box listing the available catalgos will appear in the dialog, along with a button labeled Onboard.
Drop down the catalog listing and select a catalog. A list of "solutions" (models) will appear. The exact content of the catalog list will depend on what catalogs your Acumos instance makes available. Similarly, the set of solutions will depend on your Acumos instance. Select a catalog, select a solution, and select a revision. Here's an example (your Acumos instance probably will not have this exact content):
Press the Onboard button. The process may take up a few minutes, as the adapter will need to create a Docker image and push it to your configured repository. Eventually, you will see a pop-up message announcing success.
You can then drag a process element onto the screen and find the component that you just onboarded:
This verifies that the component has been onboarded and is available for use in a DCAE service design. You can also check your Docker repository to verify that the Docker image has been pushed there.