This page is being made available for groups to begin fleshing out discussion topics for the joint sub-committee meetings. Having a consolidated view will help the subcommittee chairs set the agenda for each session.
Topic | Requested by | Sub-C / Joint session | Duration (15 min blocks) | notes, links, PDFs |
Meeting Logistics | Joint | 15 | Start of session, September 26th, 2019 | |
Edge Co-Ordinator | Architecture Sub Committee/Independent | 2 hrs. | Please schedule on Sept. 26th, 2019 | |
Container Security for ONAP | Joint | 30 min | 26th in the afternoon | |
Kubernetes Security for ONAP | Joint | 30 min | 26th in the afternoon | |
ONAP security requirements | Samuli Kuusela | Joint | TBC | |
ONAP secure communication targets for Frankfurt | SECCOM | 60 min | Any time before 27th afternoon | |
ISTIO security discussion with status update from PoC | SECCOM | 60 min | ||
OJSI status update + target | Krzysztof Opasiak | Joint | 30 min | |
Nexus-IQ vs. Whitesoftware | Joint | 30 min | 26th in the afternoon | |
Static code analysis by Coverity Scan service: introduction & setup | Artem Naluzhnyy | Joint | 30 min | 26th or 27th before 3pm Target audience: PTLs (mainly) and devs |
AAF demo with certificates | Jonathan Gathman | Joint | 30 min | 26th in the afternoon |
Communication matrix | Natacha Mach | Joint | 30 min | 27th early afternoon |
Commonly found vulnerabilities – software composition analysis | Amy Zwarico | Joint | 30 min | 26th in the afternoon |
Status of node port removal | Krzysztof Opasiak | Joint | 30 min | all 26th or 27th till 3 PM |
Passwords removal from OOM helm chart | Krzysztof Opasiak | Joint | 40 min | all 26th or 27th till 3 PM |
What does it mean to get gold in CII Badging | Joint | 20 min | 26th or 27th in the afternoon | |
Frankfurt security goals review with the community | Joint | 30 min | 27th September? | |
Joint synch meeting with ODL on fixing upstream security vulnerabilities | Joint | 30 min | TBC | |
F2F Meeting with TSC Members (it is on top of our usual Thursday TSC call) | TSC Members | 30 mins | Thursday if possible | |
What can we improve or help as the ONAP TSC? | Joint | 30 mins x2 | 1 session on Thursday & 1 session on Friday | |
Control Loop G Release Requirements Planning | Joint | 120 mins | 26th - anytime | |
Controller Design Studio [CDS] Overview and Requirement Planning | Joint | 60 min | ||
Frankfurt Use cases/functional requirements presentation | Alla.Goldner | Joint | 120 min. | Thu afternoon or Fri |
ETSI ZSM - status and joint work with ONAP | Alla.Goldner (Klaus Marftiny, ETSI ZSM chair will present) | Joint | 60 min. | Thu afternoon or Fri |
vCPE TOSCA with HPA automated deployment demo | Joint | 30 mins | Thursday if possible | |
Joint Modeling/Use case subcommttee meeting about requirements | Joint | 1 hours | 3pm-4pm thursday or Friday | |
5G Slicing Model and Implementation in ONAP | Lingli Deng | Joint | 30 mins | |
CNF support in ONAP | Joint | 30 mins | Thursday if possible or Friday before 3 PM | |
TOSCA VNF compliance and validation testing on ONAP | Yan Yang | Joint | 30 mins | Thursday if possible |
EPC intelligent scaling with ONAP AI analysis | Joint | 20 mins | ||
OTT Application Oriented on-demand 5G Slice Service Provisioning by ONAP | Joint | 20 mins | ||
OVP in action | Joint | 20 mins | ||
AI Innovation with ONAP | Joint | 30 mins | ||
ONAP Managed Object (OmO) | Joint | 45 mins | ||
CLI for "ONAP Managed VNF" | ArchCom | 30 mins | ||
Config updates based on ONAP Topology changes for DCAE MS & DCAE deployment updates | Wen Shang | Joint | 45 mins | 26th or 27th in the afternoon |
ONAP VTP and TMF API team colloboration output | Joint | 30 mins | ||
Developing API documentation | Andy Mayer | Joint | 20 mins | |
ETSI-Alignment Task Force Update | Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) | Joint | 40 mins | |
ETSI NFV - ONAP collaboration outlook | Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) | Joint | 40 mins | Thursday before lunch |
Current and future SDC security improvements | Robert Bogacki | Joint | 30 min | all 26th or 27th till 3 PM |
CNTT/ONAP joint session | Interested TSC members | 1 hrs | Thursday afternoon requested - perhaps over lunch on Th? | |
xNF License Management and ONAP | Use Case SubC/anyone interested | 60 mins | LICENSING MANAGEMENT | |
NWM Community coordination:
| Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) | Arch, Modelling, UC, Control Loop | 40 min | |
PM initiation UC | Closed Loop Sub-committee + CLAMP, SDC and DCAE PTLs for a joint discussion. | 45 mins | Taking advantage of the F2F to jointly discuss some E2E Closed Loop aspects with Closed Loop Subcommittee, CLAMP, SDC and DCAE PTLs and experts, including: | |
Network Slicing proposal for Frankfurt | Use Case Sub-committee | 60 mins | 2019 Antwerp Meeting Proposals | |
API Fabric PoC Demo | Joint | 30 mins | Thursday or Friday first half | |
Integration Team Planning for Frankfurt | Integration | 45 mins | ||
ONAP DB consolidation | Architecture | 30 mins | There has been work over the last few releases to seperate out the database from a deployment perspective with the helm charts. As there is other data base conversations ongoing, it was thought to be a good idea to share there current state of seperating out the data bases. | |
Architecture Documentation | Architecture | 30 mins | Update on the status of the ONAP architecture documentation and next steps. | |
Discussion of ETSI Alignment | TSC | |||
Multi-domain Optical Services proposal for Frankfurt | Use-case subcommittee | 60 mins |