This page is being made available for groups to begin fleshing out discussion topics for the joint sub-committee meetings.  Having a consolidated view will help the subcommittee chairs set the agenda for each session.

Steering Committee Chairs: Please fill in the schedule here

TopicRequested bySub-C / Joint sessionDuration
(15 min blocks)
notes, links, PDFs
Meeting LogisticsJoint15

Start of session, September 26th, 2019

Edge Co-OrdinatorArchitecture Sub Committee/Independent2 hrs.Please schedule on Sept. 26th, 2019
Container Security for ONAPJoint30 min26th in the afternoon
Kubernetes Security for ONAPJoint30 min26th in the afternoon
ONAP security requirementsSamuli KuuselaJointTBC
ONAP secure communication targets for FrankfurtSECCOM 60 minAny time before 27th afternoon
ISTIO security discussion with status update from PoCSECCOM60 min
OJSI status update + targetKrzysztof OpasiakJoint30 min
Nexus-IQ vs. WhitesoftwareJoint30 min26th in the afternoon
Static code analysis by Coverity Scan service: introduction & setupArtem NaluzhnyyJoint30 min

26th or 27th before 3pm

Target audience: PTLs (mainly) and devs

AAF demo with certificatesJonathan GathmanJoint30 min26th in the afternoon
Communication matrixNatacha MachJoint30 min27th early afternoon
Commonly found vulnerabilities – software composition analysisAmy ZwaricoJoint30 min26th in the afternoon
Status of node port removalKrzysztof OpasiakJoint30 minall 26th or 27th till 3 PM
Passwords removal from OOM helm chartKrzysztof OpasiakJoint40 minall 26th or 27th till 3 PM
What does it mean to get gold in CII BadgingJoint20 min26th or 27th in the afternoon
Frankfurt security goals review with the communityJoint30 min27th September?

Joint synch meeting with ODL on fixing upstream security vulnerabilities

Joint30 minTBC

F2F Meeting with TSC Members

(it is on top of our usual Thursday TSC call)

              TSC Members            30 minsThursday if possible
What can we improve or help as the ONAP TSC?Joint           30 mins x21 session on Thursday & 1 session on Friday
Control Loop G Release Requirements PlanningJoint120 mins26th - anytime
Controller Design Studio [CDS] Overview  and Requirement Planning Joint60 min
Frankfurt Use cases/functional requirements presentationAlla.GoldnerJoint120 min.Thu afternoon or Fri
ETSI ZSM - status and joint work with ONAP

Alla.Goldner (Klaus Marftiny, ETSI ZSM chair will present)

Joint 60 min.Thu afternoon or Fri
vCPE TOSCA with HPA automated deployment demoJoint30 minsThursday if possible
Joint Modeling/Use case subcommttee meeting about requirementsJoint1 hours3pm-4pm thursday or Friday
5G Slicing Model and Implementation in ONAPLingli DengJoint30 mins
CNF support in ONAPJoint30 minsThursday if possible or Friday before 3 PM
TOSCA VNF compliance and validation testing on ONAPYan YangJoint30 minsThursday if possible
EPC intelligent scaling with ONAP  AI analysisJoint20 mins
OTT Application Oriented on-demand 5G Slice Service Provisioning by ONAPJoint20 mins
OVP in actionJoint20 mins
AI Innovation with ONAPJoint30 mins
ONAP Managed Object (OmO)Joint45 mins
CLI for "ONAP Managed VNF"ArchCom30 mins
Config updates based on ONAP Topology changes for DCAE MS & DCAE deployment updates

Vijay Kumar

Wen Shang

Joint45 mins26th or 27th in the afternoon
ONAP VTP and TMF API  team colloboration outputJoint30 mins
Developing API documentationAndy MayerJoint20 mins
ETSI-Alignment Task Force UpdateMagnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed)Joint40 mins
 ETSI NFV - ONAP collaboration outlook Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) Joint40 mins Thursday before lunch
Current and future SDC security improvementsRobert BogackiJoint30 minall 26th or 27th till 3 PM
CNTT/ONAP joint sessionInterested TSC members1 hrsThursday afternoon requested - perhaps over lunch on Th?
xNF License Management and ONAPUse Case SubC/anyone interested60 minsLICENSING MANAGEMENT

NWM Community coordination:

  • 3GPP SA5
  • TM Forum
Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed)Arch, Modelling, UC, Control Loop40 min
 PM initiation UC Closed Loop Sub-committee + CLAMP, SDC and DCAE PTLs for a joint discussion.45 mins

Taking advantage of the F2F to jointly discuss some E2E Closed Loop aspects with  Closed Loop Subcommittee, CLAMP, SDC and DCAE PTLs and experts, including:
1) Run time role of the Service and Resource definition/type identified  at design time
2) Dynamic support of the policy types in SDC and relation with TOSCA  descriptor
3) Closed Loop type modelling tool
4) multiple CL deployments, ms instance for multiple closed loop. 

Network Slicing proposal for FrankfurtUse Case Sub-committee60 mins2019 Antwerp Meeting Proposals
API Fabric PoC Demo Joint30 minsThursday or Friday first half
Integration Team Planning for FrankfurtIntegration45 mins
ONAP DB consolidation Architecture 30 mins There has been work over the last few releases to seperate out the database from a deployment perspective with the helm charts.  As there is other data base conversations ongoing, it was thought to be a good idea to share there current state of seperating out the data bases. 
Architecture Documentation Architecture30 minsUpdate on the status of the ONAP architecture documentation and next steps.
Discussion of ETSI AlignmentTSC

Multi-domain Optical Services proposal for FrankfurtUse-case subcommittee60 mins