Early Drop testing will focus on automated testing via robot and other test scripts. We will not have 100% coverage but should have enough sanity testing to confirm the changes for El Alto have not created breakage.
For 2019-08-01 - ONLY Completed items should be green.
# | Use Case Functional Requirement Nonfunctional Requirement | Test Cases | Lab | Integration Test Lead | Status (remaining days of effort) | Video URL | Detailed Test Status | Quick Notes |
1 | Model Driven Control Loop Design | (vDNS is part of scale out use case below #10) | Intel / Windriver | Onboard - PASS Instantiate - PASS (dublin SO) closedloop - pending APPC/AAF patch | ||||
2 | Use Case: Residential Broadband vCPE (Approved) | vCPE Integration Test Case | Intel / Windriver | Onboard & Instantiate Infra - PASS vBNG - PASS vGMUX -PASS vBRG - PASS RestCustService - PASS Closed Loop: Pending | Dublin SO vcpe.py infra succeeds distributevCPEResCust | |||
3 | vCPE with TOSCA | vCPE(tosca) with HPA - Integration test cases | Intel / Windriver | Unlikely | ||||
4 | 5G - Realtime PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection | 5G - Real Time PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection - Integration Test Cases | Intel / Windriver | Planned (hv-ves ete script) | ||||
5 | 5G - PNF PnP | 5G - PNF PnP - Integration Test Cases | Intel / Windriver | Planned Heat and Tosca | ||||
6 | 5G - Bulk PM | 5G - Bulk PM - Test Status | Intel / Windriver SB-02 | CSIT - Automated Test - PASS | https://jenkins.onap.org/view/CSIT/job/usecases-master-csit-5G-bulkpm/ | |||
7 | 5G - Configuration with NETCONF | 5G - PNF Configuration via Netconf - Test Status | Intel/ Windriver | Planned Will run automation test for configuration-via-netconf after changing image versions of El-Alto release With PnP+Conf-over-Netconf manual testing is planned | ||||
8 | 5G - Preonboarding/Onboarding - Test Status | Intel / Windriver | PNF Preonboarding (VNF SDK): PNF Onboarding (SDC): | Planned | ||||
9 | 5G - OOF and PCI | 5G - OOF and PCI - Integration Test Cases | Windriver | N/A | No automation done yet, and not planned for El Alto. We will be doing some manual tests. | |||
10 | Scale Out | Scale Out - Integration Test Cases and Status (vLB) | Intel / Windriver | Scale out with manual trigger and preload works. Planned test for closed-loop-based scale out | Closed-loop-based scale out test waiting for: CDS installation procedure to be completed CLAMP to onboard new GUI (not a blocker) | |||
11 | CCVPN | CCVPN Integration Test Cases | CMCC | Hardware required not known if in ED testing scope | ||||
12 | HPA vFW/vDNS | vFW/vDNS HPA Testing(Test Plan 1 inHPA & Cloud Agnostic Intent - R3 Test Plan) | Intel / Windriver | Planned | ||||
13 | Change Management - Flexible Designer & Orchestrator | Steps: 1) Designing custom workflows with Workflow Designer 2) Distributing custom workflows to SO 3) Deploying the custom workflow in SO 4) Sending workflow metadata to VID 5) Triggering custom workflow execution from VID 6) Executing custom workflows in SO | Intel / Windriver | Most likely | ||||
14 | Steps: 1) Creating VNF profile using CDT 2) Designing custom workflows with Workflow Designer 3) Distributing custom workflows to SO 4) Deploying the custom workflow in SO 5) Sending workflow metadata to VID 6) Triggering custom workflow execution from VID 7) Executing custom workflows in SO | Intel / Windriver | Brian to follow Lukasz Onboard - PASS Instantiate - PASS (Dublin SO) ClosedLoop - Pending APPC / AAF Patch | |||||
15 | Change Management - 5G PNG Software Upgrade | Change Management - 5G PNF Software Upgrade Integration Test Status | Intel / Windriver | unlikely | ||||
16 | Change Management - Schedule Optimization | Intel / Windriver | unlikely | |||||
17 | BBS Broadband Service Use Case (Dublin) | BBS Use Case Tracking (Dublin Release)#Testing | BBS Swisscom Lab | Requires Swisscom Lab | ||||
18 | VSP Compliance Check within SDC (Dublin) - Phase 1 | VSP Compliance Check within SDC - Integration Test Plan | Vodafone | |||||
19 | K8S based Cloud Region Support - vFW Use case | Deploy vFW Helm Chart using Multicloud K8s Plugin in Kubernetes Cloud | intel / Windriver | |||||
20 | K8S based Cloud Region Support - EdgeXFoundry Use case | Deploy EdgeXFoundry Helm Chart using Multicloud K8s Plugin in Kubernetes Cloud | Intel/ Windriver | |||||
21 | 5G: Network Slicing Modeling | Amdocs | ||||||
25 | Improve our E2E Process Automation | Planned Abdel with automated robot | ||||||
30 | SOL 004 (VNF Package Security) | 5G - Preonboarding/Onboarding - Test Status | Ericsson, Intel / Windriver | Possibly with PNF pre-onboarding | ||||
31 | xNF communication security enhancements. | xNF communication security enhancements - Tests Description and Status | Planned to add CSIT | |||||
34 | HPA vIPsec | vIPsec HPA testing | Intel / Windriver | Planned | ||||
35 | Health Checks for PODS | Percentage coverage of Health Checks for Running PODS | Integration | |||||
36 | New Installation Tests in 3 labs | |||||||
Intel/Windriver | Planned | |||||||
Orange | Planned | |||||||
Ericsson Lab | Andrew Fenner | Planned | ||||||
OWL ? | Brian to to talk to Tracy | |||||||
Robot Keyword Testing | ||||||||
init_robot | PASS | |||||||
init | PASS | |||||||
health | PASS | See below | ||||||
eteHelm-k8.sh | 46/49 PASS - release | Basic APPC Health Check | FAIL | Basic CLAMP Health Check | FAIL | Basic OOF-CMSO Health Check | FAIL | | ||||||
healthdist | PASS (dublin SO) | |||||||
instantiateVFWCL | PASS (dublin SO) | |||||||
instantiateVFWDT | PASS (dublin SO) | |||||||
distributeVCPEResCust | PASS | |||||||
sdc-dcae-d | PASS | |||||||
vcpe.py | init : PASS infra: PASS brg: customer: loop: |
SB-00 - oom-staging for testing 43/49 working. up to SDC model onboarding healthdist stage.
cassandra config issue for SDC - re-deploying SDC ; Cassandra tuning for windriver with multiple clients ?
integration-staging-daily - day of testing
integration-release-daily - day of testing
SB01/SB02 - shutdown for resources
Performance Infrastructure Tests (ORange) ?
Can we run them in Windriver once a week (weekend - a long suite of tests) - requires admin access
Openstack ?
Kuebernetes ? - smoke test ; full test
1. Get an account with admin access dedicated to this function/small team
2. vSwitch tests ?
3. OPNFV testing package
a. FUNCTest
b. shaker, vmtp, full templest , rally
c. vnf testing to confirm openstack heat engine / infrastructure
d. Demo ? next week 8/21 ?
Labs for Testing
Integration Team:
Integration-release-daily: this should be main lab for automated script testing
Integration-staging-daily: for patch testing in advance of updates to release-daily
Integration-SB00 - Main staging and our current most stable environement - hope to move work to SB04 by end of week.
Integration-SB04 - Main release testing for El Alto ED that needs to stay for a days for trouble shooting etc.
Orange to focus on oom:master release branch to push hard on getting that ready , now that everything planned has a release image in nexus3
Project Teams
Integration-Design (Available) : SDC model onboarding and distribution
Integration-Instantiation (In Progress) : VID instantiate to VNF deployed - DEFERRED
Integration-ClosedLoop (Available) : VNF already instantiated. DCAE, Policy, AAI, APPC,SDNC flows