Authors: Ben Cheung , Michela Bevilacqua
, Zu Qiang
In Casablanca Release, the PnP Use Case covered :
- PNF Definition at Design Time
- PNF Instantiation in ONAP at Run Time
In Casablanca Release, the PnP Use Case did not cover the PNF Onboarding, the Onboarding process of a Vendor PNF archive including a PNF descriptor and a set of Artifacts.
This is the scope (what is agreed to be delivered) in Dublin for this Use Case. A vendor provided PNF package/ file archive shall be pre-onboarded in ONAP
Introduce PNF package support in ONAP for 5G and other use cases.
Proposed new UCs in Dublin :
Reference Presentation provided to 5G UC meeting (Nov 15th, 2018): ONAP Dublin_PNFOnboarding.pptx
The pre-onboarding step is optional and it can be used to verify the PNF package/Archive format by VNF SDK tools
Use Case Notes
A vendor provided PNF package/file archive can be on-boarded in ONAP. The onboarding step is mandatory to onboard artifacts and descriptor provided by the vendor.
Use Case Notes
PNF Archive can be onboarded through ONAP
This section describes Business Drivers needs.
Executive Summary - Pre-onboarding & onboarding is used to "upload" a vendor's PNF onboarding package which contains the descriptor and artifacts for the PNF. (VNFs are handled with a different wiki)
Business Impact - Pre-onboarding & onboarding is a business imperative because it is vital because ONAP needs to be able to "load" PNF descriptor and artifacts which define the PNF capabilities and functionalities.
Business Markets - Applies to PNFs within a service operator's network. Applies to all markets that might use PNFs including Wireless, wireless, optical.
Funding/Financial Impacts - This use case can potentially save a large amount of OPEX because there is a lot of time associated with manually onboarding a PNF which would have to be done if this use case were not implemented.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
Descriptor, Artifacts and Package Delivery | PNF Package Pre-onboarding | ONAP onboarding process, PNF Package onboarding | ONAP Design Time activities | ONAP Run Time activities | |
WHEN | PNF delivery time | Pre-Onboarding activities | Onboarding Activities | ONAP Design Time Activities | ONAP Run Time |
WHO | Vendor | Technology Specialist | Technology Specialist Asset Manager | Service Designer Operations Specialist | Operations Specialist |
WHAT | Descriptor, Artifacts and Package delivery | PNF Package NF validation Activities | PNF Package, PNF Descriptor PNF Onboarding SDC Meta-data added (vendor onboarded CSAR to SDC onboarded CSAR) | ONAP Common Information Model SDC Data Model 5G Service Definition Service Design SDC Model mapping | 5G Service Instantiation PNF Instance A&AI PNF Instance |
ETSI NFV reference | SOL001 PNFD SOL004 Package | ETSI SOL004 Package | ETSI SOL001 PNFD, SOL004 Package | - |
(1) Package Delivery | Producing and collecting NF artifacts for a NF package. Vendor provided. Dublin Priorities are the artifacts & descriptor files of the PNF package. These include: 1. PNFD, 2. NF Registration YAML File (for VES event definition), 3. PM Dictionary & Schema. | PNF Onboarding Package |
(2) PNF Pre-Onboarding | VNF SDK: Enhance VNF-SDK to be able to validate (optionally) the on-boarding PNF package. Optionally, create a PNF onboarding package through VNF-SDK. VNF-SDK can: [1] (optionally) Create a PNF package. VNF-SDK optionally can extend a package and provide as output a new onboarding PNF package the SDC will use. Package, output of the VNF SDK (as optional step) must be compliant and aligned to the PNF package onboarding format provided by the vendor as both can be used as input to SDC for the ONAP onboarding package. [2] (optionally) Validate a PNF package. Validate the package according to available VES specifications and onboarding package structure. SDC/CDS: Load PNF model & Controller blue-print for PNF orchestration and Network communication. Before R3/Casalanca a Preload interim solution was used for Network Assignments. | VNF SDK validates PNF onboarding Package |
(3) PNF Onboarding | In PNF Onboarding, SDC takes the PNF vendor-provided package and adds meta-data content and recomposes a new CSAR into the SDC expected directory structure format. It copies the PNF vendor-provided PNF onboarded package and put it into a vendor-provided directory. Onboarding the Package: SDC Enhancements need to be made to onboard the PNF Package and enter into the SDC Catalog The CSAR package provided by SDC as output of the onboarding process. This work will include the PNF artifacts into CSAR package. | SDC CSAR Package of PNF Onboarded Package (CSAR) |
(4) Design Time Activities (SDC) | Design time activities occur where an operator and define services. A Service is defined, and a new CSAR package is produced with service-related artifacts associated with outputs of SDC ready for distribution to other ONAP run-time components. | SDC CSAR (output) |
(5) ONAP RT Component Ingestion of CSAR package & PNF Onboarding package artifacts | Proper Distribution & Reception of SDC CSAR: The SDC CSAR package is distributed by SDC to ONAP Run-Time Components. Chances need to be made to verify the reception of the CSAR and use of the CSAR by the Components. We need to insure that the distribution of PNF artifacts does not break the ONAP platform components. (for example SO looked for Heat Templates, which were only applicable for VNFs). Some ONAP RT assume that any package notification only have VNF artifacts. In practice, there is only the subscription of artifacts (listeners) and the distribution of the PNF package, we need to make sure this behaves correctly and that there are no errors. Pre-integration checks and validation that the distribution of PNF artifacts will not cause side effects. Want to insure that FM & PM artifacts are distributed properly. PM dictionary would be used in DCAE & PM Mapper. FM Meta Data is new, and from the start (what is new in Dublin) is that it is being used for both VNFs and PNF. | SDC CSAR (service artifacts from SDC) |
The following table gives an overview and summary of the ONAP RT Component Project impacts.
Service Design & Creation Project |
| Ofir Sonsino |
VNF SDK Project | PACKAGE VERIFICATION - PNF package format verification PNF PACKAGE FORMAT PACKAGE USAGE - Package for PNF Onboarding Package for use in VNF SDK | victor gao |
Modelling Subcommittee | PNFD MAPPING - Onboarded PNFD to platform PNFD mapping THis activity is traced as a sw implementation task in SDC but PNFD mapping will be discussed as part of the ONAP Resource Data Model. | |
VNF Requirements Project |
Project / PTL | JIRA | Description | Status |
| PTL notified (11/19 ) Code is ready for M4(11/04) | ||
| VNFSDK PTL notified (12/05) VNF SDK Model, Package notified (11/30) Scope planned for Dublin completed ...except from package security item: E2E work tracked in this Jira item: | ||
RESOURCE DATA MODEL | No JIRA ticket required, project can help to identify the mappings required in SDC in Dublin timeframe |
| PTL notified (11/26) |
| PTL notified (01/16) |
The following material is used during Dublin timeframe as input for discussion. It is subject to updates during Dublin timeframe. A final version will be available by Dublin signoff.
NF Descriptor | NF Descriptor Model | SDC Data Model | A&AI PNF Data model, PNF instance |
VES event registration file/ PM dictionary | artifact | SDC Catalog | Run time Catalog |
Informational Artifacts | artifact | SDC Catalog | Run time Catalog |
Configuration Models and Files, (including Ansible Playbooks) | artifact | SDC Catalog | Run time Catalog |
Multiple artifacts can be provided by a vendor in the Package. A list of the supported artifacts by ONAP will be finalized during Dublin timeframe.
Note about the picture: NF Registration stands for VES event registration file. Info model provided in the picture, just as example
The PNF Onboarding Package could contain the following things:
PNF Descriptor | PNF Descriptor. The PNFD is a model which describes the requirements and capabilities of the PNF. The ETSI SOL 001 specification also suggests a model that can be used for a PNFD. This could be a TOSCA definition of the PNF. MANDATORY |
NF Registration | Definition of VES Events. The NF Registration is defined by the VES Registration specification. You can read about the VES Event Listener here: Service: VES Event Listener 7.0.1 MANDATORY |
Licensing | NF Licensing information that needs to be included in the Package N/A for PNF |
Informational Artifacts | Informational artifacts include:
Configuration Files | Configuration Files related to the NF for configuration management OPTIONAL |
Ansible Playbooks | Ansible Playbooks to interact with NF. These are anticipated to be used with the communication of the NF controller to the NF. This can be seen in the PNF Plug and Play Wiki: 5G - PNF Plug and Play OPTIONAL |
The onboarding PNF Package must be defined as specified as ETSI SOL004v2.6.1 + NFV CR NFVSOL(18)000746r3
The package structure must be a CSAR with TOSCA-Metadata as specified in SOL004 section 4.1.2
The TOSCA.meta file keyname extension: SOL004 section
EXAMPLE of the TOSCA.meta
TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0CSAR-Version: 1.1Created-By: EricssonEntry-Definitions: Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.ymlETSI-Entry-Manifest: MainServiceTemplate.mfETSI-Entry-Change-Log: Artifacts/ChangeLog.txt
The PNF manifeat file must contains
EXAMPLE of the PNF manifeat file
metadata:pnfd_name: gNBpnfd_provider: Ericssonpnfd_archive_version:1.0pnfd_release_date_time:2018-12-03T08:44:00-05:00source: Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yamlsource: Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_2_5_1_types.yamlsource: Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_pnfd_2_5_1_types.yamlnon_mano_artifact_sets:onap_ves_events:source: Artifacts/Events/VES_registration.yamlonap_pm_dictionary:source: Artifacts/Measurements/PM_Dictionary.yamlonap_yang_module:source: Artifacts/Yang_module/Yang_module.yamlonap_ansible_playbooks:
source: Artifacts/Playbooks/playbook.yml
onap_others:source: Artifacts/scripts/install.shsource: Artifacts/Informational/user_guide.txtsource: Artifacts/Other/installation_guide.txtsource: Artifacts/Other/review_log.txt
The following diagram illustrates a basic PNF package and some suggested file structure and content in the directories.
The PNF package is expected to be a CSAR package with file extension .csar.
According to ETSI SOL004 v2.6.1 the onboarding package shall be signed. ETSI SOL004 provides two options:
Option 1 - One Digest for each components of the VNF package. The table of hashes is included in the manifest file, which is signed with the VNF provider private key. A signing certificate including the provider’s public key shall be included in the package.
Option 2 - The complete CSAR file shall be digitally signed with the provider private key. The provider delivers one zip file consisting of the CSAR file, a signature file and a certificate file that includes the VNF provider public key.
In Dublin release option 2 is going to be implemented in SDC.
VNF SDK is (optionally) responsible to validate the PNF package provided by the vendor.
VNF SDK can also be used (optionally) to create a PNF package.
Today, optionally, the VNF SDK is also able to provide
We expect the VNF SDK development to be able to reuse much of the functionality from VNF SDK, format delivery, processing are all the same except HEAT deployments templates are not used (as they do not apply to PNFs).
The VNF SDK will be used to VALIDATE the PNF Onboarding Package
It is possible for a user to bring in the PNF Onboarding Package (provided by a vendor) without the use of the PNF SDK tools.
Some of the NF artifacts are created by the SDC tool.
[INVESTIGATE] What are artifacts that SDC adds during the Onboarding process, looking at SDC supported artifact types, possibly VENDOR LICENSE and MODEL INVENTORY (are there others?)
#1: MANIFEST FILE (VNF SDK) vs FILE CHECK (Test only) | Verifies the MANIFEST file ( and checks that the defined directories of the PNF package against the manifest file. for example the manifest file might say a files should exist: "Measurements: source: Artifacts/Deployment/Measurements/PM_Dictionary.yaml", the VNF SDK would check that the file PM_Dictionary.yaml exists in the actual PNF package. (Confirmed that VNF-SDK supports already Feb 14, 2019). Bogumil Zebek There are two repositories: Java, Python. (investigate) ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT:
| R4 HIGH |
#2: TOSCA MetaFile LICENSE Term File Exists Check (VNF SDK) (Test Only) | VNF SDK will check a License Term File Check in the PNF package. TOSCA meta file points to a License. Just a check that the file exists no content check at all. Note: Related requirements standards from ETSI IFA011, SOL004 ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: QUESTION is the file is not there will the process abort or is a warning given? (Already Supported, VNF-SDK already supports this confirmed Feb 14, 2019) | R4 HIGH |
#3: TOSCA MetaFile CERTIFICATE Check (VNF SDK) (Test Only) | (Test only) CERTIFICATE check. In the PNF package it is expected that there will be MainServiceTemplate.cert. This is mentioned in the TOSCA MetaFile. For example, in the TOSCA MetaFile, it could be mentioned "Entry-Certificate: Artifacts/resource-gnodeb-template.cert". And VNF SDK would check to make sure that the resource-gnodeb-template.cert file exists in the mentioned directory, the Artifacts in this case. VNF SDK does not look inside this file. (Needs Investigation) SOL004 has option 1 (signing each artifact individually / individual digest) and option 2 (sign entire package). It would be nice if VNF SDK supported both Option 1 and Option 2. (Needs Investigation) VNF-SDK option 1/2 support still needs investigation (as of Feb 18, 2019). Need to clarify how to do the test. ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: QUESTION is the file is not there will the process abort or is a warning given? | R4 HIGH |
#4: SOL004 PNF TAGS | Check keywords. needs VNF SDK to check the PNF keywords. in the there are new tags:
and the file list and the NON ETSI MANO artifact tags public tags. These public tags are under the "non_mano_artifact_sets". This would be NEW development in VNF SDK. An example Manifest file is shown in this diagram: metadata:pnfd_name: gNBpnfd_provider: Ericssonpnfd_archive_version:1.0pnfd_release_date_time:2018-12-03T08:44:00-05:00source: Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yamlsource: Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_2_5_1_types.yamlsource: Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_pnfd_2_5_1_types.yamlnon_mano_artifact_sets:onap_ves_events:source: Artifacts/Events/VES_registration.yamlonap_pm_dictionary:source: Artifacts/Measurements/PM_Dictionary.yamlonap_yang_module:source: Artifacts/Yang_module/Yang_module.yamlonap_others:source: Artifacts/scripts/install.shsource: Artifacts/Informational/user_guide.txtsource: Artifacts/Other/installation_guide.txtsource: Artifacts/Other/review_log.txt which shows the use of some of these fields. ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: | R4 High |
#5: VALIDATION FOR META DATA CHECK (ETSI SOL004) | Following ETSI SOL004 Validation for Meta-Data file and Manufacturer file, this is the TOSCA.meta file that is part of the PNF Package. Both VNF SDK implementing only meta-data option, in the package there is a meta file. Check TOSCA.meta, while this file is not mandatory, when it is included that it follows the SOL004 standard (ETSI). We expect that "TOSCA-Meta-Version" and "CSAR-Version" and "Created by" are already supported, and new checks for "Entry definition, ETSI-Entry-manifest, ETSI-Entry-change-log" would be new VNF SDK development work (needs to be verified). TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0 CSAR-Version: 1.1 Created-By: Ericsson Entry-Definitions: Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yml ETSI-Entry-Manifest: ETSI-Entry-Change-Log: Artifacts/ChangeLog.txt VNF SDK does the check the TOSCA.meta file today, if a few keywords is there. ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: | R4 HIGH |
#6: PACKAGE SECURITY | Driven from SOL004: Option 1 (Supported in R4 Dublin): TOSCA.meta (exists) Meta-directory based, XML based approach. Option 2 (NOT support in R4 Dublin): CSAR without TOSCA.meta. Manifest (.mf) file that has everything (so the TOSCA.meta is redundant). Yaml-based approach. The Public Key a key to open the package. SOL004 Option 1, 2 and use key to open the package - X.509 certificates public key, private key to sign the package and private key correspond to the private key of the package also delivered with the package. a package, a signature, and public key certificate delivered together. There may be more than one signature. Option 1 there is a digest for every file. All of those digests are listed in the manifest file. The manifest file is signed, one signature on the manifest. One signature and one key/pair & 1 certificate. Still optional to sign other files. The signature is a file beside. myimage.iso but the same file/directory. Every file signed should have a signature files. CSAR file signed in a .sm file, package signature. The public key is signed can be signed by a root certificate. An X.509 certificate is a digital certificate that uses the widely accepted international X.509 public key infrastructure (PKI) standard to verify that a public key belongs to the user, computer or service identity contained within the certificate. (investigate) if VNF-SDK would like to use AAF as the CA. Can AAF perform the CA functions. To open the package need: (1) Public Key (to open the manifest file) (2) file input (3) certificate input. create a hash, the hash is verified against the signature. SHA-256 ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: | |
#7: PNF DESCRIPTOR | The descriptor. There is validation of the VNFD. PNF Descriptor: TOSCA descriptor, and validate the node type. Validation of TOSCA PNFD. Following TOSCA rules. Components required are there. (NEEDS INVESTIGATION) VNFSDK check the VNFD based on VNF requirements. ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: | R4 HIGH |
#8: PNF PACKAGE TESTING (Test Only) | Enhancement of Package Testing. A item to make sure that integration testing is performed and that VNF-SDK supports the functions as will be described in the Requirements work. Testing the package against the requirements (a user can enter a requirement#) VNF-RQTS project. It would be ideal if the PNF Package used by the VNF-SDK work is shared by the rest of the PNF preonboarding/onboarding development & integration. ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT: | R4 HIGH |
#F1: CREATE PACKAGE FUNCTION FOR PNF | The create package function creates the metadata files, and CSAR files. This needs to be modified to support SOL004. (NEEDS INVESTIGATION) [Low Priority] | R5 EL ALTO LOW PRI |
#F2: TOSCA Metafile License Content Check | SDC license model check. Potential ARTIFACTS: Vendor license model & agreement, features. VNF can have >1 features, entitlement pool, license key pools, actual keys. [Low Priority] PUSH TO R5 EL ALTO. | R5 EL ALTO LOW PRI |
the following diagram illustrates the VNF SDK work to check the new PNF tags in Task #4
The following diagram illustrates the VNF-SDK Task #5 check of the TOSCA Meta file Checks:
PNF Onboarding Package (vendor provided) is successfully loaded into ONAP.
In Dublin timeframe, the focus is the onboarding package mapping in the internal package and AID model.
SDC takes the Vendor provided package and adds some files or changes files and meta data according to SDC procedure.
The following is the SDC onboarding procedure
The following diagram shows the mapping from the Vendor-provided PNF onboarded package into the SDC Internal PNF Onboarding package.
For model info about the PNF onboarding package format and an example of the format refer to ONAP R4+ Onboarding PNF package format, non-MANO artifacts set definition and PNF package mapping
SDC is used to map the Vendor provided onboarding package & PNF descriptor into the Internal Package & Internal (Platform) Data Model
SDC Design Studio is then used to define a Service, and the output of that is a CSAR package which defines the Service.
Enhancements to SDC to take PNF Onboarding Package into the SDC Catalog
SDC distributes services
NF CSAR package includes the artifacts and information for the resources for a service.
There is one CSAR file which includes all of the definition for that service.
The work-flows are created by SDC DS.
DEFINITION: The licensing schema could vary and be dependent upon the service provider. Licensing schema is expected to be used to identify or authorize the existence a particular PNF into the network of the service provider. It might also be possible that multiple licenses are needed for different functions or authentication. It may also be important to provide a license during PNF Plug and Play. This implies that the Service Provider has defined a licensing schema or has licensing management software to manage licenses.
R4 DUBLIN: For Dublin, it is to be determined what will be done (maybe nothing). This is likely to be FUTURE work (El Alto and beyond)
Note: SDC adds files related to Licensing AFTER Onboarding.
Note: this might be able to refreshed yearly. And the file might be updated periodically. e.g. the xNF is properly orchestrated and then a year later the license expires. Artifacts associated w/ a xNF are static except the license file (or license certificate). License file renewal. Part of the recipe communicate w/ central license manager to obtain license to use for the xNF.
Note: In ETSI SOL the license key is not part of the package. The PNF package has a license term file (describes the terms of the license).
Note: (Feb 4) Model team said "this is still a work in Progress for R4" - Potential ARTIFACTS: Vendor license model & agreement, features. VNF can have >1 features, entitlement pool, license key pools, actual keys.
PNF UI (User Interface)
PM/FM (UI) User Interface.
Inclusion of PNF artifacts into CSAR package, and ingestion of CSAR package by ONAP Run-Time Components and verification of reception and use.
Before it was assumed that VNFs are distributed, in Dublin PNF artifacts are distributed. So for example SO looked for Heat Templates (which were only applicable for VNFs). We need to insure that the distribution of PNF artifacts does not break the ONAP platform components. Some ONAP RT assume that any package notification only have VNF artifacts. In practice, there is only the subscription of artifacts (listeners) and the distribution of the PNF package, we need to make sure this behaves correctly and that there are no errors. Pre-integration checks and validation that the distribution of PNF artifacts will not cause side effects. Want to insure that FM & PM artifacts are distributed properly. PM dictionary would be used in DCAE & PM Mapper. FM Meta Data is new, and from the start (what is new in Dublin) is that it is being used for both VNFs and PNF.
The NF Package is composed of Artifacts, Definitions, TOSCA-MetaData.
SDC CSAR Package Structure
SDC Support Artifacts:
SDC supported artifact types
This section describes the requirements that are to be updated & added
(This section under development)
CSAR structure | New requirements related to the CSAR structure for the PNF Onboarded package. Section 5.1.6, VNF CSAR requirements based on SOL004 based only for VNFs. Associated Tickets: |
PNFD Descriptor | New VNF-RQTS requirements related to the PNF Descriptor. The requirements describe the VNF-Descriptor and new updates need to be made to support PNF Descriptors. Associated Tickets: |
Onboarding Requirements | New VNF-RQTS onboarding requirements. In the document 7.2, xNF onboarding requirements but aren't clear what is needed. These requirements were copied from RFP but are outdated and some requirements are irrelevant, so in R4 for this use case, these requirements needs to be reviewed, updated, and revised. Associated Tickets: (TBD) |
E2E Test
Test per functionality:
Master Integration Test Page: Dublin Release Integration Testing Status
Summary Testing Status:
SDC1: PNF Package Format. | ## | |
SDC2: Package Mapping | ## | |
SDC3: PNFD Mapping | ## | |
SDC4: Artifact Management | ## | |
VNFSDK1: PNF Package Verification | ## | |
VNFSDK2: PNFD Model | ## |
Supporting documents related to PNF Onboarding
The following has the ETSI SOL standards for your convenience
ETSI SOL1 (PNF/VNF Descriptor) | |
ETSI SOL 4 (NF Package) | |
In ETSI SOL004 requires a "License.term", but it is still being defined & under discussion.
(this section will be updated when the standards have been finalized)
The following are mock-ups of the PNF Onboarding Artifacts
PNF Descriptor TOSCA | |
NF Registration (YAML) Defines records for NF events | |
Informational Artifacts | |
PNF CSAR (Onboarded) package (Dummy mockup) | |
PNF CSAR (Onboarded) package (Dummy mockup) |
Package | Slides |
PNF Onboarding Package | |
PNF Packaging Discussion | |
PNF Pre-Onboarding / Onboarding presentation for R4 Dublin DDF (Paris France) | |
PNF on-boarding progress |
The PNF Package requirements need to be developed, and the VNF Package Requirements can be used as a guideline for what a PNF might need.
VNF Packaging Requirements - The appropriate Requirements page is at:
Requirements Appendix:
SDC Repository
(Click on BRANCHES, on the "MASTER" row, click on gitweb, click on TREE in the top navigation row)
Path in SDC: