API for M3:
Flexible Designer / Orchestrator:
VID-SO Workflow Specifications AID:

VID-SO Instance Management AID:

Traffic Migration:
Traffic Distribution
R4 API Document
Change Management Schedule Optimizer:
New CMSO APIs in Dublin
5G RAN Software Upgrade:
Use Stories / JIRA
Flexible Designer / Orchestrator:

Traffic Migration:

Change Management Schedule Optimizer:

5G RAN Software Upgrade:

- E2E Workflow Designer/Orchestrator (Includes all existing Activities/BBs)
- Dependencies: SDC, SO, VID
- Contributors: Amdocs, AT&T
- Schedule Optimization with Automated Conflict Avoidance
- Dependencies: OOF, Policy, A&AI, SO
- CM Scheduling Dublin
- CM Execution based on conflict-free schedule Dublin
- Contributors: AT&T
- Traffic Migration Workflow
- Dependencies: OOF, SO, A&AI (Model Change deffered), APPC/SDNC, Policy (Stretch), SDC (Deffered)
- Contributors: Orange, AT&T
- How do we manage state (e.g., traffic distribution weights) as the TM operation is going on
- Other use case benefiting: Scale in/Scale out
- Functionality: Traffic Distribution Workflow Dublin Requirements.pptx (mainly slides 15, 16, 17 and 26)
- 5G PNF Software Upgrade
- Dependencies: SO, A&AI, SDNC, VID
- Contributors: Huawei, China Mobile, AT&T
- Functionality: 5G - PNF Software Update
- 5G - PNF SW Upgrade (Casablanca carry-over items)