1. Architecture Changes since Amsterdam

    1. As part of the SDC project, we are continuing our work to enhance our modelling capabilities.
    2. SDC is creating a generic framework to allow us to onboard new plugins which enhance our modelling capabilities. 
    3. This framework will be used as the basis for integrating the following plugins:
      1. DCAE-D designer which is responsible for creating the monitoring templates used by DCAE.
      2. Workflow designer which is responsible for creating BPMN workflows used in SO.
    4. Both components will be part of the SDC ecosystem as separate plugins which are integrated with us.
    5. SDC will be introducing a new ONAP-UI component library. The library will define a set of UI components that can be used across SDC components to create a single look and feel across all components.
      because the different application uses different UI framework the components are defined for angular and react.
  2. S3P Updates

    1. ![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/1629/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/1629)
    2. SDC as a Design-time application will fulfil the needed carrier-grade requirements.
    3. Support OOM based deployment in Beijing.
      We are rearranging the SDC deployment to allow a better deployment flow and a more K8-friendly way to check our docker status.
  3. DM Alignment

    1. According to the agreement for R2, SDC is going to change the current normative types added to support the VoLTE use case in R1 with an updated version,
      according to the agreement with the modelling subcommittee and their work on the new data model.
  4. API Updates

    1. SDC supports Swagger by generating a new Swagger file based on annotations in the code.
      the swagger is accessible using this instruction External API SWAGGER
    2. SDC distribution client SDK APIs are available as Java docs.
    3. SDC Tosca SDK APIs are available as Java docs.
  5. SDC internal architecture Beijing: