MSB(Microservices Bus) is an ONAP project that provides key infrastructure functionalities to support ONAP Microservice Architecture(OMSA), which includes:

Contributing to MSB

Getting Started: Start with Getting Involved to join the LF and set up your ONAP development environment.  MSB repos can be checked out using ONAP gerrit: MSB in ONAP Gerrit

Feedback: You can provide feedback on the onap-discuss list, sign up here: ONAP Discuss List

Bug reportsMSB Jira

Contributing to MSB: Instructions on how to set up Gerrit is here: Configuring Gerrit.  Please join the onap-discuss list or attend MSB's weekly meetings for information on how you can help. 

Development Policies, Standards, and Coding

Approved Project Proposal

Release Planning

Beijing Release

Amsterdam Release

Place for whatever the team needs