To Join:
- Introductions
- Review of Action Items
- Discuss Paris meeting
- Beijing Candidate features:
- Expand Scope to include Service Descriptor as well as VNF Descriptor
- Refine High Level Mindmap
- Define UML Information Model for VNF Descriptor and Service Descriptor
- Define new TOSCA Representation (build from OASIS effort)
- Analyze the SDC Info Model & HEAT Templates, and fill in VNF Descriptor gaps
- Add support for Event Descriptors
- Adjust for new Beijing End-End Use cases
- Inputs for VNF Descriptor Modeling – IFA011 2.3.1, TOSCA Simple YAML Profile 1.2 with ONAP NFV Profile 1.0 or TOSCA NFV Profile 1.0 WD5
- Inputs for Service Descriptor Modeling – IFA014 x.y.z, TOSCA Simple YAML Profile, with ONAP NFV Profile 1.0 or TOSCA NFV Profile 1.0 WD5, ONF Core Model, MEF, TMF SID
- Integration with ONAP Information Model
- Update from Andrei
- Descriptor Lifecycle / stages (Alex)
- Differentiate between Service Descriptor and Network Service Descriptor
- Differentiate between VNF Descriptor (design time) for On-Boarding and VNF Descriptor (run-time) for instantiation/orchestration
- Review OASIS Simple Profile v1.2
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