The following items are expected to be completed for the project to Pass the M4 Code Freeze Milestone.
M4 Release Code Freeze Milestone overview is available in wiki.
Practice Area | Checkpoint | Yes/No | Evidences | How to? |
Product Management | Have all JIRA Stories supporting the release use case been implemented? | By using the macro JIRA Issue/Filter, provide a link to JIRA in listing the stories that are implemented in Amsterdam Release. (Example | For each JIRA story that are implemented in Amsterdam Release, you have to setup in JIRA the JIRA fixVersion="Amsterdam Release" | |
List the Stories that will not be implemented in this current Release. | By using the macro JIRA Issue/Filter, provide a link to JIRA in listing the stories that are NOT implemented in Amsterdam Release. (Example | For each JIRA story that will not be implemented in Amsterdam Release, you have to setup in JIRA the JIRA fixVersion="Beijing Release" | ||
Are committed Sprint Backlog Stories been coded and marked as "Done" in Jira? | Provide Link to Project backlog | |||
Are all tasks associated with committed Sprint Backlog Stories been marked as "Done" in Jira? | ||||
Release Management | Have all issues pertaining to FOSS been addressed? | |||
Have all findings from previous milestones been addressed? | List previous milestone issues that have not been addressed. | For M2 and M3 Milestones, ensure all findings have been closed. | ||
Development | Are all Defects of priority Highest and High in status "Done" in Jira? | Provide link to JIRA issue (type bug) of priority Highest and High. | ||
Is there any binaries (jar, war, tar, gz, gzip, zip files) in Gerrit project repository? | Refer to CI Development Best Practices | |||
Is there any pending commit request older than 36 hours in Gerrit? | ||||
Are all the Jenkins jobs successfully passed (verify + merge jobs)? | Provide link to "Merge job" as evidence in Jenkins project tab | |||
Are all snapshot binaries available in Nexus? | Provide link to evidence | |||
Do you have a clear plan to implement the Independent Versioning and Release Process by RC0? | Contact the upstream teams to make sure they will release their artifacts (in Nexus Release repo) so you can build by depending on these released artifacts by RC0. | |||
Integration and Testing | Have 100% of Continuous System Integration Testing (CSIT) Use Cases been implemented successfully in Jenkins? | All jobs pertaining to your project MUST pass | ||
Is there a Docker images available for your project deliverable? | Provide link to Nexus repos | |||
Has the project code successfully passed the Daily Build process? | Goal is to ensure the latest project commit has not broken the Integration Daily Build | |||
Doc | Has the team created a documentation Template in ReadTheDocs? | Add a link toward the your project documention in ReadTheDocs. | Documentation Team is using ReadTheDocs for documenting user facing documentation. ReadTheDcos shall be considered as a starting pint for someone new withn ONAP. The ReadTheDcos is the ONAP Documentation facade visible to users. Link to Template | |
Is the API documentation section poplulated? | Link to evidence | Ensure there is at least a direct link toward the API documentation which may be already existing in the wiki. |