The exclusive purpose of this wiki page was to consolidate all TSC feedback during the original 30+ ONAP project creation reviews that occurred between June 8th and 9th 2107. 
It is retained for historical purposes only.

General Feedback for All Projects


Thank you for all your hard work.

As a general comment to all projects. Please be very clear on your scope. Identify on who the lead is and committers.

Committers need to be individuals who have knowledge of the code and have contributed to it. Also state whether

you plan to contribute seed code that you have and the maturity of that code. Risk assessment and clarity are critical

dimensions to TSC approvals.

(Phil Robb)

Similar to Mazin's comment, please choose your initial set of Committers carefully.  As a general rule, you should not have more committers than contributors.  Please refer to the email I sent on this topic for more information.

Also, for your committers in particular, make sure you provide their gerrit IDs.  The Linux Foundation Infrastructure Team will need this information to give them committer access rights within the build system.

Orchestration & Controllers

APPC Project Proposal (5/12/17

(Stephen Terrill)

(Zhaoxing Meng)

(Chris Donley CJD)

VF-C: Virtual Function Controller (5/16/17)



SDN-C (5/12/17)



Multi VIM/Cloud (5/11/17)


Scope: "should align with common controller framework" - any chance to be more specific as to what is being considered here.

(Lingli Deng)

(CJD) I'm confused about the closed loop remediation, as well.  

Service Orchestrator (5/14/17)

(Alla, Andrei)



ONAP Operations Manager (5/10/17)


(Jason Hunt)


Testing & Certification

(CJD) General comment for the three related projects (VNF Requirements, VNF SDK, and ICE):  These projects are closely related, and we worked to align the scopes.  The committers for each of the projects are different, which is one of the main reasons we made the split where we did.  VNF Requirements is creating requirements for VNF vendors (documentation), VNF SDK is producing tools (code), and ICE is producing the validation testing program (governance, etc.). The skillsets are different.

VNF Guidelines (Renamed as VNF Requirements)

(Lingli Deng)

I suppose it is now renamed as VNF Requirements, and hence the following comments goes to the proposal at:


(Alla, Andrei)

(Jason Hunt)

(Roberto Kung) 

(Lingli Deng)

(Ranny Haiby)

(Mazin Gilbert)

This comment is for both ICE (verification) and VNF-SDK. Please ensure there is no overlap in the functions. You should also discuss potential technology (tool) overlap.The two components need to work in a streamlined approach. Also connect with the SDC project to ensure both components intgerate into that architecture.

(Chris) We discussed this at length between the VNF SDK/ICE teams.  ICE/Verification will focus on the verification program.  VNF SDK will focus on the tools (including the ICE tools) and will align with SDC.  


(Alla, Andrei)

(Jason Hunt)

(Ranny Haiby)

(Lingli Deng)

(Mazin Gilbert)

Integration (5/11/2017)

Reference VNFs Project (now part of the Integration Project)Analysis

(Roberto kung)

we need to clarify how it works with OPNFV CI/CD or PF (should be easy as some actors Huawei/Orange/ATT … are in both). May be a big project (but it builds on OPEN-O experience, and on what will be brought by OpenLab)

Helen Chen: We are trying to leverage OPNFV lab space for ONAP R1 CI/CD testing, especially from developer point of view. In the longer term, we are looking for a more harmonic way to collaborate with them.

I agree that this project is big, but all aspects are tightly related. We have subgroup who are responsible and focusing on each category, and collaborate with the rest of Integration team.

(Ranny Haiby)

(Mazin Gilbert)


DCAE (5/11/17)

(Roberto Kung)


(Lingli Deng)

Holmes (5/11/17)-

(Roberto Kung)

Holmes should be looked with Clamp or/and Policy, mainly policy (with introduction of engines and so on). May be a split is needed (analytics – alarm aggregation, filtering, correlation in DCAE analytics microservices / policy design RCA in policy). May not be high priority for R1 (not needed for our use cases). But it is useful to show intents for following releases

(Lingli Deng)

Just to clarify, cross-layer fault correlation is in scope for VoLTE usecase for auto-healing.

(Mazin Gilbert)

Common Platform & Utilities

ONAP Extensibility (5/16/17)



Should be part of common platform umbrella project.

(Xinhui li)

This project targets to resolve an important problem in ONAP development and need cooperation with almost all projects. Need to define process/methodology/checkpoints to form and enforce the recommended patterns.

Authentication and Authorization Framework (5/16/17)



Should be part of common platform umbrella project  

(Xinhui Li)

Need to consider authentication federation with other parts like underlying OpenStack Cloud. Better if more company diversity.

Microservices Bus(5/12/17)



Should be part of common platform umbrella project  

(Jason Hunt)

(Xinhui li)

Clarifify the call flow with other related projects will help the overall design.

Common Controller Framework (5/12/17)



Should be part of common platform umbrella project  



Related to comment from Stephen. I see CCF as a part of either Common platform/Utilities or Common Controllers umbrella projects. regarding Common platform/Utilities, the common thing is that the code created by this project would be utilized be a different modules in order to support the same functionality of a different modules.

The other way looking on it is to unify it with the "Controllers" umbrella project, if we had such, however to me it doesn't look like it makes sense to create such an umbrella (i.e. I believe, for instance, that APPC, SDN-C etc. should run as a separate projects). 

(Xinhui Li)

This project seems to want to resolve code reuse problem among all the controllers. Need more clarification on the concrete scope. High level terms are listed in the scope section like Common health checks. Need to provide more fine-granularity design for more understanding of overlap with others. The list of dependencies with other open source projects need more explanation too.

DMaaP – Data movement as a platform (5/16/17)



Should be part of common platform umbrella project  

(Xinhui Li)

This project targets to provide data filtering/processing/transportation support by leverage other open sources. With the big scope, the team need to clarify what is the focus in R1. Also need seed code list and company diversity.

Modeling & Design

Note on this section:

The part under the names is comments received from the individuals.

Where it says "review comments" is the consolidated comments after discussion, following the criteria/skeleton proposed.

Modeling (5/11/17)


Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers:

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time:

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity:

Available seed code and maturity

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release

Alignment with use cases

Sound technical solution solving a real need.


(Alla, Andrei)


(Ranny Haiby)

(Review meeting)

CLAMP (5/11/17)

Review Comments:

 Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time:

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity:

Available seed code and maturity

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release

Alignment with use cases

Sound technical solution solving a real need.





Overlap with Holmes. Have that project intgerate with CLAMP.


From my understanding,  the main goal of CLAMP should be:

Design time:

Design close loops to connect the models and actions distributed in different components together, such as metrics definition in VNF model, data collection ? analytics in DCAE,  policy and vnf/ns lifecycle management in SO/VF-C/APP-C.

(Eden Rozin): Design close loops is part of the DCAE-D (i.e. DCAE Designer) module which is part of SDC; Close Loops (CLs) are attached to the Design Object (e.g. VNF, Services) and distributed to runtime components (DCAE).

Run time:

Present the status of the running close loops. 

However, from the description of the proposal, it seems that DCAE is responsible for the execution of close loop, I might be wrong at this, but it would be great if a high-level workflow diagram could be used to clarify how close loop is designed and enforced, as well as the interactions between the involved components such as SDC, DCAE, Policy, SO/VF-C/APP-C, etc.

Below is extracted from project proposal


The following interfaces will be implemented by other components but used for CLAMP.  Therefore, CLAMP has these as dependencies:

Query and update services in SDC

Query and update control loop templates in SDC (future not in R1)

Policy interfaces for creating/updating configuration and operational policies

DCAE interfaces for deploying/undeploying control loops

Runtime messaging interface between DCAE and Policy

Service Design & Creation (5/17/17)

Review summary:

Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time: Yes

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity: Yes

Available seed code and maturity: Yes

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release: Yes

Alignment with use cases: could be clarified better.

Sound technical solution solving a real need: Yes


(Alla, Andrei)



Active and Available Inventory (AAI) (5/11/17)

Review Comments:

Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

-ok, no

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time:

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity:

Available seed code and maturity

-ok, yes

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release

Alignment with use cases

Sound technical solution solving a real need.


Network Function Change Management Project Proposal (5/11/17)

Review Comments:

Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components:

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time:

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity:

-no, one company

Available seed code and maturity

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release

Alignment with use cases

Sound technical solution solving a real need.


External API Framework (5/15/17)

Review Comments:

Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time:

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity:

Available seed code and maturity

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release

Alignment with use cases

Sound technical solution solving a real need.


External System Register (5/14/17)

Review Comments:

Clarity of Scope:

Reasonable and Well defined Scope:

Identification of SW modules and APIs being developed and delivered to other components

Follow project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

Identification of dependences and assumptions on other components and open source


Intentional and unintentional overlap

overlap with external opensource efforts

Risk Management

Sufficient resources allocated to deliver on time:

At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity:

Available seed code and maturity

Relevance and prioritization

Alignment with merger release

Alignment with use cases

Sound technical solution solving a real need.



Policy Framework Project Proposal (5/11/17)



(Ranny Haiby)

Policy Driven VNF Orchestration (5/12/17)




(Lingli Deng)

(Jason Hunt)

(Lingli Deng)

SNIRO Optimization Framework (5/11/17)




(Jason Hunt)

UI & Portals

Portal Platform Project Proposal (5/12/17)

1.    Clarity

a.     Reasonable and well defined scope
It is reasonable to have a common portal framework for various UIs from different backend functional modules of the system. But it is not well specified in the project proposal. In particular, in the scope section, it describes the portal, not the portal framework, which is confusing. Suggest to refine the description in accordance with the proposed portal architecture and clarify its scope in relation with other functional modules or portal pages, in more detail. And identify extra functionality or APIs to be implemented during Release 1, if any. To be more clear on the APIs that project feels it is defining.

b.    Identification of software modules and APIs being developed and delivered to ONAP and other components.
No. There is not statement but an architectural diagram for software modules to be delivered.

c.     Following project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers
Only 4 people from one company committed.

d.    Identification of dependencies and assumptions on other components and open source.
Yes. Dependencies with other open source projects, are identified.

2.    Overlap

a.     Intentional and unintentional overlap
No overlap with other projects identified, assuming the scope is the portal framework, not the portal.

b.    Overlap with external open source efforts

3.    Risk management

a.     Sufficient development resources allocated to deliver on time
There is little resources allocated/committed. Only 4 people from one company involved. But since there is no explicit requirements for development identified for the first release. The work seems only involving maintenance and support.

b.    At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity
Only 4 people from one companies involved. E
ncourage the project to also look for committer from another company.

c.     Availability of seed code and its maturity
It is supposed to be based on the existing openECOMP portal framework code base.

4.    Relevance and prioritization

a.     Alignment with merger release

b.    Alignment with use cases
N/A. It is a common portal framework, which is supposed to be the basis for use case specific portal development.

c.    Sound technical solution for solving a real need
Yes. The seed code is mature and deployed for years of practice.

ONAP Usecase UI Project Proposal (5/15/17)

1.    Clarity

a.     Reasonable and well defined scope
It is reasonable to have UI developed for usecases if the requirements are not met by the existing platform portal. It may be a good idea to have the project include a long-lived project scope while leaving the specific use cases to the R1 release plan. For both use cases - Recommend defining the persona using the UI (is it self service? is it used by some care center? sales center? etc. For the VoLTE use case - What is the business use case here? Who is the target end customer? Is it an enterprise customer of the CSP? Is it an internal customer inside the CSP? For both use cases, what is the required functionality? Service deployment? Maintenance? Performance monitoring? Troubleshooting?

b.    Identification of software modules and APIs being developed and delivered to ONAP and other components.
Need more clarification on the software modules and APIs to be delivered. Should be following the proposal template.

c.     Following project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers 
Yes. 4 people from 3 companies involved with clear responsibility.

d.    Identification of dependencies and assumptions on other components and open source. 
Need to clarify the scenarios, and dependencies with other components.

2.    Overlap

a.     Intentional and unintentional overlap [Lingli] No overlap with other projects identified, assuming the scope is the portal framework, not the portal.

b.    Overlap with external open source efforts [Lingli] N/A.

3.    Risk management

a.     Sufficient development resources allocated to deliver on time 

b.    At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity

c.     Availability of seed code and its maturity
Not clear.

4.    Relevance and prioritization

a.     Alignment with merger release 

b.    Alignment with use cases

c.    Sound technical solution for solving a real need
Note clear.

VID project (5/17/17)

1.    Clarity

a.     Reasonable and well defined scope
Not clear whether or not VID would include a portal, and its separation of responsibility for usecase UI requirements and scenarios.

(Eden Rozin): VID will include a portal for Operations to invoke Instantiation of Services and VNFs and to perform Maintanence (Change Management) activities.

b.    Identification of software modules and APIs being developed and delivered to ONAP and other components.
Yes. Suggest to change MSO into SO.

c.     Following project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers  
Single company involved. inconsistency with the information sections, including primary contact, leads, etc.

d.    Identification of dependencies and assumptions on other components and open source. 
Yes. Change MSO into SO.

2.    Overlap

a.     Intentional and unintentional overlap 
Potential overlap with usecase UI for service/VNF LCM management UI,if it include a portal itself.

b.    Overlap with external open source efforts 

3.    Risk management

a.     Sufficient development resources allocated to deliver on time 

b.    At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity
No, only a single companies involved.
Encourage other members to join for substantial development work or consider merger.

c.     Availability of seed code and its maturity
Yes, seed code available.

4.    Relevance and prioritization

a.     Alignment with merger release: Yes.

b.    Alignment with use cases: Yes.

c.    Sound technical solution for solving a real need: Not clear, as no technical solution is described.


(Lingli Deng) From the list discussion, I was under the impression that the authors of this proposal decided to postpone it for future releases.  

Documentation & Training

Documentation (5/11/17)

1.    Clarity

a.     Reasonable and well defined scope
Scope is reasonable and follow the common practice of open source projects. However, the deliverables is not yet well specified. And the seed code section points only to the openECOMP documentation, which might be confusing.
Will this project be responsible for the documentation? Suggest to clarify the deliverables and clarify the scope of responsibilities and how to enable collaboration between projects/sub-committees that produce documentation and this project. Examples include: architecture from the Architecture Sub-Committee, models from Modeling project, use cases from potentially the Usecase Sub-Committee, etc.
Will this project be responsible for the automatic documentation tooling? Suggest to clarify the scope of responsibilities and how to enable collaboration between the projects that produce tooling and this project. Examples include: integration, common platform services, etc.

b.    Identification of software modules and APIs being developed and delivered to ONAP and other components.
This project does not provide any software modules or APIs. But depending on its clarified scope, it might provide tooling for documentation, which might overlap with integration.

c.     Following project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers

d.    Identification of dependencies and assumptions on other components and open source.

2.    Overlap

a.     Intentional and unintentional overlap
Might be intentional/unintentional overlap with integration, architecture, usecase, modeling and other projects that provide (tooling for) documentation.

b.    Overlap with external open source efforts

3.    Risk management

a.     Sufficient development resources allocated to deliver on time
Documentation, by definition, depends on other projects to provide source material.

b.    At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity
There are five companies involved already.

c.     Availability of seed code and its maturity
Seed documentation provided from openECOMP, need to be revised and keep consistent with the code as it evolves.

4.    Relevance and prioritization

a.     Alignment with merger release

b.    Alignment with use cases
Not specified explicitly. But committers are added to explicitly address the end user/use case perspective.

c.    Sound technical solution for solving a real need
Yes. The team is evaluating the use of as way of publishing documents, and the use of for API documentation. Need to work closely with the release manager in planning deliverables and tooling provision in time.

ONAP University (5/11/17)

1.    Clarity

a.     Reasonable and well defined scope
It is important for a complicated open source software to provide training material to end users as well as developers to attract more participation and adoption.
However, the scope description can be more clear and distinctive from what is already stated in documentation project proposal, perhaps in terms of the form of deliverables, the people involved, etc.

It is clear that marketing committee will be involved heavily in training program, which makes it important to understand why we need a separate technical project rather than a sub-committee led by Marketing Committee for training, in addition to documentation.

b.    Identification of software modules and APIs being developed and delivered to ONAP and other components. 
This project does not provide any software modules or APIs.

c.     Following project and LF guidelines for contributors/committers
It is not very clear how this project will be working with the Marketing Committee in training activities, or how this project will be working with the other projects, especially documentation project, in producing/providing overview for consistent training material.

d.    Identification of dependencies and assumptions on other components and open source.
Yes. Dependencies with all projects (including the Marketing Committee) to provide training, is identified. Need further clarification on the relation with documentation, if possible.

2.    Overlap

a.     Intentional and unintentional overlap
Might be intentional/unintentional overlap with documentation and Marketing Committee.

b.    Overlap with external open source efforts

3.    Risk management

a.     Sufficient development resources allocated to deliver on time
There is little resources allocated/committed to finish the scope alone. Need more clarifications or more involvement with the Marketing Committee or documentation.
In particular, various forms of trainings are suggested, including Video/Online/Classroom/Hands-on/Blog/Webinar, but no specific deliverable/budget planning involved, need Marketing Committee guidance and commitment in the planning and practice.

b.    At least 3-4 companies involved to provide diversity
4 people from 4 companies committed.

c.     Availability of seed code and its maturity

4.    Relevance and prioritization

a.     Alignment with merger release

b.    Alignment with use cases
Not specified explicitly. But committers are added to explicitly address the end user perspective.

c.    Sound technical solution for solving a real need
Yes. Various forms of trainings are suggested, including Video/Online/Classroom/Hands-on/Blog/Webinar, but no specific deliverable/budget planning involved, need Marketing Committee guidance and commitment in the planning and practice.


Open Lab (5/23/17)

Agreed to postphone it for further formal project proposal.

VNF Requirements

Grouped under the category of "Testing and Certification" category above.