Passcode: 209247

2021 TSC Recordings

2021 TSC Decisions

Anti-Trust Policy

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

China Mobile
Turk Telecom
Reliance Jio
Bell Canada


China Telecom

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status


Next Steps - "Cleaning-Up" until April 29th, 2021 (Sign-Off date)!

  • Finalize OOM Gating (see above)
  • Finalize remaining RC2 and Sign-Off (OOM/Integration & Doc) tasks
  • Finalize Testing including 72H Stability run
  • Finalize Marketing Message, release notes
  • Create a "Honolulu Maintenance" Release Tag in JIRA


  • SECCOM Request - Moving best practices (Packages Upgrades and CII Badging) to Global Requirements - 

Guilin Maintenance



  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • 2021IT-21854 - Nexus - can we setup a reverse proxy?
    • LF IT to investigate the reverse proxy request
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

PTL Updates


Congratulations to our new SDC Committers:  Former user (Deleted)Michael Morris and Anderson Ribeiro

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


  • 5G Super Blueprint - ONAP Enterprise/CNF Task Forces jointly with ONAP Architecture/Requirement Subcommittees are trying to understand the vision, impacts etc.
  • Need a MAC Project representative for ONAP (Monthly review) - Call for TSC Volunteer
  • Honolulu marketing status update 
  • Honolulu messaging doc - Deadline for Honolulu messaging input  
  • Can we get an update from SPC, TAC, EAUG on TSC Call - May 6th, 2021?

TCC / ONAP Liaison Update


Formal alignment between ONAP/ORAN SC about SMO (Ongoing)

Task Force Updates
ONAP Enterprise, WIKI 2.0

Wiki 2.0 - New Task Force led by Timo Perala &Ranny Haiby supported by the ONAP Doc team (Thank You)

  • Goal: Redefine the structure of the ONAP wiki, to identify the relevant pages, to create onboarding for newbies, etc.
  • Mailing list:
  • Kenny Paul to create dedicated wiki (smile)  

ONAP Enterprise - Next meeting scheduled on April 28th @7am PST

Next call - Follow up on Magma/ONAP Integration

  • Kenny Paul  Need Magma representative to progress  

TSC Activities and Deadlines


Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

TSC Call canceled on May 13th, 2021

Community Input Required: 2021 LFN Operations Survey - Deadline May 7th, 2021

LFN Webinar Series

2021 LFN Developer & Testing Forum June

Zoom Chat Log

 06:53:39 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
06:56:37 From Rashmi Pujar (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info proxy Rashmi Pujar, Bell Canada
06:57:25 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:57:37 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:07 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:58 From Thomas KULIK (DT) to Everyone : #info Thomas KULIK (DT) proxy for Andreas Geissler
07:01:19 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:01:33 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info catherine L -ATT
07:01:52 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:01:53 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:03:04 From to Everyone : #info bin yang, Wind River
07:03:44 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:04:07 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:05:48 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : :-)
07:06:18 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : thunderous applause :-)
07:19:35 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone :
07:19:51 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone :
07:20:08 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone :
07:20:13 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone :
07:41:45 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : RN for extapi:
07:42:35 From Thomas KULIK (DT) to Everyone :
07:45:17 From ONAP Meeting 2 to Everyone :
08:11:46 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #vote Does the TSC agree to promote REQ-443, REQ-439 and REQ-760 to be Global Requirements and REQ-441 to be a Best Practice beginning with Istanbul?
08:11:51 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:11:54 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #vote +1 considering that waiver will be considered
08:11:57 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:01 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:02 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:03 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:04 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:12 From Rashmi Pujar (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:14 From Thomas KULIK (DT) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:24 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : #vote +1
08:12:39 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #endvote
08:13:39 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC approves promoting REQ-443, REQ-439 and REQ-760 to be Global Requirements and REQ-441 to be a Best Practice beginning with Istanbul.
08:21:20 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : I would like to volunteer to the role of ONAP MAC representative
08:33:19 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Link to survey

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.

 07:02:26 Okay, recording has been started.
07:02:31 Transcript has been started.
07:02:33 Let's go ahead and get underway here.
07:02:42 If I could get someone to volunteer for gatekeeper duties.
07:02:48 They can do it connect.
07:02:52 Okay, thank you Timo
07:02:56 reshoot it
07:03:00 comes Catherine in on her phone.
07:03:09 Okay, first time trying to click on Timo his name. Let's see if I can you before.
07:03:18 It changes. Yay.
07:03:22 Okay. Meetings being recorded.
07:03:25 Everybody comes in is muted. And please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking dial star six if you're on a phone line, you send me a private chat message I will just simply cut and paste that into the minutes.
07:03:40 In Yang. Thank you.
07:03:48 As always, we will start off by mentioning the antitrust policy in find this link from the elephant project websites policies important, where we have multiple companies.
07:03:59 That would be all of y'all participating in these meetings where you are potentially competitors.
07:04:06 Please review it if you have any questions please contact your company's legal counsel members of the lF may also contact, Andrew up the growth firm gives her approve LLP which provides legal counsel, who are Linux Foundation.
07:04:27 Streaming thinking
07:04:25 okay stop share
07:04:33 this instead.
07:04:36 Okay for agenda.
07:04:40 Talk about Honolulu, Istanbul and why Lynn cover some tickets and a few others to mention Brandon's here we'll talk a little bit about this 5g Super blueprint and the Mac.
07:05:01 Talk about getting alignment for or NFC and the service management orchestration mentioned in the wiki mentioned the own app enterprise Task Force
07:05:17 circle back on DSC to Dotto.
07:05:20 Anything else that anyone feels needs to be added today.
07:05:30 Okay, with that, let me stop sharing.
07:05:34 And I would like to introduce
07:05:39 the one, the only, the world famous and renowned David McBride own app release manager.
07:05:51 My God. All right, Thanks Kenny.
07:05:56 Okay.
07:06:00 So, I think, as everyone knows, the PSC agreed to a new schedule last week that put RC to, and sign off today.
07:06:17 So let's review where we stand.
07:06:21 The good news is that the RC one tasks, which we had merged with RC to those have now been completed. So thanks for everyone's hard work and diligence and getting those completed with RC two.
07:06:48 We still have some remaining open items, let's just take a look at where we stand with RC to.
07:07:08 refresh here. Okay.
07:07:11 So RC to for projects.
07:07:15 You can see that we're hovering around 80%.
07:07:20 We still have, what about 10 issues that have not yet been closed for the requirement owners.
07:07:32 We have to open issues, both with CNS orchestration.
07:07:44 And do we have the requirement owners on the call today.
07:07:50 Any chance.
07:07:52 I think the only requirement, which is still under discussion is really the the CNS one, so the one led by tissue and Lucas. Yeah.
07:08:05 Yeah, we might have a position to discuss here, but I don't see Lucas, but I've been to you our daily Custer.
07:08:18 So, so, the question that I had for Lucas and tissue and I know maybe say should we not be able to join it.
07:08:27 Is there any possibility to reduce the scope and that's probably what you're already doing. And continue. If we don't succeed to fix. So continue to be Burke to work together, either as a owner owner owner luminance, can you sell please just for the group,
07:08:53 or do we need to move to Istanbul. But is it something we could at least conclude know based on where you are with the testing.
07:09:02 And if not, what would be the best option.
07:09:05 Because I know you like any work before my requirement owner. It's critical otherwise we would not develop that to the Lucas, the original like to comment what what is your view based on what I've just said, Yes, we have that status updates that's in
07:09:22 for those two blocking issues on the society. I think that we have the image, which led us to continue to stir so I believe it may be it can be even finalized today.
07:09:36 I mean, the testing of course we don't have the release image yet but I believe it is a matter of short time, to have this image.
07:09:45 So, We are on a good track I think.
07:09:53 So in my young days don't need to reduce any scope because
07:10:01 I just an open discussion.
07:10:03 Because I don't know the bits and bytes, I really rely on people like you to tell us what's the best path to move forward.
07:10:13 I ought to be honest when I saw the Wizard of the gating this morning.
07:10:17 And just so happy and I was thinking, let's really missing.
07:10:27 Right. but dating doesn't.
07:10:29 Let's say everything in terms of this box because especially this images, it will just fix this or not there but like said, we have the fixes for this toolbox.
07:10:46 So I think this is a matter of to release this images, and to merge them into one.
07:10:46 Okay.
07:10:48 In the integration team and oh I'm fine with that.
07:10:53 And it's only a matter of our so one day, that that's what we need to understand, which is good.
07:11:00 It's still acceptable, I guess, so just insist on the gaming side, I would say.
07:11:08 Today, we, We, we have a lot of
07:11:15 patches that are on Om. That means that the gate system is quite longer.
07:11:22 And also, on the coherence part of the gaming system.
07:11:26 We had lunch shoe meanings that there's a lot of gate gate.
07:11:40 A lot of review we are not good because of that so I have removed one of the good system from Miranda you have removed when I was a good system for me sure that, because it seems to be a bit crazy in a good.
07:11:44 So that means that we ever need today for good stead.
07:11:48 And maybe we need to hit us by one on one side because we have, as I said a legit shoe.
07:11:54 And as you knows his roots of the gate on Stacy is not a pretty easy. So for example, we are trying to pass.
07:12:04 One of us to them they are shown for at least two weeks. And we never had a chance to ever or and 2010 that we are okay at the same time, even without a Mac word.
07:12:16 So, that means that even if some CDs are riding on om side. Today, it's quite unlikely to have it match today, except we are stripping that today would be a.
07:12:34 We are not supported on most of the patches to be a really a surprise.
07:12:40 I'm sorry about that but unfortunately, with the tests that we have, we have a lot of instability and and so it's very out to whoever can gates. And so, for components like so again CEO and an AI to match the batches.
07:13:03 So that's why I wanted to have the feedback from integration of one because I don't see the workload left, and to see if it is acceptable. Or if we if we need to have another compromise Or another way to think of it.
07:13:22 Yeah, just, just because yesterday we on the weekly we try to see what was left for you to do.
07:13:31 So, as far as I know we we have fought by cheesy.
07:13:34 That, that candidate for no to do so.
07:13:40 Out of these four patches two patches, have been managing to master branch and so we are trying to have a green gate on another branch. And, and then towards Apaches asked you on master will engineer not an anomaly the branch so that means that we need
07:13:46 Too bad cheese I've been marching.
07:14:00 first to ever bring greater Master, then we will be able to to tie back to an early, if we count.
07:14:08 So what does that mean we have another one so we have these five patches to best.
07:14:14 We have, so I'm trying to prioritize them, compared to other off, which are all messed up on me.
07:14:22 But, but still, I cannot adjust sub 0012.
07:14:30 I'm always prioritizing them with user once I will supersede the gates. So that means that we, if we have at least six one of data to to make to to to ever.
07:14:46 All these patches match to a noodle so it can be a fast or less fast, but clearly, it won't be today, that's for sure.
07:14:56 And being done is not necessary to, to say you need to finish all the work, to the right, I think this on on the progress that has been made from last week.
07:15:10 If we compare requirement this thing project this thing.
07:15:14 And, again, I've only does it have to be putting to give me a good feeling but feeling I had to say.
07:15:21 Yesterday I don't have a good feeling because the good thing was not good.
07:15:24 So we need to assess because I, I think we need to really to shift to the cleaning mode, right, we, we need to freeze two ends of the month, potentially with a sign off.
07:15:49 I don't want to put people in society under pressure, but we need to think about conclusion now, because we have been extending the time after the om team, I'll give you all the patches.
07:15:52 At one point, right, to give opportunity to everybody to test the container what was released.
07:16:04 I think the site, the testing site girl need at one point to be completed. And we're preparing to the integration team, because I know they are still performing, automotive, including the 72 stability test one building guaranteeing the requirement, the
07:16:18 project from an end to end perspective, we need to ship now to the phase that I call the scope and free. Right.
07:16:27 So, based on what you said I was trying to document also on the note for purchase candidate for owners, not including the one of the best ideas. Two of them already green to other are still on the master but in total, you're still getting to be reformed,
07:16:42 and we know it cannot be done in one day. So what is your feeding season
07:16:50 with the feedback will blue cash. Is it another one final try and we try to do or do we need to start to think, maybe to open the door for a third queries amendment for it.
07:17:18 Yeah. Obviously, so just.
07:17:24 Okay.
07:17:37 as I said, I would say, she was a new me as a tree, let, let, a su team to upload it as a patch into lemme.
07:17:38 I guess they do need SENC patch on my coma. Also, to be sure to other to, to have it so maybe as a, as a children of SDN smack homered patch.
07:17:50 And if it's okay we will now Geeta as soon as possibility if it's not okay. Obviously we know Jeet, but I'm just saying that, mate.
07:18:16 Let's, let's try to do the best for next week and I would say what thousand other shoes to fill that we want to work for for for the release do we want to.
07:18:14 So the ice Iser one patch on herbs for Julian stack the patch on his DNC to make Mac homered walk again. There is this best Ernesto for CNF orchestration and part of macro mode where they are birds and zoom, but she's an S, DC, one that ended five that
07:18:53 So, at least, which, which one do we absolutely want.
07:18:59 In another really nice, and which one we, we can wait for our next release in two weeks after all three weeks after that.
07:19:10 Yes. Can you read us again.
07:19:14 Yeah, I understand, i will put that on the chat
07:19:19 to get a preview so it will be a teacher. So, just give me once, a bit of time because my, my PC stupid or slow today.
07:19:29 I'm seems that every day but.
07:19:32 Seems that every day but. So, this is one the first one is SDC book duck speaks about, we have up yeah we have, so.
07:19:44 So Ben vision for another do, and some components.
07:19:48 When.
07:19:52 So I'm putting them into words a chat.
07:19:56 So we have SDNC herbs. And, as you can see you can see here.
07:20:21 So you see that some are already on a new branch. So that means you have been merged into Master, and some are still only on Master, and obviously.
07:20:24 So, future patch, as to be trusted Mr. So we have to wait.
07:20:29 But.
07:20:31 So if, for patches in the chat.
07:20:37 Oh yeah. You ever been.
07:20:39 And so, and just, just to be sure so 624, as dc 516. So, to 84 owns and for 29, as DNC. Right.
07:20:56 Exactly.
07:20:57 Okay, so let's go one by one. I hope we have the pizza on the bridge.
07:21:03 As the sea is typical oh can you leave with moving to madness.
07:21:10 So dispatch is fixing five medium priority bugs. So, I would not say is this is broken results that patch.
07:21:22 So I guess if we have the maintenance release. Close enough.
07:21:27 That should be okay to wait if we, we really need to.
07:21:35 Okay, so nobody have any concern I lacked for maintenance, considering that when I speak minutes 40 minutes of self projects.
07:21:49 I don't know how you said it says 3d objects commandments right except these movies not agree so this one I must Pokemon accepted anybody on this call is agree with the decision based on the feedback from Christophe is fixing major defects, so it's nice
07:22:08 on the team is tackling them back book, but it's not so critical based on my understanding. Okay.
07:22:16 Let's move to so I believe, so one is related to Lucas, or is it something else. It's something else.
07:22:26 I'll try to speak.
07:22:29 Actually here. The problem is, This part of thing has been Martian master.
07:22:33 It is the Honolulu dispatch but unfortunately it didn't happen on price because last 10 days I was actually off, because I've done well and that is amazing and by the students depending, so this is a little patch which has been much to master, but to
07:22:49 cherry pick up on these for responding for this.
07:22:51 So, that's what it is.
07:22:59 Okay, so.
07:23:06 Oh yeah,
07:23:09 we can put a date because there is no blocker from there. But if we can target the major release if it's possible because that actually has the components for the refactoring work on another batch.
07:23:21 So we can put some, we can target for master branch, and main release, if it's possible to getting actually happens on that time otherwise we can put on known issues and we can move it for the best results.
07:23:36 So, I have no again if no no single against or force dispatches what what what I'm doing my business, I'm trying to work with green light on the gate system.
07:23:51 In order to merge them so as soon as I have a good night, it will be merged. Now, do we wait for them.
07:24:00 For these are not eat Sweden at my core today as you said as to what we have seen from the integration view I would see us as the gating view or so, the same.
07:24:14 Is that a new revanche seems okay without teeth doesn't mean that some use case doesn't need it. There are some concerns just the automated test says it's okay, but I have no clues from the Nativity so clearly.
07:24:28 I do my.
07:24:29 Yeah. Yes, even as I said this piloting or the external adapters which are there in the past that is enough adapter and other thing.
07:24:37 So this is required for the CNS into interesting that is what we are talking about me into cash but testing it new image which is to release.
07:24:47 And with that, this is required, but not the existing getting will not be requiring this
07:24:54 because it includes a health check of the testing which is not important to getting right now.
07:25:00 So getting this really pass because getting flow will not be hitting this floor at all.
07:25:15 Yeah, yeah, it's better if it's the rest is walking I would say I'm because, unfortunately, getting the mission naturally.
07:25:17 Yeah, it's the rest is walking I would say I'm because, unfortunately, getting the mission. Right. I mean it's a dependency which is articulating the problem here, not code of the existing patch.
07:25:23 But having said that, I would rather have this along with the other path which we're trying to stay together so that we can actually have the end to end testing done.
07:25:36 And it be well he's been great. We move right.
07:25:40 Okay, we put in a deal with it. If it breaks it eliminates, we don't try to fix it.
07:25:49 Okay, let me go the needs of them.
07:25:52 Otherwise, if it fails issue wins to manage. Okay.
07:25:56 Oh, what
07:26:01 is it important or not.
07:26:04 Anybody can be back on that one
07:26:10 is a fix. Because this is not walking, enjoy stack environment.
07:26:17 And so that this is a fixed fixed, sorry, that that has been merged into Master, but not yet merge into a new route again because of taking not being great not because the patch is not good but we are not able to up with sufficiently green
07:26:41 gate on this one.
07:26:43 So we are otherwise are the shoes on one of the components that make that save will end to end test or check test where we are not good.
07:26:55 So, so we are waiting to have a green one, and the consequence, I would say would be that would that not know to do yeah sure would not be able to learn and Jared stack and beyond.
07:27:10 So Jerry stack ipv4 ipv6
07:27:23 overall environment for the moment you saw you spoke about the gating but I think you were speaking about the daily run that are done and.
07:27:31 And we can see that yet so yesterday it was not good today it was better but we can see that Western and stability Stephen, we don't have one week of full green.
07:27:39 And if you look at different categories. If, for example, two days of smoke test one not bad at all. We are the one represent the hX we are not bad as well but, for example, we have some issue on the test on whether certain issue or under could be on
07:27:59 a test with the state to set so it means that we are still not fully stable, and from one run to another we may have some, some side effect on the installation that may lead to some issue.
07:28:12 So typically for the patches, there's a change is very small and stable baseline, it will not be a problem. But here as we have regularly some issues.
07:28:28 We have no evidence that we can we can merge recording talk retail.
07:28:28 So it means that, realistically, it should be possible to merge it because it already was green on master.
07:28:35 But then it requires more stability on our branch.
07:28:41 And we are working on that but as it was mentioned, we have to reduce the number of gates, because at the moment we are dealing with. At the same time, grilling branch master branch for owner Lulu, and master weekly brand from Master on Lulu so we have
07:28:58 lots of labs at the same time to understand that a center on we are facing some overload. It seems that infrastructure as some impact possibly on the deployment, that could lead to this kind of issue.
07:29:12 So I would say that for the three first patch we mention new things compared to what we use in green until last one is the MCs clear regression. If we release, with without dispatch it means that we will not be as good as good in yesterday, because we
07:29:32 will not be able to use a monochromatic. So it was a regression identify you know audio on fixed by Dan, and it was fixed on merging master. But still, it's it's waiting for full green gate.
07:29:45 They've got to be a match none of it.
07:29:55 So, again, sir.
07:29:58 So that's the proposition without II, based on your feedback if somebody does not agree is the time to raise his voice because I'm just deriving conclusion based on what I'm hearing so is it the right thing to do on site just put no no no future because
07:30:20 when I was looking at impact on component.
07:30:23 I didn't see arms impacting any new skis a spec feature, but I can, I can be based on what I know for what is on the wiki So, is it okay if we move in this direction, or somebody on the call is concerned about what I've tried to hide from the discussion
07:30:43 is the time to raise your voice, please.
07:30:53 The setup fee are waiting for the video, Just we made and we can still continue with it.
07:30:57 So I don't think it's blocking for us it is for us to continue the testing and proceed.
07:31:05 Okay. So, anybody else.
07:31:11 So we have to, we push to mainland. One Hades at them for so and as DNC we keep it because it's otherwise so they condition based on what we already offering from previous clinics,
07:31:26 no further ado.
07:31:31 So just to be clear, we agreed that if, for example, we, we have not been able to merge yet is the NC batch because of non satisfying gauging results, but for example, patch is ok, we measure, are we still may we may have arms.
07:31:50 As long as we are load user wants to be merged into an immediate. This.
07:31:58 Is it okay or. You see what I mean. Because, let's say that it takes two or three days for the Institute to be marriage because we have a TV some geeky but Ernst is a okay tonight.
07:32:10 Do I matter orbs or do I wait for maintenance fees
07:32:20 that a lot you, you take it right, good. Okay, that's good, that's what they wanted to do you want. I'm busy.
07:32:26 I thought you try one and then another one under the one I know I'm trying.
07:32:35 Okay, if all of them are green.
07:32:38 Just sign on it. Right. Yeah.
07:32:42 What do I need to say it's okay, it's okay that's what I just wanted to hear that. That's okay.
07:32:48 So, let me look human because people will read the minutes might be concerned. By default, When you asked me, my default.
07:33:37 then.
07:33:48 Okay we are all on the same page.
07:33:52 If you want to hide it differently. Please post your suggestion in the chat.
07:33:58 And then I just asked you to do you agree with the past to move forward, because again, your votes matter.
07:34:05 I'm just trying to complete my sending to see
07:34:12 if nobody said anything it would be okay but I give you three seconds to think.
07:34:20 Yes, Katrina, we missed, six or so maybe a day to see more to spend one week for that so maybe we must define a date to decide.
07:34:37 Okay, I didn't see the timeline so we drop all the questions.
07:34:48 Friday. Oh, is it too sure.
07:34:58 Are they like. No no no.
07:35:06 What, what I will do crazy stuff he's out of feces his last day so I realized man you made but so I should be the only one able to merge but I will, I will stop geeky for all patches from RM except this for, for one, plus, if there is a new one from.
07:35:29 So, but until we, in order to to have as many as possible.
07:35:40 Many as possible. Tries but I fought for IZNC want to let me check but they sink exceeded master.
07:35:47 Yes, so that means that we need to pass on one master and cherry pick on the new, frankly, on Monday.
07:35:58 I think we will be.
07:36:00 I will have eaten Monday, but I cannot. I will not sign with my bladder, so
07:36:07 that it's maybe it will be sooner but you know it's it's it's complicated so I would say at least when they
07:36:19 give up on yourself to the but I don't know if it is a good idea to give bonus so I removed the bonus.
07:36:31 No, I honestly I You can tell me any days I don't, again I don't forget, I just tried my best and. And if you if you think Monday's good or Tuesday is good but that means that if a Monday we don't have a CNC we don't have emergencies.
07:36:52 So,
07:36:47 I hope, i really hope that a CNC, we were, we were super close to read read this night. But unfortunately, one of the test failure.
07:36:59 This night. But unfortunately, one of the test failure. So I guess we should be close but we never know.
07:37:04 And as we have done it's just one day yeah for for us I'm so much No, I give the bonus but after that I think we, we need to document the q&a issue, considering that we need to continue whenever the self release maintenance of the impacted project as
07:37:24 soon as possible.
07:37:25 To not impact people who are using this city.
07:37:30 Okay, what is included vinegars today.
07:37:35 So I think we will give you all the control of your and from the project side, there are two projects where I'm not totally sure what do you, I will be very open with you So, on the day is Andre from on doc says on the call today via proxy of Allah.
07:37:56 I don't know if you have, Andre on the bridge.
07:38:01 Don't be him.
07:38:22 Somebody from the on the team or XL money behind because the issue is that the XML API ppl as a non that he will is moving towards opportunities but it was still trying to finalize odd, I believe, Even if he didn't close is it.
07:38:28 Everything was finished with FP one from dinner.
07:38:32 But I need somebody to come grow my assumption.
07:38:40 because I've been no update on external API.
07:38:57 Since a couple of weeks.
07:38:52 And we already the FD one container for the, for extra money behind. Yeah, I think so. So, usually a style IPA for at least the infant flowing getting, they were already ready for them three so.
07:39:08 So I would just check here regarding the difference between good in on what we have in the gate, but I think it's okay. And if it's, like,
07:39:19 for Galena, they just deliver something at fc one on there is no change after I see one so the same Sunoco are used for us it is easy to see the OS one on se to wear the same, but they, they took out really early in time.
07:39:37 Let me just check in a big table of reactions, but the a sink should be ok.
07:39:45 Ok, so we will continue to try to contact the the former ppl if Morgan you can validate st one container can be used.
07:39:58 And I'm so exactly so no change of the ocean for external API, just say,
07:40:07 Okay, so I see you confirm.
07:40:10 So there is not an action Toma toma Are you with us on the call today from the documentation team, Sam.
07:40:19 So would you mind to check with the release notes of expect extra money behind in the only was I didn't use it right to beta.
07:40:34 I didn't write to feature. Katrina so no there is to delivery so there it is a dot 004 sec on eight. Yeah.
07:40:46 Oh, no, he on it was a seven or two for forgetting so I think now Yeah, yeah, I think they did even under deliver. When you took on the first of March on the new versions, end of March.
07:40:59 So I think if I consider the SEC oh it was much easier for me and the beginning of April.
07:41:05 They already submitted to new versions on census dated stable. Cons. I did not change anything.
07:41:13 But you know what, you're right, you know what, I don't know if it's the final version because it's somebody that knows that but usually according to the experience we have the only concern is when there is no change between the previous stable version
07:41:30 of the new version here I can see the dice new code. So there are gate in om done early and match which was already early in time. And we have to change our roster, so I presume, that's what should have been there.
07:41:47 I've been to the
07:41:49 train I think it's a yes on excuse or supervisor veggie slicing use case or.
07:41:57 Okay.
07:41:59 So I want to show you why we take, we continue to see.
07:42:03 Otherwise up the backup right we do what fighting and then Thomas.
07:42:09 If you can just check if there really is no to x API is included. Then I go. Ok.
07:42:21 okay, Okay.
07:42:33 Send it to the Fed,
07:42:42 no money. Even the Barbarian is no more able to reply to us, it's under control. And then my final question on the projects and I'm sorry to go to sleep but we really need to know where we are to determine what is left.
07:42:58 It's becoming the map. There was one item with Shekhar.
07:43:08 Let me finish my mind.
07:43:11 What exactly was maybe was closing. Meanwhile I always see with me, my PC creeping.
07:43:25 the mouth.
07:43:27 So, though he meaning I sold my piece, related to the readiness of the container so I need to know. Are we good or not, because I don't know if we can use one or
07:43:42 more again Do you see something about the model, I don't know if your car is on the call. So, anybody else.
07:44:01 And I guess everything has been merged and it was not long ago so I guess we are good, so let me just validate that I think we are good for me.
07:44:15 I think we go to two dot one dot eight for the SEC Oh and if I look at the question for today. We probably have a new reaction so I think it sort So, okay, so I just, oh, lucky, because we have merger last question for me says, Master.
07:44:39 And I don't see the show because this one was for.
07:44:44 I'm not sure we have Chad peak peak so I'm sorry that we would have to, to add this one into the list on to perfect.
07:44:56 You mean we, we need to go up here.
07:44:59 There is something Yeah, oh yeah.
07:45:03 Yeah, that's my fault I'm sorry I forgot to do to cherry pick it.
07:45:14 So I we just started adding to dB. A will give us a number one two check.
07:45:19 Sorry about that.
07:45:22 No, I feel so lucky young, I don't know if we have any representative of the map.
07:45:34 I'm just trying to look at my own laptop, what this is about.
07:45:43 doesn't appear to be here but I can take an action that you'd like to contact.
07:45:51 Okay.
07:45:54 Advice us men, men so please use use you, you so what we did with Your the one you, you see the challenge we try to wrap up so if you can advise us.
07:46:05 We will all plus you whether whatever you Dennis. Okay, good.
07:46:12 So, we are getting close.
07:46:14 Good news from the requirement or do some of them might need to read this in their new containers, we are, we were at 95% completion. We are we not bother to custom build a wall and see who we discussed quite a lot.
07:46:32 The challenge.
07:46:34 So, depending on how it goes. We don't conclusion on this requirement. And then, maybe it was already known, I could not remind the booty MPM that I've been told is the scope and will I get to be some words.
07:46:51 Okay.
07:46:52 So it means for his own mistakes, we have
07:46:59 12 new escape.
07:47:03 You nature, and I do not include the best practice and the global he coordinates, although he needs which is putting good when we see the scope of what we have tried to accomplish so kudos to everybody but please please please keep going and we are nearly
07:47:21 there.
07:47:22 Sorry I took over from you, David, because I had the detail on my mind. I don't think we need to look at the integration testing status because it really reflects what I was just expressing, but you can always click on the, on the link offline.
07:47:37 And then just to give a good feeling for everybody, let's just click on the extra thing we have been discussing with us nice people can also enjoy the desert, which was really much better than the previous days.
07:47:54 And we, We heard already feedback from Morgan and also others.
07:48:09 So, based on what we have discussed, I don't believe we should go in details with the owner no no issue with authority and see because we just discussed about that.
07:48:19 I just want to recap the next step before giving the floor, back to David. So, I will add one aisense we can go back on the agenda and finalize.
07:48:33 All the things I hope you see a bowl of sign of the, you know, can you still hear me, or do I lose my headset.
07:48:44 So we try to make an attempt. And I think we will be close to the day to have everything clean up in parallel by the 29 does the target.
07:49:10 Otherwise receive the lead.
07:49:01 29 per carry me for whatever. Okay, to clean up is the opposition from now, we find it dating. You're both what we have discussed, we find the line, meaning that we know already, the only thing that if there was a set of tasks for the sign off, which
07:49:14 is only impacting om integration and doc.
07:49:18 I don't think we have release management.
07:49:22 SAS for that. But I believe all of you, the old and the integration team and the team you know exactly what is left.
07:49:31 Okay, so we not go to the details. If people want to see the details, they click on the link, they will arrive on the PDL agenda. And at the at the bottom of the agenda, there was a definition of all the remaining items, which is what we usually do to
07:49:45 sign of the healing.
07:49:48 Then we have the 70% add fun icing McGann you have already kickoff. But we also need to perform 72 stability, one on the final container final image.
07:50:02 We see all your goals, and they'll release notes I want to ticking the box from the doc team is there have been in the marketing mistakes. I take an opportunity to really invite people to review it.
07:50:17 The deadline for the marketing message will be to provide feedback will be this Friday.
07:50:31 But we will discuss again about that one Brandon will speak.
07:50:31 Anything else on an issue, we know what we have to do, or concern or unhappiness wise that's the plan right final comments, feedback. For many people, the attending this call today.
07:50:48 I have a question.
07:50:49 Sure.
07:50:50 Yeah, I'm borrowing. In, what do you say that you're going to put the homes into their maintenance release Do you mean only the past set or all the functionalities or changes we've made in the honeymoon.
07:51:08 When we say there is still, and I'm glad to see you.
07:51:12 you are gone because I didn't see you before. So when we discuss about oh, there is currently remaining om get a preview to create the final container Hubble own.
07:51:27 We will try to have it successful.
07:51:33 Before the 27th. If it is not successful, then we would like to recommend to move this image of the book speaks is associated to this image for the only maintenance.
07:51:48 And what I put here, I didn't see any feature in fact if you know the famous speech, only impact component.
07:51:58 Maybe this just to put everybody on on the same page, can you click on the honorary milestone status.
07:52:04 And then you go to the impact component, you know, sharing the, not that one. Not that one.
07:52:11 Look at your left side, the left side, the left side, with level the yen that's also another way. Yes. So, what I meant and I can be wrong right but I can only make my judgment based on what I understand, when we look at the use case.
07:52:36 impacted. If you hold on low feature are impacted. mil spec I invested so that's what I meant to go. Now, if you tell me I'm wrong.
07:52:42 Right. Probably because we need to capture something you need to turn us.
07:52:55 With the latest container image created by the 120 24, get it.
07:53:02 We, we suggest to to fix it. As part of the men and female only. Is it clear, or did I go too far. Tell me.
07:53:13 Yeah, thank you for the.
07:53:22 Yeah, thank you for that. And everything's clear now the question is, are you aligned with the decision on, have you any concern on yeah i think that's okay for homes, if we just defer this past that to the Honolulu maintenance students because we've
07:53:34 made major change in Honolulu with made from top always moved from the codified based deployments to the home based deployment, if we are both the whole homes component to the maintenance release I think there would be some problems.
07:53:58 If that really happens we have to ask the
07:54:10 DCA team to reconnect re enable the deployment by qualified for a while because if we do not do that all the features provided in the past Rudy's is buy homes would be gone in Honolulu.
07:54:24 And it's only. It's only the code. The code us submitted the 120 24, which is, which will not be particularly nice, if you had the container, what are your 122 84, which is either the FCC call the FCC one containable owns it will be passed on the reading.
07:54:50 But the new one. The 122 84 is it fail, potentially, we we need to fix.
07:54:58 As part of the maintenance.
07:55:00 So did you already release NFC zero NFC one container before 120 24.
07:55:09 Yes, we did. So, if we, if we.
07:55:11 Yeah, yeah, so everything is right now. I think everything's in good shape.
07:55:17 So just to be clear on om side, we have a deja vu shots from arms were before the deploy you're using crucify and now it's using ZPG it from Emma, zero, and there is no reason to remove it so it's only the last patch set that may come to the maintenance
07:55:46 release as a quite fast, after a new idea, or the rest is a good idea.
07:55:54 Thank you. Yeah.
07:55:56 And I wouldn't be moving the nodes to our ground. No, only feature because maybe it's confusion is confusing. It was just to submit analyzes if we have an issue or not.
07:56:07 So, I hope I think we all understand each other. There is today, or norms container targeted for whatever it happened so we still need to have your credit.
07:56:22 In the owner new it is. It's only the final budget. Okay. Everybody's okay.
07:56:25 Yeah, thank you.
07:56:28 Any other questions for you before we move to Istanbul and give finally the flow to say calm with this desperately trying to draw attention to the global requirements in the wine so I don't want to miss the window today, because I've been extremely patient,
07:56:47 and they really want to make this to know.
07:56:53 Okay, I think we are good for honoring our.
07:57:16 Finally, fellas.
07:57:08 Yes, yes. Thank you, Kathleen, it's very, very well appreciated that we have for this to this toilet. So, if you could please click on the, on the presentation submitted here Yes.
07:57:16 So to make it sharp I know your time is very precious. So, as you already know we we've been working with, with the community on upgrading packages and trying to get to the CI building improvements.
07:57:35 And those two requests to move from best practices to the global level requirements reflect those efforts.
07:57:44 And the first slide present you also the capability to store the logs in STD out.
07:57:54 Yeah, not seeing the slides.
07:57:57 Yes.
07:57:59 Yeah.
07:58:01 So if you want to click click on this. Yeah, here is the promotion to move from best practices to the requirements with the packages upgrade.
07:58:13 You have some some information some statistics.
07:58:20 There are lots of projects already doing it very well.
07:58:23 And we would like to appreciate the demand for it, policy use get UI.
07:58:30 And some of the projects still need to pay some attention to it, to increase the security of on up.
07:58:40 And I don't know if you have any questions for this one.
07:58:43 If not, let's move on to the slide number where do you mean what do you mean by 392 recommendation, what does that represent
07:58:56 these out there. I think they thought our recommendations we've had for the, for the different packages of obviously those ones may, may be similar between different projects, because some, some of the packages are reused.
07:59:13 But not always the same version so me I over for this particular statistic today, would you like to. Yes. These are done. These are the songs, the total recommendations across all the repos, so we found 392 vulnerable packages across all the repos.
07:59:32 You know, a lot of those are the same package but in different repos and so we recommended the upgrades for each one of them, specific to the repo.
07:59:41 And, on average, it was fewer than five per packet for these are these are documented in JIRA. They are docket know they're documented in the wiki security, the security section of the wiki.
07:59:55 And all I know about these they've with this is a process we've been following for a number of releases from the beginning, to be honest. Yeah, it might be good to add a link to that in this deck.
08:00:09 Sure. Okay, no problem, but it could be accessible only for the, for the, for the geeky elephant in the restricted at this type of people.
08:00:21 Yes, I think, no problem.
08:00:23 We will put the link and other questions guys for for this slide.
08:00:35 Okay, so let's move on to the, to the next slide.
08:00:38 Oh, yeah, just for the Congratulations, does that mean that they have for those projects they have no vulnerable packages.
08:00:50 They have no direct dependencies that are vulnerable, they could have stuff buried deep in other dependencies but now they're there for the most part they have no vulnerable packages.
08:01:02 Okay, great.
08:01:05 So, this is the continuation of our efforts for the CI bedding improvement or what senior level.
08:01:16 So we estimate pretty low level of effort to, to make those questions answered.
08:01:24 And we would like to support on that community with, with some automation, first of all to help doing things, automatically, because some of the questions and answers especially are, let's say, globally for for on apps.
08:01:46 So, Tony is leading this topic and here, he's will be working already with with David Wheeler. And, yeah, we have some scripts So David, Please look at the GitHub provider com comments and if you're okay we can implement, and the sublimation part.
08:02:13 I know if you have any questions specifically to this, this one. So these are the questions and answers so no development therefore to this is awareness across the community.
08:02:26 So,
08:02:32 if not let's move on to the last item which is promotion to the best practice.
08:02:38 We simply didn't didn't manage to do it for the last release.
08:02:43 But now, we would like to do make an official request to make the flux collection in the STD out. This is a pretty common process already for the, for the, for the community.
08:03:01 So, we would like for the new containers to ensure that everyone would be storing it in the STD out and for the future.
08:03:12 And maybe for the next release to to to move it to the global requirements.
08:03:18 Any questions in the comments.
08:03:26 Is there a common format for the logs template.
08:03:33 Not yet, not yet, not yet. This is right now we are focusing on come on come on place and for the format it will be like the next step, we don't have to put too much, too much in one the release, you know, yep, understand.
08:03:49 Okay, so if there are no other questions thank you very much for your time and kindly please consider approving those, those three items by the TC community.
08:04:10 Then the DSP have any other questions regarding what does the question I was a serial badger
08:04:23 to go from the current situation to just feel better, because as far as I knew there was only one project or two project was past few a few a few and, in fact, for some of the questions I think is to simply analyze those questions because we believe,
08:04:41 there could be some other answers that they are.
08:04:46 But sometimes there are some efforts on the development side because some practice is not implemented right so difficult for me to answer this will have to be done on the project basis, not the like global globally speaking.
08:05:03 And also, Eric, one of the things we're, we're trying to do is just make small incremental improvements, with each release.
08:05:12 Looking for everybody to get to silver in assemble,
08:05:22 we indicated some, some few, few, let's say one of our spend those two hours spent on the bedroom concerning some some questions and analyzing them more carefully in bring some, some, you know, improvements but also introduce you know implementing these
08:05:39 practices in in some areas right.
08:05:49 in in some areas right. Eric was your question answer.
08:05:54 Yes, thank you.
08:05:56 Thank you.
08:05:57 Any other questions, guys.
08:06:07 Okay, so I give you like.
08:06:12 Okay, so we've got the request is to promote rec 443439 to be global requirements, and rec for for one as a best practice beginning with assemble exit Deacon.
08:06:26 Okay, I am going to put that out as a vote.
08:06:29 I do see that there was a discussion, or that ipv4 v six was also
08:06:41 on the.
08:06:45 Yes, they think he's dumb young man who do you wanna de I can I can I can do something about it because my request is pretty similar to bubbles. Let me see if I have that requirement, and then I go here.
08:07:07 Okay, let me share and they will tell us quickly what what what they would like to get.
08:07:16 Yes. And then it will be this one.
08:07:19 Okay, and you should be able to see my Firefox window right. Okay.
08:07:28 So, so okay so I have a pretty similar like request like the final cut right so we would like to set up this ipv4 VCs to all stock as a global requirement which deals done with all the code, right, and a little bit background and background on it, is
08:07:43 that we were working on the introduction of the ipv6 network if you're not already in Boolean and hundred leases, we managed to do it right so wannabes today, capable to run in ipv4 ipv6 address target environment.
08:07:58 Right. And with our Honolulu requirement. This requirement 732, we had as well.
08:08:04 Another another requirement. Probably the 718 t, where we have said okay, except from doing only the changes on the in on off site in order to make it compatible with ipv4 ipv6, we would like to create as well, an environment where we would have, we would
08:08:23 have the excuse me the diversification, not the one probably this one,
08:08:33 or teacher right so so so so so so so the target was to provide the continuous integration environment that we could use to to to to demonstrate or to check the products can use to track if they are called submission.
08:08:47 Get an impact on ipv4 and ipv4. ipv6 was stuck environment, right. So, we have it now, right, data environment has been built in Honolulu release any this available.
08:09:16 Right, twice per day we have something like that.
08:09:09 Right. And the results are available, I mean they are not brilliant because he thinks we none of us want maybe not not super brilliant today, but that's such an environment is available.
08:09:23 Right. And then with this environment that has been, like, agreed that it will be done, it will be done as a proof of concept in Hello least, you would like to move this to, to a global requirement that has to be an excuse me know this one, this one,
08:09:37 Excuse me. Not this one, this one, the global requirements that has to be applicable for all the code that we have in honor. And the reason for all the code is that it is actually mostly on the Kubernetes site right so the Kubernetes needs to support
08:09:51 ipv4 ipv6, until we create the services how we create home charts. So all the products that we have the need to stick to these rules and regulations, right.
08:10:02 So this is what you already achieved and simply simply with this with this is your environment. we would like to make it a rule now in on up, right that all the products.
08:10:12 Stick to the stick to this rule and no product provides code which breaks that ipv4 ipv6 compatibility. Right.
08:10:22 And that has been discussed on the video call.
08:10:28 April 12, we got pretty good feedback, I think, right. So, so now the next step is to to to to put this under like discussion on the decision voting in India, see what I'm doing right now.
08:10:42 So the question would be, what would be the next steps to make it really a global requirement. So the product stick stick to that to that to do this through circulation is that they need to support ipv4 ipv6 at the same time, not the next step would be
08:11:00 vote, which I have queued up.
08:11:07 The if there's any questions regarding.
08:11:11 Adding rec 760 as a global requirement
08:11:20 or refine that any questions on this.
08:11:26 Okay.
08:11:28 No coherent nothing I'm going to put forward a vote. Does the TSP agree to promote wreck world war three record for three nine and rec 760 to be global requirements and rec for for one to be a best practice beginning with assemble
08:11:48 boat is in chat
08:11:54 can probably I sub deciding can they give this back to you.
08:12:14 Yes, Catherine, a waiver can always be considered by the TASC.
08:12:25 Okay, I'm going to give it.
08:12:28 10 more seconds.
08:12:42 And that is approved.
08:12:55 Oh, we have the new set of best practices and global requirements.
08:13:04 Thank you very much guys, Thank you so much for my status. Well,
08:13:12 thank you for helping us to improve ourselves, and then just leave your home, these are these are appearing in the right category under the income requirement.
08:13:23 Thank you.
08:13:28 Alright, let's wrap up.
08:13:32 Release status.
08:13:34 I know we've got some other things get too so I'm going to cover the Wayland maintenance status, really quickly.
08:13:42 I sent out an email to the team yesterday, including the PTS of projects that are participating in the maintenance release.
08:13:53 So we just have a few issues or a few steps to take so that we can finish that up.
08:14:01 We need to close the remaining issues that are attached to the, to the release.
08:14:15 Unfortunately I noticed that these dashboards they undercount, they don't show the same number of issues as the filter does.
08:14:26 But this gives you a rough idea of where, where the issues lie.
08:14:30 So we need to get these resolved or reassigned to the sample. or later release.
08:14:43 Yeah, one.
08:14:45 One problem is we don't have another maintenance release as attacked by two and zero.
08:14:53 Yeah, it's there.
08:14:58 Okay.
08:15:10 Some other defects have to be moved Yes, so I didn't take it off. I didn't find it in some time before. See, waylaid main naturally swell not excluding good and in the track and dogma. I'm sorry, normal maintenance.
08:15:16 Yeah, they're the TLC is not approved a Honolulu maintenance release, yet, but so that there's we haven't created a tag I know we were talking about it in this meeting but I didn't set up a tag because there was it hadn't been officially approved yet.
08:15:39 Approved.
08:15:47 Indeed. Yes, indeed agreed, because we have put up with you amazing so we know we are not working, they would be a menace really.
08:15:55 Okay. I'll go ahead and and in create a tag for that and
08:16:03 I'll do that right after the meeting.
08:16:10 Alright, so we need to resolve those issues, update the release notes. We decided on a date of the 19th on Monday.
08:16:29 So you can use that date.
08:16:32 We need the docs team to update the own app release nodes.
08:16:37 And then also we need the PTS to tag the Galen branch, that's the PDFs that are participating in the release. And then it would be helpful in terms of tracking, if you could update the tracking page.
08:16:58 So I added, I added a couple of columns here so we can track that the release notes have been updated and the way limb branch has been tagged.
08:17:15 Any questions about Wayland maintenance or what needs to be done.
08:17:24 Okay, with that then. That wraps up the release status I'll hand it back to you, Kenny.
08:17:33 Kenny I don't know if we need to talk about the NFC chip, I would like just to jump immediately to London in London is still with us.
08:17:44 And why repositioning and just want to congratulate our newest DC commuters on Glee maker and on this.
08:17:59 Okay, great.
08:18:00 I'll be pretty quick with these updates. The first one is around the 5g Super blueprint, which many of you have heard about already, but essentially we're being a community driven industry wide effort to define an open source and and 5g architecture within
08:18:20 left networking.
08:18:27 This group is meeting every two weeks on Tuesday, and Catherine's participating in these calls. And I understand that as a group within own up, looking at these integration points.
08:18:40 So there's been a lot of interest, and a lot of questions raised about this initiative so we're developing an FAQ, and that is now under review and we'll be ready to be published shortly.
08:18:53 So stay tuned for that.
08:18:57 Next we're looking for an official Mac project representative from own app.
08:19:03 And this is essentially the own app liaison to the Mac and formerly dominated sherbini from Vodafone was filling this role for us, but he recently stepped down so we need someone from the community to volunteer for this post.
08:19:22 So the role of this person is to basically just represent own app in Mac planning and activities and example is, we're working on updating the elephant messaging, and we would like contributions from each one of the LFN projects.
08:19:42 So I would work closely with this person, as it relates to the Mac activities and how own app is integrated and involved. And I'd like to point out that the time commitment for this role is pretty minimal.
08:19:59 I'd estimate it to be maybe two hours a month.
08:20:02 There is a monthly map call, of which the representative is expected to attend and participate. And then I'd say just maybe an hour of coordination, a month, between those calls around initiatives like the messaging and other marketing activities.
08:20:22 And, well, as well as interfacing back with this group do now to see where required.
08:20:29 So we very much want to fill this role here soon. The seats been vacant for a little while and make sure that own app as well represented within the Mac.
08:20:38 So if you're interested please touch base first with Catherine, and then we can talk about selecting a representative and getting them on boarded into the markets pretty quick and easy.
08:20:55 Moving into Honolulu marketing status update, so we are tracking behind the technical release and we're looking to go public with our marketing release shortly thereafter.
08:21:09 So right now we're planning on a date of May, 11, and Mrs. assuming a technical sign off before that.
08:21:23 And what we're doing in terms of next steps is trying to finalize our Honolulu messaging Doc, which I put the link to in the wiki page here. And we've been rubbing on this for a while, I think it's very close to what we needed to be.
08:21:43 However, there's some additional input that Catherine is gathering and is planning to make to that doc.
08:21:51 By tomorrow. So if you have any further inputs to this Doc, please coordinate with her and get those in before tomorrow, or we're looking to finalize this stock which then we use to create our, our link facing marketing assets including our website updates
08:22:13 the architecture overview and docs slides, press release, etc. We're also looking to do and Honolulu webinar as well, to explain what's new and important in a release, and we're currently recruiting speakers for that effort.
08:22:33 And I think that wraps up our plan this last item around getting updates from the different committees, is something I think, Kenny can help coordinate and see about getting those representatives on future calls here for the own app to see but let me
08:22:55 just pause there and see if there's any questions or comments from anyone.
08:23:07 No, I was just having some comment that we kick off some details about Felicia looping with you and upon Christ and also from the CNS Task Force perspective.
08:23:22 I know the architecture the Cortland subcommittee are also engage. We don't know all the bits and bytes so we have a particular request from the one upon Christ to Kenny David Brandon anybody can we have multiple on that is to attend our next own upon
08:23:41 the price, because we want to validate the assumption, and without them we are completely blocked.
08:23:48 because we want to validate our assumption, and without them we are completely blocked. So I think the opportunity to relay the message.
08:23:53 And then, Any other questions, otherwise it would be nice to have feedback from his PC fact representative and new agey, maybe on the sequel on May six.
08:24:06 So, so we can keep the community of data double what's going on.
08:24:12 On this PC tech and and ideas ideal fit, without having a multiple entity we cannot move forward.
08:24:20 This is a DSC responsibility to represent or community to any candidate you, please reply to the mailing list, which was sent two days ago.
08:24:34 Thank you.
08:24:36 Thank you, Linda.
08:24:37 Thank you.
08:24:45 Okay.
08:24:47 Yep.
08:24:50 So I think I already cover on upon the price needs.
08:24:53 I just want to give the new possibility to honey honey and chemo, we have no a mailing list, but I don't think we send an email, who do enough to see this code to kick off the own app wiki.
08:25:07 The owner. The, the wiki to the to the full so i don't know i know you have been very busy keep going, honey. So, do you want to say anything today or do you prefer to add more so next week, avoid the wiki to the to, just to have additional volunteers
08:25:29 to contribute and why not the documentation team could be also huge people to review it.
08:25:42 Yes, I'm not sure who is who volunteered already I think I heard someone from the doc team volunteer in the last meeting, but
08:25:52 let's actually just do a feeling that that that portion we just before the TLC we we had the meeting and, and we had this discussion.
08:26:07 Shortly, and it's clear that a good team will be involved in this discussion, it's, it's a good, good group, good team of people to to be engaged.
08:26:27 And of course I'm, I'm one of the top team, people. So, it's kind of both hats.
08:26:34 I have here. Otherwise, I think it's kind of regrettable that at least I have been a bit kind of dragging my feet with this.
08:26:51 try to bring some
08:26:58 to the next DSC on how to approach this and like we discussed at the time when we were nominated by Ronnie.
08:27:06 Just to remind everybody that we are not going to make the Vicki look great. It's, it's the community, we are, we will we will be facilitating that work but we need everybody so that will at least as many as possible input, enhance.
08:27:29 Yes, yes, David Primo I didn't want to put the pressure on you to the just to take an unboxing at using the GST code to promote the word does that make a huge difference in terms of messaging for owner Corey especially with for the newbies or anybody
08:27:48 who try to understand what you're doing and navigate to.
08:27:53 I don't expect any feedback yet.
08:27:56 On the school. I just wanted to give you the floor to make a chord to audition our volunteer, that's understood, so definitely yes and.
08:28:10 And I think we discussed feminism kind of an oxymoron here but we discussed a kind of dedicated corner on the week as well for the task force so maybe, maybe that can be established to the.
08:28:23 Well, alongside of the other task forces that we have.
08:28:27 So we have a place where we can put stuff proposals and thoughts and so forth. Yeah, I can, I can put that out there, and I should have done that when I set up the mailing list and I just slipped my mind.
08:28:40 Sorry. No worries. I mean, there hasn't been anything for us to put there yet so no harm done.
08:28:49 But yeah so anybody. Definitely anybody in this community here who feels they could they would have an idea, ideas about how to improve them.
08:29:03 It's used a mailing list, let us know, Ronnie and me.
08:29:06 And then of course, I kind of flew to each of you to share that same message with your, your own communities your own colleagues and.
08:29:32 And people you work with in this in this owner community and outside I mean weekly has to be readable also for those who are not on a daily basis, dealing with other
08:29:33 people is being a bit of a good cop here, I think we're all in tears I'll be the bad cop, reminding you that if you're done providing input you lose your right to complain afterwards about the outcome.
08:29:49 That's great feedback,
08:29:56 thank you to both of you anyway. And I would try to add then when I was young. So, did you already set up a time or
08:30:04 welcome has been established yet.
08:30:07 We need to get the critical mass in terms of number of folks involved
08:30:19 in that. So please join the mailing list.
08:30:21 That's the best way to demonstrate your interest.
08:30:26 Plus the calendar is a bit tight so, yeah, basically.
08:30:31 So, well, we'll find out.
08:30:40 So, we are up against the time.
08:30:46 So won't have much discussion on PSC two dot o today, but just confirming that members of the TASC saw the email that I sent on April 15th regarding the breakdown of companies.
08:31:12 And if there's any questions there I will answer them.
08:31:24 Thank you can eat was very interesting. I'm very clear on that gives a good vision of what.
08:31:40 I believe we are getting close of what we want to accomplish. So, yes, I also want to thank everybody.
08:31:48 In addition to Kenny who review the page provide feedback and, at least we were sure we are representing correctly what the owner committee would like to pursue through their KFC paperwork representative to thank you so much.
08:32:09 Just a quick reminder there is only a survey, which is ongoing, and we may seven other this line.
08:32:16 And then there will be note is equal on May 2613, because I believe most of em, er, will be should know
08:32:31 that so for today.
08:32:34 And just, just to emphasize the importance of the survey.
08:32:39 We've been doing this for several years now this was our annual survey that the staff puts out.
08:32:47 Basically, regarding how was lF and operating and.
08:32:53 So this is your opportunity to provide direct feedback. We absolutely use that survey to make changes and and to set direction so it's really important, please.
08:33:07 Please take a moment to do it in fact as I will copy the link and post it into the
08:33:14 chat window here.
08:33:18 Yes, I did it in two minutes. Yeah.
08:33:20 If you click on it, I don't know.
08:33:30 Yep. No, it's in the middle, it's, it's in the minutes but there's a, there's the message that has the information in it. Please go there and click the link to follow the survey
08:33:36 and Randy I see you have volunteered to be
08:33:41 the, the Mac rap.
08:33:46 Yes, I did.
08:33:55 Okay, we will put that out. And so, Catherine I'll leave that up to you.
08:34:04 For the discussions on that.
08:34:06 And with your permission, I'll go ahead and close the meeting out.
08:34:11 And rant Thank you ready for volunteering.
08:34:15 Sure. My pleasure.