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2021 TSC Recordings

2021 TSC Decisions

Anti-Trust Policy

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

China Mobile
Turk Telecom
Reliance Jio
Bell Canada


China Telecom


Agenda Items

Presented By



POC Updates

Control Loop in TOSCA:

  • PoCs progressed in the last two ONAP release
  • Requirement proposed for Rel I

PTL Updates

Doc Project Review, Portal


  • Doc SOW review added to Apr 29 agenda
  • Updating Portal project to unmaintained is still pending.

TSC Activities & Deadlines

TSC 2.0


Release Status


#AGREED TSC approved the new roadmap i.e. remaining RC1/RC2 + Sign-Off on April 22nd, 2021 -

  • Sign-Off tasks for OOM/Integration/Doc projects (under review)

Next step: Re-assess the testing/Show stoppers on 4/19 (PTL call)




  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
    • IT-21710 - Only Docker snapshot is possible
    • IT-21812 - Intermittent issue under monitoring
    • IT-21854 - Nexus - can we setup a reverse proxy?
      • LF IT to investigate the reverse proxy request
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
    • EasyCLA migration completed 


PTL Updates


  • Final Call for VID, EXTAPI projects, postponed to April 29th, 2021


TCC / ONAP Liaison Update



Formal alignment between ONAP/ORAN SC about SMO 

Postponed to April 22nd, 2021


Task Force Update
CNF, ONAP Enterprise, Wiki 2.0


Wiki 2.0 - New Task Force led by Timo Perala &Ranny Haiby

  • Goal: Redefine the structure of the ONAP wiki, to identify the relevant pages, to create onboarding for newbies, etc.
  • Mailing list:


On April 22nd, task force will collect any ONAP SDC requirement/capability to support commercial CNFs.

ONAP Enterprise - Next meeting scheduled on April 28th @7am PST

Next call - Follow up on Magma/ONAP Integration


Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

2021 Mentorship Projects -3 ONAP submissions approved by TSC

  • Approved projects announced  

LFN Webinar Series

2021 LFN Developer & Testing Forum June

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:06 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:29 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:00:30 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:01:01 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:01:32 From Chaker Al-Hakim to Everyone : #info proxy Chaker Al-Hakim, Seshu (huawei)
07:02:04 From Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info proxy Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
07:02:14 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
07:03:13 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:03:18 From saleem abdul to Everyone : # info Saleem Abdul LF
07:04:47 From Mike Elliott to Everyone : #into proxy Mike Elliott, Amdocs
07:04:59 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:05:23 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info, Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
07:13:38 From to Everyone : info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:13:46 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : @bin thanks
07:23:18 From Liam Fallon (Ericsson Softare Technology) to Everyone :
08:29:26 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Catherine and I have a hard stop for a meeting that has already been put off multiple times due to the TSC running long.
08:30:18 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : Sorry, have to step out now.
08:31:13 From Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson) to Everyone : Need to drop for another meeting
08:31:23 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : I need to drop in order to attend O?AP/ORAN TSC alignment
08:32:26 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : Need to drop as well, thanks everyone

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.

07:04:40 Okay,
07:04:46 let's go ahead and start, I have started the recording.
07:04:59 Everybody is muted when you come in please keep yourself muted.
07:05:03 When you're speaking Thank you You can restart six if you're on the phone line, please send me a private message, it will become part of the public record.
07:05:13 Mike, thank you, Jason.
07:05:15 Thank you.
07:05:26 And as always, we will start our meeting, I mentioned in the projects and because policy. You can find this link from the elephant project websites.
07:05:36 All of these important I've got multiple companies including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
07:05:42 Please review if you have any questions please contact your company's legal counsel, members of the Linux Foundation may also contact. Andrew up the growth directly at the firm Gizmo up Grove LLP which provides legal counsel.
07:05:53 lf Catherine. Thank you.
07:06:01 Let me stop sharing that, and start sharing
07:06:08 are happy little rainbow colored agenda page.
07:06:16 I'm have a, an update on was looping Tosca this has been something that I think has been put off for a couple weeks so we want to start off with that.
07:06:29 Just a couple of programming notes here, the doc so w review will take place at the April 29 meeting.
07:06:39 And I still haven't done anything to archive the Oh, I'm sorry I didn't get somebody to help with gatekeeper duties.
07:06:51 I can't do it can be.
07:07:00 You have been co hosted.
07:07:03 Okay.
07:07:05 I haven't done anything to move portal to unmaintained yet.
07:07:10 We'll spend some time talking about a seafood auto Honolulu stumble rail Inge.
07:07:21 When call for did an external API. We participants there.
07:07:30 I'll talk a little bit about RM.
07:07:35 Task Force actions, and the mentor ships, anything else anyone wants to add.
07:07:45 Okay, so let me see here, I will give who's going to be sharing is it going to be.
07:07:54 Who or is it going to be a gala. Okay, make a co host. She's going to share.
07:08:00 Okay, thank you.
07:08:09 Keep trying to make her co host but the the thing keeps jumping around my end up clicking on somebody else's name. There we go.
07:08:17 Let me stop sharing.
07:08:30 Hi. Do you see my screen.
07:08:34 Yes, that's your presentation.
07:08:38 Okay.
07:08:40 We provide you what we want to provide, but he's also the I'm here that they will also speak about
07:08:48 Tosca.
07:08:52 So,
07:08:52 Kenya sorry just I know I should diameter, and meet the people you are going to do this chakra and I are working on it. Okay, good.
07:09:04 And so when we did the cantaloupe in Tosca with the, we did the demo for a pocket in two previous releases so in there is G and it is Asia, and now we are going to.
07:09:18 We have already presented it to the requirements accommodate our requirement for desire to move. The, the, our contribution from the pocket to the mainstream and continue this this task.
07:09:33 We want to show you speak of the ability what we did in the last two days and what we plan to do in the, in the nudism.
07:09:41 So starting from the two previous release, we we started the more than one years ago.
07:09:50 We started the more than one years ago, not disappointed at the beginning it we were mainly the last development invented face to face, and that we are we we presented our proposal for the Tosca for the first time.
07:10:00 And then we, how to describe the control looping Tosca and then the pocket, we're focusing on every single design time catalog for the control loop.
07:10:11 And now with the new release. I've been focusing in control loop participant and that we will see later the concept of control loop as a participant, and the support of control and monitoring and supervision.
07:10:23 I did to Liam to describe to me. The two boxes, maybe.
07:10:29 Yeah, and I guess we didn't think that we probably have the whole thing finished before we begin to see the next year to feel smooth presented at the person running.
07:10:38 Yeah, they are in the, in the, Rishi park with mostly focused on the design time and on building the REST API being able to push the control, definitely definitions into an out of the database.
07:10:56 I didn't release which then we focused more on the on the on the on the runtime.
07:11:13 On the runtime side so it's the it's the, so the design is the black catch to power to answer the runtime is that parasites and tools in the, in the blue hat so they left hand side is more or less risky and the right the right hand side is what was his.
07:11:18 So, basically here I guess it's it's it yeah we're following the old way of doing things, so you have a design, you have a design time and Power Query you design your control loop or the fragments of your control that you want to put together, and indicate
07:11:32 indicate in the, in the design time catalog, you push that into the design time catalog so the design time, there's two kind of operations that you do.
07:11:49 The first is to is to is to put it in the design and put it in the pieces of the fragments are they are the best data for the various controls and the participants in the controls that you want to use.
07:11:57 And then you have composition, is that in the competition is what you're doing is you're selecting different, different pieces are different components that you want in control of language I suppose we call them participants that you want to include in
07:12:13 In controller language I suppose we call them participants that you want to include in your control. And you're putting them together in an over to compose an overall control group.
07:12:25 So the output of the design time is a composers controller. And then, that's just to walk them who really walked out in recent years, how would we actually get that into the database, how do we how do we build walk on.
07:12:34 How do we express a consultant fantastic and so on. In the runtime there in release he has more about building the pieces that we need for building the software that we need for to make this work.
07:12:45 So, in in these which we we built the wee bit we we extend this the support and capital was already there, it took to have control the runtime environment, which has a controller catalog for the commission so you're conditioned to control that you've
07:13:03 designed into a continual cash. That gives you control types that you that you, that, that, that you can use. So you might have a time for the performance management and the PVC which is the use case we're using so the best performance management subscription
07:13:19 handling, use case, you might have a controller for that. And then you create many instances that something similar very similar and it using the approach that sample really does.
07:13:28 So your parameter as a control loop type to create a control group instance.
07:13:32 And you can you can use, then you can you can see if that's just the invention and then you can call back later and change parameters around parameters to ash.
07:13:41 Then once wants to control instance is that you're happy with what you do is you instantiate the controller but when you instantiate the controller, you pass your part, you, you, you, you invoke you send a message on the, on the map and indie map then
07:14:09 And if there is, then they pick up the message from Dubai synchronously, and they spin up the pieces of the controller that they need to get rolling, to make the whole country the controller work as a whole.
07:14:21 And once they, so they have a piece of code in there, in the in the components, logically whether it's a, whether it can be it can be actually course deployed as part of town, but logically, the court would be in the CDC policy or in another function
07:14:35 it could be, say something like CDs or could be in.
07:14:39 It could be in a third party analytics, or machine learning system or it could be a third party controller that you want to take this consorted participant API, he can purchase in a control.
07:14:53 They control upon time passes, they control the message for that participant in the diva to the, to the participants and then it spins up its piece of the controller.
07:15:04 and once all of the controller participants have reported back to the runtime, to say that there are pieces of that the controller from Tom says, yeah.
07:15:16 Then you can add the second phase as well but once a controller, but each controller participant has reporters, then the controller one time setup consoled instead of running, so then you can actually then you'll activate passively at the controls are
07:15:29 but still have them sort of taking over. You can have them taking over not handling events, or you can actually have them up and running.
07:15:35 Also, so that's the dash supervision of the controller lifecycle is, it is what's new here, as well as the ability to be able to specify the messages are very kind of a generic or any controlled practice.
07:16:01 Been here specify the middle here for the control group itself. And also, that you can include any participant in the controller, as long as you have.
07:15:59 It sounds implements this this this interface. We also then have execution monitoring, so you can actually check to see if otter status of each participant in the controller piece.
07:16:08 And you can also gather some statistics on the controller and the controller participants and and the overall controller bits but you know they're they're compare their aggregated together for the overall control.
07:16:18 So if one of these participants goes down, you'd be able to see that. Also you'll be able to check things like about the events are passed across in each control of the events is coming into DC management department.
07:16:32 So there's some generic things that reporters and then if you actually had something which was a bespoke for a particular company, you can actually add extra statistics here, which are just a package of the beta data as a blob and brought back up the
07:16:45 monitoring then you can actually write some add ons then, or to interpret those issues.
07:16:50 Okay and stop there and outlet for questions.
07:16:58 Okay, maybe what we have, because yesterday also went to the DC meeting, and we have shown a demo where we have shown, where as from control loop from plan but you can use in this country.
07:17:17 comment in this specific component, we have shown as you can deploy the VM sh, and how we have deployed the day there was in the policy. And this says, enable us to associate a contra looping stance that we have already use the internet but the message
07:17:45 is already a component in DC, and Andy's use that to enable the job on the network function.
07:17:50 And the scope was really to show the user the controller participant, and the supervision function that the alien was discussing.
07:18:01 Now, we have done our requirement for It is I, that is mainly covering him.
07:18:08 We have already presented this to Allah, and to the requirement meeting subcommittee two weeks ago and it has been asking me to forum for information to come back to DC to show what we, we want to do.
07:18:22 And I don't go to the detail here, but I go me to the target architecture. We are mainly elaborating this idea to continue to elaborate the functions in how the, as in addition to the execution the activation and the supervision and when he thought he
07:18:42 possibly every, every other function.
07:18:45 And we have been using this with the concept of the participant.
07:18:49 And then we have the catalog that now is using the information in in Tosca, and we are ready to merge integrate our code with the current clump that in the same moment is also going to definitely go in the Policy Project, and the design time.
07:19:11 We have not yet done this, but we would like to then, in, in to consider possible integration with our design studio as also the CMO
07:19:25 for the design school but we said that we, we have the mainstream with the policy label integration with the clamp and created a Kubernetes participant.
07:19:36 This is usable for the integration with the DCA that an AI is going to be deployed by home and not anymore by cloud defined support the ex NFL donation assurance and a stretch goal we have a possibility to control participants, also in other components
07:19:57 in the integration with other design studios, the CMOS as I said before,
07:20:04 what is ongoing this mainly the last slide, is the integration with the clamp is the discussion is ongoing.
07:20:22 With the team, the former team Oakland and us now is working also in policy policy is that the end the only impact the component for design. Also the, the participant that we are going to deploy this inside the with a clamp and so in the policy.
07:20:32 And what is ongoing is a pocket that we have done for the user with DC participant with DC. And we are also starting to analyze and to implement an integration our Cuba mates a participant the for the user with the sea.
07:20:49 That's all I had initially Amara Zoo want to add something.
07:20:56 I just I should say that we will, we plan to to do the demonstration at the next developer Chester forum. I guess it would be in. In June, I think.
07:21:09 Yeah.
07:21:12 Any questions.
07:21:15 Yes, here is getting so first of all thank you for sharing new phases of your PC, and also to bringing back as possible or not official release so it's really great practice really good.
07:21:28 I have only one comment, as you know, similarly, I think, the club to DC PLC.
07:21:39 We have perform at the same time. And I don't know if Marshall is on the call, but he was planning to bring this to life, as part of your picture they neither have I.
07:21:56 And therefore, The clump functionality will be within 40 see so we might want to readjust, a little bit the activities, presented here.
07:22:18 This we are discussing together.
07:22:12 We're building the diversion program so is the team helium and McKenna are aware of the fact that the current functionalities that they are going to use is actually the one which has been merged into Paris you're ready
07:22:32 you officially done in Istanbul but practically has been. The book has been doing during a new release.
07:22:40 So yes, we are actually using together to align as best as possible.
07:22:49 The CM book here with the clamp. Good, which is knowing the inputs.
07:22:58 Yeah, we've been spending the last couple of weeks working out the design.
07:23:05 to make sure things are consistent between the two.
07:23:08 Yeah, we have, we have a wiki page here.
07:23:10 We're actually spent we spent some time yesterday working on as it's not finished yet but I guess we can send that link up guys, so I just pushed into the chat for you would have a rocket.
07:23:19 Yeah, but I think actually there's somebody it a little bit of coordination to do with this and also some improvements we're doing in policy around database as well Jim but there.
07:23:29 I think we're we're, we're all working together to. I think we do some synergies as well. So I think at the end we'll have you know it you know everything working together in a nice way, maybe we won't get everything finished in it but I think we'd have
07:23:45 a good, we'll have a good path forward. yeah um you say the most important. We are working together. So for me, you will be successful. Thank you.
07:23:52 Thank you. Thank you.
07:23:56 Justin information from is that does that mean that the also the project will join them the Policy Project.
07:24:05 So would that be a combined project and, because I think we have still them separate projects. Officially,
07:24:16 which project mean MMO text and cloud end to end the Policy Project, will that just joined the project. Yes, the, the project inserted will be duplicated will be determined.
07:24:34 So, from Istanbul going for what would you need the policy projects. Okay.
07:24:41 It's just important that we know that as well for that say when we go from also looking on the from the, let's say, documentation point of view about these lists and so on whether we didn't have only then the Policy Project.
07:24:55 Okay. Yes, yes, I started shoe stuff as you as you know.
07:25:00 Yeah, I want to own things to do so.
07:25:05 Don't hold the documentation will be fully integrate should be fully integrated with them.
07:25:14 I already changed the locations. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, yeah, we already did that together Yes Yeah, exactly.
07:25:21 And just us also relate to the repository, with a much also.
07:25:36 Yes, they are already in the. Yes, clamp.
07:25:36 Okay, thank.
07:25:54 Okay, if there is nothing else.
07:26:03 Michaela zoo. We thank you so much for presenting that.
07:26:12 Thank you. Looking forward to seeing the demo in June.
07:26:15 Yeah.
07:26:16 Okay, thank you.
07:26:21 Okay, so let's move on then.
07:26:27 who discussion of TASC to Dotto.
07:26:33 So we have the page out there for a while now.
07:26:39 And there have been some updates to it. This is not some specific language, that would necessarily be used, but this is more conceptual and then I can all work on the word smithing.
07:26:53 So had a few in line comments here, rainy and a couple of things,
07:27:04 and rainy Catherine added
07:27:09 this whole thing I think this is the, from my perspective this is all really chocolate covered goodness.
07:27:21 So any questions on those pieces.
07:27:34 Okay. So, one here where there was
07:27:39 concerns raised was, I had thrown out there no more than two people.
07:27:48 I know Catherine and ally and some others are concerned that this should only be should be restricted in one.
07:27:58 However, if we do that, I would still recommend that an exception such as this is included.
07:28:17 And then there was a comment here that talks about may return may retain their seat.
07:28:25 That should be more definitive language put in there,
07:28:31 basically say will retain their seat.
07:28:34 As long as their job responsibilities include own engagement. So that was one area where I would like to see some agreement from, from the PSC that yes, this should be one person, and keeping that listed as an exception to the one person rule.
07:29:05 If I take you on.
07:29:05 Go ahead.
07:29:06 Okay, Kenny Can you explain a bit more elaborate on this sort of special rule, or this is important to be complete up to up to up to one year there.
07:29:19 So, if, if you have somebody that is elected to your position.
07:29:29 And then their company acquires a different company acquires the company they work for.
07:29:38 Should that person then be forced out of the TLC
07:29:44 the perspective that I have is no they shouldn't they should be able to serve out there.
07:29:52 If a person takes another job with a different company should they be forced out of the PSC if they are still working on own app.
07:30:04 My perspective is they shouldn't so that's why those exceptions would exist.
07:30:10 Does, does that help.
07:30:12 Yes I do understand that, I think that's also common in standard station that you were elected as a, as a person.
07:30:22 and on your merits.
07:30:23 In this case, but it's the timing for the merger and acquisition.
07:30:30 And I think it might be sort of, there might be a time period where you sort this out.
07:30:38 But, but it can be for for a very long time.
07:30:47 So I don't know if it should sort of last until the next annual TC election cycle.
07:30:56 It's
07:30:59 okay. So what would what do you think a reasonable money you could put three to six months or something.
07:31:18 better.
07:31:20 Simon says just me thinking.
07:31:24 Do you mean three to six months, because the next Daniel cycle might be too soon or because the next annual cycle might no no three to six months or the next time you'll see I think it's too long, if it's sort of, Let's say that we make the election in
07:31:45 and then. In June, someone sort of this happens, then reasonable that if you wait a whole year.
07:31:53 I'm okay with it because I think because that person had been elected and we're trying to be a little more talk RC based I don't think it will.
07:32:03 Over the weight.
07:32:06 You know the TASC because we have two people that are now from the same company, because there's companies just merged and, you know, by experience, you know, meaning, even though they may have closed their merger they probably aren't really merged anyway
07:32:19 so i'm ok waiting until the next annual cycle, and that
07:32:28 other thoughts other input.
07:32:34 That seems to be reasonable, I guess. Yeah.
07:32:40 Yeah, I personally I don't think that these situations would happen often enough so that completely. Put the TASC of balance. Right.
07:32:53 I was still curious about the second situation where someone switches employers by.
07:33:00 As someone who's been through that, and was put in the situation of, who do you love more mommy or daddy. I don't think I have a good
07:33:12 solution.
07:33:14 You don't want to actually you know
07:33:22 I'm kind of curious to hear what other members of the sci fi corner community because it's clearly a meritocracy that it makes sense for the person to keep their position.
07:33:35 But seriously, we have all kinds of provisions, limiting the number of people from a company and so on so forth.
07:33:45 might be a bit more complicated.
07:33:56 Yeah, so, So to Randy's point here in the note this
07:34:04 whatever language we use should not be.
07:34:10 It should not be ambiguous here, there, there should be something, a definitive
07:34:17 statement.
07:34:20 So, this is this was, this is what I had suggested, instead of may retain their seat will retain their seat provided their job responsibilities at the new company include own app engagement.
07:34:38 And, well, I guess, and then we would need to say that all of the other provisions you know they need to stay engaged they need to do this they need to do that with the TLC would still apply, regardless.
07:34:53 So, if I may share my personal experience around that.
07:34:58 So I have seen both models in the open source communities.
07:35:02 But I must say that for communities that are more around voting, choosing, etc. Usually a person who switch the company is also losing his seat in community in.
07:35:19 I'm in PSC or call it whatever you want.
07:35:22 And in the other half of the communities where people get their position who because of the respect that they are early so like, maintain your shipping the layman's term know those people usually preserve the receipts.
07:35:37 So, I would rather say that people whose because of the way we are working in the community.
07:35:46 I believe that people are voting.
07:35:49 More on the company and overall vision that people in the TLC represent crowd they're done for particular people says, it would be rational to at least have an additional rounds of election where that person may also run for a seat.
07:36:07 That's just my private opinion.
07:36:12 So, your, your perspective is that, if it's sitting to see member changes their employment that a special election should be initiated.
07:36:25 Yeah, I believe to be the most fair
07:36:31 and Krista, would that be in your opinion should that be only for the second point where the person.
07:36:39 Changes place of employment or would that apply in the case of a merger as well and that person's company is acquired and now you end up with, with the say too many people from the same mother company.
07:36:52 So you know, acquiring companies, is I would say something that occurs way less often done just changing work, and you know if Company A is acquiring Company B, that's usually it's not, you know, oh not involvement is usually not going to be the only
07:37:11 reason for that, while hiring someone just to get a position or stuff, it's something that happens in general in different communities. So, you know, I believe that when someone changes their company, it's fair to just, you know, run this special election
07:37:32 that person may also run for that seat.
07:37:35 They have now new affiliation, they may already be familiar with the duties that he or she's going to have in the new company and the priorities of that company.
07:37:46 So, he may decide to run for that seat or not and if he was chosen because of the personality and you know the technical knowledge that he represents, then probably will be reelected or if there is a better candidate or candidates from that company who
07:38:03 just lose the seat. Maybe it is because that company has I know 200 kilometers are 200 active committee members and they just won't have a representative in the community.
07:38:17 I ice, I see a lot of merit in what's being said so, if, if we put the language here.
07:38:27 changes, rather than an exception necessarily to a special election and if that person is elected in a special election, then they may may retain their seat.
07:38:46 Yeah, that makes sense. Okay.
07:38:49 And I think that we have agreement that they should be one.
07:38:55 Well actually I was going to comment on that it depends on the next item which is how many seats you have on the TC I mean there's talk of like 30 seats and if you have 30 seats, honestly there's a hard chance we'd fill it with 30 representatives from
07:39:08 30 different companies. So, in that case I'd be in favor of to.
07:39:20 So I think it depends on the number of seats. Okay. Um.
07:39:19 So going back to this.
07:39:23 Do we have agreement that this should be a special election.
07:39:31 Yes. Going once, going twice.
07:40:04 Okay.
07:40:13 Okay, so I'm just finishing up, how many seats are nice segue there Jason.
07:40:33 So, Katherine's first coming Can you clarify Kenny perhaps on what are the rules. And I think it's in here also but you know if if members don't attend and we're doing either in person or email votes to we still need 50% of the total seats or is it based
07:40:53 on their attendance.
07:40:56 So, based upon the tenants provisions that person would be removed from the, from corn for for for voting and that would also apply the email books.
07:41:13 Okay, so it's not as much of a concern in that first concern by Katherine wouldn't apply it with those attendance, and cornrows in place, right, and and, yeah, currently we don't have such attendance requirements, which is where we have a bit of a problem.
07:41:30 Got it. Well, then I'm confused because I remember one day, we were only 14. Right.
07:41:39 And only had only.
07:41:44 I think it was eight, which was below the 50% of 18 and we could not pursue.
07:41:51 So I would like, really to, if it, if not today. If we are, we are, etc. And we are only 14. We only need to seven. I really want to spell it out because one day we were blocked.
07:42:04 when we were voted. So I want to be sure we clarify what we mean today because otherwise, we might face the same issue again.
07:42:18 So the thing we I think if we take in consideration.
07:42:24 It says, active member on the number of companies.
07:42:29 We should know what is the maximum of people who can be elected to do, do you have any legs that we will maximum.
07:42:40 Maybe we do need 22.
07:42:45 That's my concern, we can go back to your question but my concern and I'm bringing it.
07:42:52 We have q appearance, where we were not 18, we vote.
07:43:00 And we could not progress.
07:43:03 Because, and now understand that it no more of an issue.
07:43:08 If we are only 14 118 provisions. So, if it is the case, let's writing down, because we have been blocked in the past.
07:43:18 So, if the world is changing, or if the rules, was not that before. I would like to state it clearly. So there is no confusion. And if one day we are we have only nine tsp members on the call.
07:43:33 And then all vote, and we are 20, we can proceed.
07:43:40 you understand the concern almost.
07:43:47 Well,
07:43:50 that's then so what is the definition of coral 50% plus 150 percent.
07:44:01 Now the question is, what's the, what the coupon apply to the quote, apply to all the seats, even if we don't have the quantity. Only the seeds that are present to a cold.
07:44:18 So it so, one would apply to any boat or any call, provided that people are attending meetings, if this provision, which is pretty much standard. And, you know, other things and I don't know why wasn't put originally into the only app to see charter,
07:44:49 or the own app charter itself because it's it's it's pretty standard everywhere else that I've seen that if you have members that don't send a proxy.
07:45:01 They missed two meetings in a row. You don't count them anymore.
07:45:08 Okay, who can tell a real attend.
07:45:13 Today we can say if we bought today.
07:45:15 We only need seven plus one.
07:45:19 Is it too. We don't need necessary to it to be 14 or to be turned out to be nine which nine plus one. I want to be clear because we are in the situation today, we are 14.
07:45:32 Even 13 may be right. So, if we are 13 today. We only need six rooms, if we decide something.
07:45:43 If you are taking a vote.
07:45:45 If you have caught them at the meeting. Right.
07:45:49 You're at the meeting. So, if 50%, which is what it is currently, so if you There are nine people at the meeting.
07:45:58 If the majority of those vote in favor of something that qualifies me could have five for something. As long as the majority would would be passing the vote.
07:46:16 Okay, it's clear for the English speaker on Buddha, but I remember we have an appearance and we could not pursue.
07:46:23 Because we were not reaching.
07:46:26 We were enough
07:46:30 on the call.
07:46:36 It wasn't a portal. Maybe we have had calls it started off with forums and then by the time we go to vote. There isn't a quorum anymore.
07:46:44 Maybe their recent that was at that moment right.
07:46:50 And I absolutely know that I can think of a few occurrences where that's occur without that's happened.
07:47:01 Okay, if it is clearly written, I'm fine. I'm sure when we meet this again, have an issue, because we are still in a situation we are 14 sure that my attention so.
07:47:27 It might be a good to have like a couple examples right because the differences like let's say okay there's only 14 that is that has been regularly attending. So that means email votes need eight to pass, but in particular meeting, maybe only 10 of the
07:47:34 the 14 show up, so that means you only need six in the meeting to pass right so I think, you know, maybe calling out those examples would help clarify it.
07:47:48 Assuming I even said it right.
07:47:51 Well, from my point of view.
07:48:07 The rule is decorum if you have bone you can proceed with rotation, and then he goes on, right, you don't have corn you gotta proceed, and that's the main rule.
07:48:06 But again, is the corner against what. Again, 18, all the people who are attending so for me.
07:48:15 Anyway, it was.
07:48:18 Yeah, I agree with that. It's not about quorum of people, Danny supporting about Google fix one number right here the point was not to make it fixed because if you have people that just never show up and we'd have a harder time meeting corn.
07:48:38 Yeah. currently it is fixed, that's, that's the problem.
07:48:43 Hopefully should be so number right, you can agreed Sunday we only treat and you're gonna absorb everything you want. Right.
07:48:52 At least some meaning which will be define it from a point of view.
07:48:58 so hang on here so I can me.
07:49:02 But Kenny if I if I'm not mistaken, this is where your, this is where what you were saying previously factors in right it's like at the start of the meeting your your core and would be determined by the number of people who have been attending regularly
07:49:17 and those who have been missing too many meetings in a row would not be factored in when we decide what that corn is.
07:49:24 Am I am I getting it right. Correct.
07:49:27 I mean this is. Yes, exactly.
07:49:31 So this is, I mean this provision has been placed for the pack system for this provision is in place for the governing board.
07:49:39 This provision I've seen it in place for several of the other projects.
07:49:46 So, If you have.
07:49:50 Currently we have 18 people. Okay. And we have for people that have not attended.
07:49:58 Who meetings in a row, and have not sent a proxy.
07:50:12 From now the quorum is not 18 or the counted for corn is not 18 counteroffer form is now 14.
07:50:14 So the actual form is what
07:50:19 The, the, what the attending yeah so if it's if it's 14 people then it would be a quorum is a 50% would be so.
07:50:33 But if you do a vote now as an example. So normally, we are aligned to the.
07:50:40 Okay.
07:50:42 So, do we need to reach.
07:50:45 Seven. If we vote on anything to the. Is it seven that we need to consider a minimum, or is it, nine,
07:50:56 you pass the vote.
07:51:01 It
07:51:01 would be 50% plus one.
07:51:04 Okay, I like
07:51:14 it would be okay.
07:51:14 Right, so it's the number, you know, to have a meeting to vote in a meeting we need a quorum, the quorum is 50% of the, you know, regularly attending people under this rule.
07:51:26 But these two number of people meeting.
07:51:30 Right now it's 14.
07:51:33 So you need it.
07:51:36 Yeah, we have a vote in the meeting and then within the meeting, it's the majority of the people that are at the meeting.
07:51:44 Okay, an email votes different so an email vote would be, you know, if it's 14 you need, I guess, eight, eight to pass an email though, because you have 14 that are regularly attending the meeting.
07:51:57 Okay, so that's the okay that's that's maybe just a couple of examples like that.
07:52:06 People understand.
07:52:07 It helped a lot.
07:52:08 Thank you.
07:52:12 Okay, so I'm just going to see here, include examples.
07:52:22 I can't add a comment here I don't know. There we go.
07:52:38 Okay so here we have talking about.
07:52:51 Next attending.
07:52:55 Miss meetings.
07:53:00 Kenny I think we need to go back on the, on the other point that did come up with a with a number.
07:53:14 Think would you like to bring again your, your question.
07:53:18 Yes, my concern was just to define the security.
07:53:31 No maximum number of seats, we may have, considering that we only want to get one in one company on that we need to have to be erected we need to have contributed to at least since 2020 committed
07:53:49 to get or whatever so that's the current language so I've got highlighted.
07:53:51 Yeah, so we can, we based on this requirements, we may know what is a maximum of companies.
07:54:05 We may have someone watching this.
07:54:13 This is concerned.
07:54:13 So maybe, maybe we maybe it will, there will be or near 25 company, I don't know.
07:54:20 Okay, so So Eric what you were suggesting, if I'm understanding correctly, is we should go in to insights.
07:54:42 Look, and find out how many coffee companies would currently today.
07:54:38 Yet qualify for you having somebody.
07:54:43 Exactly.
07:54:48 Okay. Other thoughts on that.
07:54:57 Okay.
07:55:29 And whatever the number is today, this recommendation is that what gets voted into the community document as the number
07:55:46 is not a, it's not a variable.
07:55:54 And then we're also assuming it's one person per company one per person per company.
07:56:01 And you can also, if we want to need to determine the number of company just look what's up been over the last one year.
07:56:13 And we can see the 32 company 25 so not look at four years, or FICO because a lot of company.
07:56:22 Join and. And these appear. So, looking.
07:56:30 Okay.
07:56:31 I'm sorry about sort of unaffiliated folks or maybe universities, you know how how we're going to end
07:56:43 it so
07:56:51 well, they would qualify. So, in individual.
07:57:02 Um, I will include a, a look at it. We've got a few independence.
07:57:12 So I will include.
07:57:17 I'll add those up and include that as as one seat.
07:57:26 Does that make sense or
07:57:33 the resource equation, what do we do with contracting companies because I believe we have a pretty significant number of those currently on up.
07:57:44 And, from my perspective, the those are rather independent from the same example as dependent companies like we have people from tier two who are working for us.
07:57:56 They are contributing to on that, but I would feel like unfair each day. If we try to assign them, the separate seat, because in the end of the day they're contributing only because we are paid right if we stop paying they stopped contributing.
07:58:21 the story just to have a maximum number of premium can't just wait till we see you when you're in a concrete compacted mode, and you pay your competitors.
07:58:35 The contributing under the name of your company.
07:58:40 So, that is what should happen so I know of several situations where Company A has contracted Company B, to do the code work for them.
07:58:56 But the hiring company is the one that should be getting credit for those contributions.
07:59:06 Because it's also this company with accountable if their subcontractors doing something which is not okay.
07:59:15 From a licensing perspective, whatever.
07:59:19 That's clear and and I believe that we are already doing that but I so if you don't directing companies that are contributing under their own domain right so that that's what I saw in Gary right so that that's why I asked this question maybe in LA effects,
07:59:48 are somehow magically mapped into some company. I don't know but at least there Derek accounts are registered for their contracting company.
07:59:49 But the only thing we can do is I don't think we have any way to check that is to invite any company or subcontracting another company to ensure that their competitors are reporting correctly, under their company, and they'll the company was contacted
08:00:18 there is an agreement that they contribute to their own name. That's one thing I don't think we can dissociate. Yeah, and they're
08:00:21 playing right on the contractor to do it correctly, right, something within them.
08:00:28 I don't think it's for from Korea say that we need to do something.
08:00:35 So it's up to the company was asking another company to work for them to underline it good. I, there is no way I would see called an insight to say, Oh, I know that this company is using this company for an essay by this company.
08:00:53 So, we can only invite the company you are contracting third party vendors to help them to do the work to ensure that if they pay and there is no auto agreement that they should change your this gimmick account using the meeting, average of the company
08:01:19 they are contracted.
08:01:21 I say, and we do have the situation where people are using the gear at address for their parent company that are contractors, and I do absolutely have situations where people contact me and say, Hey, Kenny on the set of these set of people from this company
08:01:42 are actually doing contract work for us.
08:01:45 Please make sure that their affiliation is changed in, you know, previously in Mukherjee and nl FX so that those contributions are not going to the parent company but are going to the company that's hired them.
08:01:59 Yeah, that is all gene for to contribute or to change it, you guys can easily go to change what is your affiliation, right. So it's not legal stuff so it's not true responsibility to to us to be checking what doing right because indeed one person can
08:02:20 contributing for two companies to you shouldn't be some anything right that's right. You cannot say what belongs to what company.
08:02:29 It's a. I, you know, I expected that there is some magic mapping and magic database behind LFX or earlier behind be thorough job which actually maps, any random email address to the company affiliation.
08:02:48 And this may otherwise not have to be in a specific domain. That's what I expected.
08:02:55 And the main reason why I asked is because I believe that the results that we are going to get for that maximum number of seats may contain some noise from, for example, a single call me, that was sent from my bed email address that it was fixed, but
08:03:17 you know no one really cared to clean up that single call me. I'm not sure if that's still the case for the last 12 months but I remember that we had a situation that our contracting company had like a single or two comments or something because someone
08:03:34 sent someone changed the computer and had to get configured differently or whatever, and just contributed to using keys, normal address, it was like they're into a fake, but, you know, those two comments are there in the history and they may kind of add
08:03:54 to the results so maybe instead of counting like single comment, or something like that we should put some threshold, just to make sure that it's significant.
08:04:08 It's it's 20 around contributions from that address, right, whether that's. Get your merch. I mean, regardless of what it is.
08:04:22 To your point Christophe there's absolutely going to be some noise in whatever number we come up with.
08:04:27 And you know what that might be okay.
08:04:33 I think the noise is going to be minimal. Let me, let me pull the results. And then maybe from that we can, we can ascertain whether the PSC thinks that number is a reasonable number with the noise included or needs to be scaled back of it.
08:04:52 So just make sure that I understand that correctly so we will first collect the least of active contributors, and then from that least, we will call will collect the company's.
08:05:03 Yes. Okay, so it's not the company who has to have 20 contributions.
08:05:10 Every single person's.
08:05:13 Okay, okay. yeah.
08:05:17 Most of the noise. Okay, sorry for the confusion.
08:05:23 It was a good discussion. Okay so, um,
08:05:28 I'll do this I'll put, I'll put the clarification in here.
08:05:40 Personally I'd like to see the number and the analysis you do Kenny before we, You know finalize that that should be the baseline number. Yep.
08:06:07 And also maybe and maybe that's just me but are we are we really clear on what the query needs to be in insights.
08:06:16 Because we you know what we're saying here is inclusive of code merged code reviews wiki page edit gyro activities but what's it what's the JIRA activity, what is it commented your activity or is it when you're owning a ticket and doing an action on it
08:06:42 so maybe and, again, maybe that's just me though.
08:06:42 So community leaderboard
08:06:46 is where you can pull up this information so currently I've just got the default set to 90 days here still change it to the past year.
08:07:01 And then what I do is go to all and this has more information than we use.
08:07:11 So we got
08:07:14 merge code which is emerging emerged, change that we have that conversation before. We've got this.
08:07:23 So it would be that column.
08:07:26 We've got review comments that column counts.
08:07:33 When we get into JIRA we've got comments assigned and created those three columns would count.
08:07:42 We get into Confluence we get comments post page created pages headed and attachments.
08:07:53 Those are the, those are the columns that I use to do that so basically I would export this, who
08:08:05 was spreadsheet, and then do the evaluation from the spreadsheet.
08:08:12 Kenny, very stupid question from my side.
08:08:16 So I see my name with a very, very, very super old email address.
08:08:23 That is here. Is there any chance to to modify it.
08:08:27 I'm yes if you go to insights if you go to my profile if you go to Manage profile.
08:08:42 Here's where you can.
08:08:46 Here's where you can set that primary email.
08:08:53 Yep, so it's different than the one that I seen the table.
08:09:00 Your primary is different than the one in the table. Yep.
08:09:04 Interesting.
08:09:08 So the one that is using it for very long time.
08:09:15 So I use that I use this one as my first registration email for first conference like 10 years ago.
08:09:26 Okay, so let's follow up on that offline.
08:09:33 Because that's interesting i don't think that should be the case for sure.
08:09:39 Organization wise though.
08:09:44 And I'm the only one that can see this because I've got the right permission so normally you wouldn't see all these addresses.
08:09:51 But, property wise we should we should be in good shape there.
08:09:56 Let me, I'll do the evaluation I'll send it out I don't think it's worth spending the time here to drop the drill through that.
08:10:05 But I'll send that out today to the whoops, to the to the to
08:10:15 the CEOs.
08:10:30 Spinning, spinning, spinning I don't like that.
08:11:03 There we go.
08:11:06 Okay, so that will be the number.
08:11:11 We have about 20 minutes left in the call.
08:11:30 Good cover all the items.
08:11:29 Know.
08:11:29 The time is running Katrina, we have not yet, discuss about reducing.
08:11:35 Okay, so you want to end the conversation here.
08:11:44 Yes, because I want you to dedicate some time.
08:11:48 And I just wanted to, to understand if we complete now, if we need to discuss I believe next week, because we need to do some sort of search on the numbers and so on.
08:12:02 So, this topic will be addressed again.
08:12:06 Evening next week because we have the space shuttle meeting probably on the 29th to finalize it.
08:12:14 Okay.
08:12:16 So back to the agenda.
08:12:19 Just want the to inform the theme that the TSA approved the new hope map, which was to complete the remaining FC one task FC to please the sign off by April 22.
08:12:36 I understand that the sign of task if not been CD, I need to follow up with case of a project this week, and probably send the final sign off task on the article David by Friday, know, if we look at the milestones.
08:13:00 I would like to vote to chase you have the last minute.
08:13:01 So I really would like to invite you to look at your task is each of concern.
08:13:08 Just send an email or put to put a concern in the ticket itself, but don't leave it blank, because then we don't know what is your blocker, or if you have any concerns.
08:13:23 Today, I think, 30%. No, sorry, a little bit less than self defense gun has been closed for the project. I gelding se tu.
08:13:33 And for the equipment owner.
08:13:37 It's maybe also less done. It's probably 25% have been done. We have only one week left. Okay. No.
08:13:48 I think when we look, probably at the testing because now everything is related to the testing and finalize okay nice note somehow the testing. I don't know if we have Swami on the call, but my concern, and he made the same, because I don't see a lot
08:14:06 of progress associated to the network slicing. And I believe there's a sure supper of the team is continue to get feedback from Swami on Monday was that he will update the information.
08:14:22 This week, but I didn't see yet. Any progress. And that's really where we have some sentence, because if you look at this diagram we have integration tests, of course loop, and when the to fly thing.
08:14:45 50%. But a lot of end to end network slicing this gays are still below 50%, at least pre. If you look at the the face to Bahrain, the head. I also invite people who are still beyond 50% population to complete.
08:15:04 Especially if you consider us to need one of the week.
08:15:08 It could be challenging to to meet the date so we urgently need to understand your showstopper.
08:15:14 I'm only looking at based on what it is reported, maybe. The problem is that people didn't know people, yet correctly. But please don't wait. Next week, because otherwise we will continue to shift.
08:15:28 One, it might take you a couple of minutes just to refresh your status I really invite you to refresh your status.
08:15:35 I'm also asked to talk to the requirement to actually take a theme torso promote the fact that the requirement owner needs to abate where they are. With this requirement, it's not an issue if they want to reduce the scope for honor really, that the proposal
08:15:52 of the ladies that we need to excavate ization. So for stability nation.
08:15:59 I will therefore give the floor to integration and all one team to see how they feel.
08:16:07 I forget to add the link of the latest gating. Maybe somebody, both the gaping in the chat.
08:16:18 So we can see where we are.
08:16:21 So every any integration team to help us to understand like go this way.
08:16:37 Just. Thank you, can I serve the screen for the moment. Yes. Yes, sure.
08:16:35 Is it you who is it you Lucas.
08:16:38 Lucas. Lucas.
08:16:40 Lucas. Someday I felt like a nice African your voice but I was political maybe some similar to them in right.
08:16:54 Okay.
08:16:55 Okay. Can you see my screen.
08:16:56 Yes. Yeah, I look much better than nothing, except the input is not good yet, but the for the app. Yeah, but we should focus I think on the smoke use cases here and in terms of one use case this is quite fresh one basic view micro, I'm sorry.
08:17:17 Basically a macro it fails, constantly due to the problem. The SDN see that we have done is working on that.
08:17:26 But they don't know what is the possible time frame, and we can deliver the solution.
08:17:31 And the second problem doesn't appear in this, in this view there is a great phrase backing the assault, which is not reported to any by any of the. Let's say smoke use case that we.
08:17:47 Does this associated with the micro postie Association configurations so those two are really, let's say,
08:17:57 preventing us from, let's say, release because we need to have this functionality working perfectly and if there was, let's say, it is not working now, right.
08:18:10 So, this is this back as the NC 1515, and so free 626 right.
08:18:21 Well, gosh, is it not working in both master and Honolulu.
08:18:25 Well, it's not working in both I think right but they should verify it.
08:18:34 The macro basically a micro is not working some time to this problem is as the st st and the so well, others so as well.
08:18:48 So as well. Can we can see on a second, I just want to give an update on that. Okay, sure.
08:18:52 Okay. Can see issued it appears and you keep keep me honest but I think the use case that's failing. I don't believe was in previous runs I think it was recently added.
08:19:03 So, yeah. So, just to correct this is the smoke use case that so cute lately, which test the basic via Microsoft's of macro flow in general. In the past in the green release.
08:19:14 There were no use cases in the smoke this verified the microphone Association, you know, let's say the first one that's why we can all see this problems with the macro flow here as we discovered it appears to be related to our Open Daylight upgrade.
08:19:33 Yeah, so it's the earth is actually not occurring in our code it's occurring in Open Daylight so that's the community for help. So this one is going to be difficult for us to resolve.
08:19:44 So I'm not sure if we need an actual fix from Open Daylight or if they're going to come back and tell us, oh yeah this is as part of this upgrade you need to make these other code changes are these other configuration changes so this.
08:20:00 The.
08:20:00 I guess my question is what will have to the proper question is to hold up the. release for this we want to address this as a post release.
08:20:10 It was being tested by myself so at least quite a workaround or the quick fix to move forward with the tests and so on is to just change the image version of SDC to the green one, right.
08:20:25 But I'm sure if this is, let's say, a valid solution, but at least this works right so maybe until we don't have really the solution in the final version we should maybe we should revert this particular image to the recording for the moment, I don't know.
08:20:46 But we need to see because if there are people who have already validate. I don't know if it's blocking completely everything with the DNC so I'm completely on your one night.
08:20:59 Yes, because maybe I do we documented.
08:21:03 Let me just check if there are other, maybe don't know by heart.
08:21:08 Because imagine that some test case has been closed.
08:21:13 Some requirement is being given me and see if we revert back, we renew everything that's another theme.
08:21:23 And again, I'm looking at.
08:21:29 In general flow, Eastern Eastern see some is a basic functionality in on up. I don't really.
08:21:40 I'm not sure if we should just leave it as it is and just to the event that it doesn't work right
08:21:46 now.
08:21:58 So definitely it's a it's a basic and very important use case. So we should not leave it as
08:21:58 a better up to the sun how we can fix it because I can see quickly and again, I'm doing math. I'm not looking at the technicality days.
08:22:08 But we have for this for you skills in practice.
08:22:12 So we need to go back to this theme if we look back so can we even know we have even more than four use case we have with. Well, so, so, so maybe Dan Can you check with your as you as you as DNC project team if there is a walk around that we can document,
08:22:27 and dry or is it something, and again, to be honest with this to ppl.
08:22:40 The problem has been discovered two days ago, so it's not something that we have in two weeks and let's be clear it's brand new, which means that we are progressing in the testing alone so then can, can you check with the owner project team and maybe
08:22:57 we look at the auction on Monday on the 19th during the BTL call.
08:23:04 I can try.
08:23:05 I can try I'll be honest I don't get a lot of support and bug fixes but I'll try.
08:23:13 Okay, we also likely also the the the end to end, 5g slicing is affected anyway so I know that many of them are using micro flow workflows. So, and this might be a reason why they cannot proceed.
08:23:28 The way my opinion we should roll back the as the NC much till the moment when the bug is fixed, but it's all back to unlock all the testing.
08:23:42 But we might need to have at least a lap where we have the problem.
08:23:46 And I can see there's also an issue with CDs to Olivia Can you also check with with your CDs team, to see if you can see both the done.
08:24:00 Because looking at the
08:24:04 guessing I think I agree with because I think if we can revert to win imaginary is working fine or maybe it's best solution as a, as a timer.
08:24:14 I didn't benign but I think we still need to try to investigate because if it is something we can fix it in Monday.
08:24:23 That's fine right if we cannot then you can review.
08:24:28 Yes. So that's my main focus of back but leave a little love for these we can assess and then Olivia if you can help because looking at the place. There is also seniors involved and if we can add them, that would be great.
08:24:44 Yeah okay let me, let me take this back to the team right after the call, see if, see if it's something we can we can help with. For sure.
08:24:55 That's really, If I may add something from beyond perspective.
08:25:00 So, today it's 15. Right.
08:25:03 And we are expecting to finish the release on 20 seconds. Right. Is that still the case.
08:25:12 We don't know yet.
08:25:18 We posted on Monday with the PTS. They have only been in from two days ago the problem, we need to have additional experts on it. It is no man we are facing this type of challenge anybody's.
08:25:31 I don't think it would be nice to give to those five months for specification, and then we need to squeeze the developer, and the developer.
08:25:42 We put a date, because otherwise nobody work on anything and they wait at the last minute. So that's why we need to have a date, we will he asked us to do these on the finding of the team by Monday.
08:25:56 So, my personal opinion is that we may keep reassessing forever and the gods that we love DSC I have.
08:26:05 I'm perfectly fine with that.
08:26:07 But let me give you my purse, my view from the om perspective.
08:26:12 So, the experience shows that that we need at least a week to marriage as DNC or so batch, since it appears in Garrett, because it takes certain time to fix stuff and usually there's something.
08:26:29 So, we need a week to marriage, since it appears in om really, then because Don has x number of repose and needs to release all of them in order to build his image.
08:26:42 He needs also around the week to prepare the review for the oil. So we already have two weeks to just deliver the fakes after it is merged into source code to the final Master, master branch in om repo.
08:27:04 And then we also still need some time to find the actual Earth goes and release it back fix. So, I expect that it will take us at least two weeks to have that fixed in a proper way in the om repo.
08:27:22 So, if we are fine with that.
08:27:26 Then Okay, let's proceed but if you want to have any kind of backup plan. I would suggest to first the revert the batch.
08:27:36 Try to read this the use cases that we have, and if everything works fine.
08:27:40 At least we have something to release.
08:27:43 If, if there if there is an update from the SDN CT, and we have a bug fix. Let's merge it and let's proceed with the new as DNC verse, but if we are unable to get it back fixed it turns out to be too complicated or anything.
08:28:00 We should have a backup plan.
08:28:03 So I'm glad that no you have his clinical data. So it means you need at least more than two weeks to create the image so that's something you will need to consider when you will be addressed the release process, because you only there is only one week
08:28:20 for at Skadden, sec one sec to and also it's very important based on your historical data now that you are here using your release cadence for the wise, we will constantly fail.
08:28:33 I have said before, I said we should use given the, the grueling image, but we need to have at least one lap to continue to begin. Right.
08:28:45 The other point with my to see her as you know these ladies is very important, because there will be a lot of great cities marketing it's the only one we have only one marketing ladies Korea.
08:28:59 So, somehow, it's better to have a very good quality, with some interesting feature. The first really, because the rest of the year we will not have visibility and exposure concerning the community.
08:29:15 So, Sydney Getty, I understand your concern. And that's why I want to invite you to readjust the release cadence process.
08:29:24 I think before the release cadence for this we have at least two three weeks, between the SEC. Maybe we need to be addressed with the old planning for this class, not everything only for this class, but in the other end.
08:29:38 But in the other end. We cannot let the ladies, go with not a good quality. But if there is nothing in the release package. Nobody will adopt it as well.
08:29:47 So, we need as an action plan to understand.
08:29:55 If we can fix all not easily with the problem is today, which have been discovered by the way, two days ago, in So, and in as the MC.
08:30:05 We need to prepare the lab, as a backup plan with the old building and engine with all union image, and at the same time we need to have a lab with the interview image to the team can debug.
08:30:19 And then we have this on Monday. What do we do, but at the stage.
08:30:25 I'm not sure. Honestly, not from a technical perspective, because it's already heard from a marketing, the ladies as nobody.
08:30:36 I can be wrong, but the release of not enough value based on all the work we have been doing, especially since we consider, we have spent five months on this release.
08:30:50 So, that's really, it's great to have lab.
08:31:18 But it's really hard to reproduce its configuration. So I would suggest that as a backup plan, we should have a patch for the oil for the om team submitted today or tomorrow.
08:31:08 That will prepare the revert of SDN see container that needs to be reverted, we will not merge it till Monday, but at least on Monday, we have a patch that is gated, and that is ready to go.
08:31:28 us as a backup plan in case we do not find the solution
08:31:48 saying the same thing, one lap to lead the team to the Burke, you prepare your backup plan and really assess on Monday, I really need to draw because if I don't too late. The meeting will become so unfortunately, and then we are not progressing on of Pacific region which is
08:31:55 vision which is to have the alignment with open and own up, which is also key for the future of own up
08:32:03 to Kenny your picture on the action plan otherwise I will write it later.
08:32:07 Alright, so keep going team does not do not give up.
08:32:12 Thank you.