Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
Bell Canada | Tech Mahindra | |||
AMDOCS | Turk Telecom | |||
DT | Reliance Jio | |||
WindRiver | Intel | |||
AT&T | Ericsson | |||
Huawei | Davide Cherubini - proxy | Vodafone | ||
Eric Debeau - proxy: Paweł Pawlak | Orange | Nokia | ||
IBM | Verizon | |||
China Mobile | China Telecom |
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ | JIRA Tasks |
15 | Special announcement | LFN Staffing Re-Alignment Discussion
| ||
40 | Release Status | Project Status in El-Alto Release
#ACTION: Any company who is facing an issue should raise a ticket using and send the ticket nbr to Kenny Paul
| ||
20 | RelEng/Infrastructure | IT Support
| ||
20 | Subcommittee Update - Architecture | Review ONAP architecture principles #AGREED TSC has 2 weeks to review and comment - then will be put to a vote. | ||
5 | PTL Update - PTL Election | Still to be performed or to update the wiki - AAF, UUI, VVP, VNFReq, SO, Policy, Integration | ||
5 | TSC Activities and Deadlines |
| ||
5 | Incoming Events |
| ||
10 | SECCOM update<Not discussed this week - will follow-up offline> | Current status of OJSI Tickets and discussion on projects that should modify answer to the "Vulnerability fixed within 60 days" CII badging question |
Action Items
06:55:52 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic rollcall
06:57:02 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #info murat turpcu,ttg
06:57:13 From : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:58:12 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:58:20 From Sai Seshu : #info Seshu proxy for huawei
06:59:33 From Alexis de Talhouët : #info Alexis de Talhouët, Bell Canada
06:59:42 From Ning So : #info Ning So, Reliance Jio
07:01:00 From Milind Jalwadi : #info Milind Jalwadi, TechMahindra
07:01:00 From ALLAGO : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:01:02 From KirillLukashin IBM : #info Kirill Lukashin, proxy for Jason Hunt, IBM
07:01:03 From Viswa ( Verizon ) : #info Viswa, Verizon
07:01:10 From Timo Perala (SFS) : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:01:23 From Stephen Terrill : #info, Stephen Terrill - Ericsson
07:01:34 From Davide Cherubini : #info Davide Cherubini, proxy Vodafone
07:02:26 From Pawel Pawlak (Orange) : #info Pawel Pawlak, proxy Eric Debeau, Orange
07:04:02 From Yipan Deng (Intel) : #info proxy Yipan Deng, Intel Corp. (Proxy for Srinivasa Addepalli)
07:04:14 From Catherine Lefèvre : #info, Catherine Lefevre
07:05:36 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic LFN Staffing
07:19:39 From Brian : Welcome David - Jim's still here so saving my kudo's so you dont get swelled head :)
07:22:40 From David McBride : Thanks, Brian! I’m looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the community.
07:28:22 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic El Alto Release
07:31:10 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : release please read
07:42:19 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : CCLA contributor ack of agreement
07:42:34 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ^^how to
07:50:00 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to ALLAGO(Privately) : are you available after the meeting for a zoom session regarding CCLA?
07:51:03 From ALLAGO to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : yes
07:54:18 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to ALLAGO(Privately) : just sent a mtg invite
07:55:28 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic RelEng
07:56:58 From ALLAGO to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : accepted
08:00:28 From Catherine Lefèvre : @Seshu- can u please share your LF ticket so we can track it? thanks
08:01:22 From Sai Seshu : IT-17143
08:02:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : -proposal to do daily merge builds
08:03:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @Timoney will comment on versdions strategy page and discuss on the PTL meeting monday
08:11:46 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED waivers will be circulated for comment anf then submitted for an email vote.
08:13:13 From Keong : curious to know what is the work required to override the -1?
08:14:40 From Jim Baker (LFN) : Keong - talk to Jessica
08:16:38 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION Jess and Jim will put together an analysis of Jenkins verify job overrides for the TSC
08:18:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic architecture principles
08:20:03 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to ALLAGO(Privately) : I will start the CCLA call as soon as the TSC ends (whenever that is)
08:20:22 From Stephen Terrill : #info Vimal presented
08:20:41 From Stephen Terrill : #info for the review of the ONAP architecture principles.
08:21:15 From Stephen Terrill : #info background. The ONAP architecture principles have been refreshed in ArchCom and as ArchCom is advisary in nature, they are brought forward to the TSC.
08:28:54 From Stephen Terrill : #info refer the API version strategy in 4.2.4 or 4.2.6.
08:29:29 From Stephen Terrill : #info question on 4.2.3 serlf service is for broad interpretation
08:34:05 From Catherine Lefèvre : @Stephen - any reference to performance measurement?
08:35:26 From Catherine Lefèvre : @Stephen - section 4.3- we refer to shared services, shall we also highlight shared DB?
08:35:28 From Stephen Terrill : @indirectly with the ability for scale down. Not specifically about measuring the perforamce in teh archtiectrue
08:39:08 From Stephen Terrill : #inf 4.3.2, add DBs as an example in section A
08:40:01 From ALLAGO to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : will we have a meeting immediately after this one?
08:40:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to ALLAGO(Privately) : yes
08:40:29 From Keong : as this is advisory, where is the pressure on ONAP projects to conform?
08:40:45 From Stephen Terrill : #info, Allow 2 weeks for comments and then vote.
08:41:23 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED TSC has 2 weeks to review and comment - then will be put to a vote.
08:44:14 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #SECCOM update moved to next meeting.