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PTL RecordingsZoom Chat Log

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links
5minReview Action Items
5minReview M3 checklistThe M3 checklist has recent updates (integration blockers) so please make sure you're picking up the latest template.

Dublin M2 risks followup

#11: The new lifecycle Policy API definition being introduced for Dublin are under draft and having frequent churn; this is blocking DCAE Policy Handler evaluation/enhancement required to support this API. Based on current assessment of draft versions - new proposed updates impacts existing client (PH) handling of policy data in significant manner.

#12 & #14: Lab Space & S3P- Geo-Redundancy - Lab Environment to be available by M4

Windriver lab resource capacity and allocation

Dev and Integration teams are running into resource constraints in Windriver lab, and we expect the situation will get worse when approaching integration testing phase. Stephen will review the lab resource capacity and where the resource is allocated currently, and we will collect lab resource requirements from Dev teams

<Met offline to discuss the situation and agreed to start with simple reporting on resource usage. Noted the Open Lab subcommittee was chartered to help oversee this exact topic. Former user (Deleted) will work with TSC to see if the dormant OpenLab Subcommittee might be re-invigorated. Invited Stephen Gooch and eddy.raineri back to PTL next session to showcase the resource usage report.>


Self-release objective - Review for TSC approval 2019-03-07

  • global-jjb (java) - Automated release process (non-java components) - CIMAN-234

Review the plans with PTLs

Desired outcome: Seek agreement from PTLs on process changes and timeframes

Defer DockerHub until next week

Early feedback: projects that avoid snapshot dependencies migration to global-jjb is much easier

5minFollow-up from Footprint Optimization call

Container Image Minimization Guidelines


Docker images produced by project should be optimized and become the images to be used by Integration included in the ONAP release


Where to find the containers to be certified by the Integration Team?


Proposal: Modifying the Dublin M3 checklist:

Data models and swagger requirement (from TSC meeting)

Our proposal is for M3 to please include a single modeling item:

"Has the Project team provided links to Data Models (e.g., JSON, YANG, Swagger, etc.) for all Shared Information (e.g., APIs, API Payload, Shared Design Model)?"

<Data model checklist item was agreed as informational only - M3 cannot be blocked by data model question>

5minoParent contents and delivery plan

Please review the plan to provide the oParent contents BEFORE M3


5minNew bug fix in Casablanca branchYang Xu

The Jira is about fixing an expired AAF certificate in DMAAP for Casablanca branch. We need to come up with a procedure to release bug fix for the past releases (e.g. security bug fix etc.)

<Need a process recommendation Kenny Paul Former user (Deleted) >

5minDaylight savings time adjustment

Daylight saving time 2019

  • in the US will begin on Sunday, March 10, 2019,
  • in Europe will begin on Sunday, March 31
  • in Australia will begin on Sunday, April 7, 2019,

No Clock change in China, India

Desired outcome: Gain agreement of how to schedule the PTL weekly meeting.

Suggestion: announce only a single fixed time in one timezone on the meeting page PTL Weekly ONAP12, Mon UTC 13:00, then use meeting planner for every other timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?p1=137&p2=179&p3=136&p4=195&p5=676&p6=771&p7=33&p8=240&iv=0

<Kenny to issue a poll to understand the communities guidance on meeting times>

If you're going to ONS, be sure to take advantage of the unconference to get people together on topics that interest you!

Action Items:

Zoom Chat Log 

05:58:52 From Michael O'Brien : fixed the google map link the zoom on the templates
06:02:32 From Keong Lim k00759777 : there are still 2 different zoom brige links on the ptl minutes
06:03:04 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : I fixed one that was google map ref - checking
06:03:44 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : the second one is the correct one - any of us can edit the page - I will remove the first one "zoom bridge"
06:04:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @keong in the invite?
06:04:57 From Keong Lim k00759777 : it's fixed now, remnant from previous weeks i think
06:05:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ok thanks.
06:05:18 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Yes, was old link - fixed
06:11:02 From Honor : Mike
06:11:13 From Honor : Need your blessings on the Gerrit
06:11:16 From Honor : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/79319/
06:11:22 From Honor : Seshu here
06:12:45 From Seshu Kumar : There is a blocking issue pending on this
06:19:19 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : posting these meetings to onap-discuss is good - we can decide to join
06:19:35 From Seshu Kumar : +1
06:21:46 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : for master - my CD system is OK
06:21:47 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : http://kibana.onap.info:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/AWAtvpS63NTXK5mX2kuS
06:22:05 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : http://jenkins.onap.info/job/oom-cd-master2-aws/217/console
06:22:09 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : every 6 hours
06:22:59 From Yang Xu : Michael and Seshu, forwarded lab resource assessment meeting to onap-discuss
06:27:12 From Jessica : https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/odlparent/job/odlparent-maven-stage-3.1.x/
06:35:27 From Adolfo Perez-Duran : Traveling and need to drop. Please send me any question you may have about containers and footprint optimization.
06:35:49 From Jessica : https://jenkins.onap.org/job/ccsdk-utils-maven-stage-master/4/console
06:39:54 From Taka Cho : @Jess, APPC’s maven-stage jobs failed in different way. I will work with off line.
06:42:16 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : I can start but I am planning on breaking out my 5 artifacts into separate repos - currently my war, jar(s) jobs all in a single repo
06:45:17 From Catherine Lefevre : prototype is good so we can assess the impacts
06:45:23 From Catherine Lefevre : on the others
06:46:22 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : release time would be good - It took a week for me to release my artifacts last time
06:46:51 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : one at atime - not the LF's issue - mine
06:47:34 From Seshu Kumar : So this wouldn't solve the problem you faced isn't it?
06:49:22 From Jessica : Nexus2 migration ticket: https://jira.onap.org/browse/CIMAN-234
06:49:32 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : the LF time on each release would be reduced - which is good. the goal is to automate ourselves out of a job so we can rise up to the next level
06:51:30 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : one thing about jira - I think I approved merging my repo change from Jessica in 234 above - just that I don't see the review anymore - which is normal - but it is hard to tell now if a project is missing or already reviewed without manually pasting merged reviews to the ticket
06:55:35 From Catherine Lefevre : I need to drop but i will watch the webcast later. i will provide an update to SECCOM team about the vulnerability management proposal based on TSC vote
06:56:00 From Catherine Lefevre : i still need to update M3 and other templates to include Yang Integration checklist
06:56:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : can we post the recommended oparent version/jira in the wiki
07:03:44 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : sounds good on aaf - can we get the job name - so we can run the update for customers running the CMR
07:05:12 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : +1 we need a period before the Dublin and DMR docker releases at the end
07:07:32 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : logging/pomba is ok for the CMR - just that we are consumers of aaf via dmaap
07:09:07 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : propose we increase the PTL time to 90 min from 60 - as 1/3 needs to drop off for other meets - and we will need the time as we approach RCx
07:09:08 From Brian : need tsc approved process to create test and release a MR release for Casablanca for the DMaaP DR certificate issue and Security changes (Policy) and perhaps others with security or release breakage fixes
07:10:21 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : we can move it up - to keep it on 6am not 5
07:15:18 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/2019+Silicon+Valley+Meeting+Proposals
07:15:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : link for F2F Subc proposals
07:16:48 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : helm deploy dev local/onap -f /root/oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/environments/public-cloud.yaml -f /root/oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/onap-all.yaml -f /root/integration-override.yaml --namespace onap
07:17:31 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : http://onap-integration.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com:3000/group/onap-integration
07:18:12 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/RocketChat
07:18:31 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : I use my personal mac
07:19:17 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : deleted

the insecure rocketchat page is the goto place for ONAP integration issues - however any links with the LF needed to be deleted today  - posting here for word of mouth http://onap-integration.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com:3000/group/onap-integration