2019 TSC Recordings

2019 TSC Decisions

Attendance - 94%

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Bell Canada
Tech Mahindra
Turk Telecom
Reliance Jio
China Mobile
China Telecom


Agenda Items

Presented By


JIRA Tasks


Release Status

  • Review M1 El-Alto Milestone - Project Status in El-Alto Release
  • Review of Early Drop & Full Release Content
    • Early drop - 3 projects are not part of it: Multi-Cloud, UUI and VNFSDK
    • Platform Maturity - El-Alto Release Platform Maturity
    • Any Security Feedback?
    • Current High/Highest (including 8 Integration issues)- Frankfurt Defect Status
    • Test coverage:
      • JScript code coverage scans is now activated. Impacts on CCSDK-dashboard, Policy-Engine <55%
      • Other repositories are impacted by Java Code
      • TSC Recommendations?
  • Dublin Use Case Owners & Test Automation in El-Alto
  • Feedback from Benjamin Cheung - can you add the link of your speadsheet?

El-Alto Timeline Clarifications - Release Planning#El-AltoRelease

  • Early Drop (ED): content is DEV1 certified by TEST1

     Container to be delivered to Integration Team by July 29th, 2019

  • El-Alto Final Release (EA): content of DEV2/DEV3 certified by TEST2/TEST3

ModuleWithout jScriptWith jScript
sdc master48.348.4
sdc-jtosca dublin53.753.7



  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:

Security- ONAP Vulnerability Disclosure

AAF-New ticket is coming

  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes



#Action - AAF Lesson Learnt?


PTL Update - CLAMP, ExtAPI

Gervais-Martial Ngueko

PTL elections are in progress

Congratulations to !!!


Subcommittee Update


Review CVEs proposal - and Fixing Vulnerabilities in the ONAP Code Base

  • Add "Jongle" framework as part of the proposal #Action Amy Z.

Review updated Vulnerability Review Table - Security/Vulnerability Threat Template - El Alto

OJSI notifications & timeline (Seshu)

=> Request to extend the notification period or get a waiver due to the notification issue for Seshu - Paweł Pawlak , Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  - discussion offline and will come back to the TSC if no agreement (smile)


Subcommittee Update

Use Case

  • POC Definition - proprietary software


TSC Activities and Deadlines

  • Collect company's inputs regarding pull SSH/HTTPS from Gerrit - Target: August 2nd, 2019


Incoming Events

Action Items

Zoom Chat Log 

16:05:26 From CMCC Lingli : #info Lingli, CMCC
16:21:14 From Ben Cheung : they will be in this link:
16:21:27 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #info, Murat Turpçu, TTG
16:29:13 From Brian : TSC Agreed to continue with the content of M1 for El Alto Early Drop
16:31:34 From Viswa ( Verizon ) : #info Viswa, Verizon
16:33:34 From Sai Seshu : #Pawel would be discussing the silver badging criteria on Monday PTL meeting.
16:37:00 From Keong : losing some audio ben
16:40:23 From Keong : i think ONAP should start with the definition of a full and proper contribution, then the PoC should allow some temporary waiver on some of those definitions
16:43:41 From Keong : the PoC should comply to
16:44:36 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : is vnf s used in PoC part of the discussion?
16:46:13 From Keong : this definition only needs to include the ONAP contribution part
16:47:38 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : yes sure
16:48:45 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : so why are we discussing this topic?
16:51:14 From Brian : They are part of the PR about using a release and in some cases use ONAP team resources to test/execute the POC
16:51:49 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : if its not going to be a part of onap why are we discussing, everyone can do anything
16:51:58 From Viswa ( Verizon ) : +1 Murat
16:52:07 From Viswa ( Verizon ) : Exactly my point last week’s TSC
16:52:33 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : but if its going to use resources it should be at a part at least some point
16:52:59 From Taka Cho : how about using different Repo?
16:54:04 From Brian : I think that is the criteria of why to do a POC in onap is that it will eventually be a formal feature in the release - if its not going to be "in" ONAP then the team should do it outside of ONAP on their resources (labs and people)
16:54:10 From Keong : so would need to be reworked to fit the new definition?
16:54:41 From Brian : Its great that people care passionately about POCs :)
16:54:49 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : we discussed that we dont have enough resources to support projects and agreed to improve servers
16:55:22 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : if something not going to be a part of onap, we should not use resources
16:55:24 From ONAP Meeting 2 : I assume that any code in an ONAP repository - regardless of POC branch or not - should be open source. It would only be build dependencies or external services that can be proprietary?
16:55:29 From Dan Timoney : Does that separate branch have to enforce normal rules regarding things like Sonar coverage %, builds always pass, etc? If so, then that’s additional overhead for the PTL(who generally is the one on the hook to resolve build errors, etc)
16:56:23 From Brian : only external services/vnfs/pnfs would be proprietary - I dont think we can ever have proprietary softwrae in ONAP repositories
16:56:58 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : Jimmy for AAI
16:57:03 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : Dan T for CCSDK
17:00:19 From Dan Timoney to Catherine Lefèvre(Privately) : I’m renewed at the moment as CCSDK PTL only … still waiting for SDNC committers to vote (one is on vacation this week, so extended vote to next week)
17:00:49 From Dan Timoney to Catherine Lefèvre(Privately) : Running unopposed, so its really just a formality but still
17:05:20 From Amy Zwarico : added djangoframework to
17:06:57 From Brian : have to drop