ARC SDC Component Description - Istanbul-R9
Page Status: Updated for Istanbul Jun 15, 2021
Component Status: ArchCom Reviewed Jun 15, 2021
Last Reviewed on: Jun 15, 2021
Certified by:
SDC High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
2. SDC Component Description:
SDC is the Centralized ONAP Design Time Platform
SDC Provides Service Provider a seamless design time user experience
Allow SP to configure for its design environment including user roles and design workflows
Import generic ONAP management functions (MS, Flows, Policies) from ONAP developed software and SP’s adaptations (1) (2)
Onboard & Design resource level network functions (VNF, PNF) (3)
Compose Service models with resources (4)
Design Service Provider specific Management Flows and Policies for the Resource or Service Model (5)
SDC integrates multi design tools into one platform
Provide ONAP development a “Pluggable framework” for easy design tools integration
SDC Provides a common Catalog for designed objects
Support robust catalog cataloging capabilities for storage and management of ONAP standard compliant data models
Provide linkage & management of SP’s Test/validation process & artifacts for certification of the designed models (6)
Distributes models to runtime for execution (7)
Note: in addition, ETSI compliant models/packages will be distributed to the Modeling etsicatalog (ETSI Catalog Manager)
3 SDC Target Functional Architecture
SDC provides 3 functionally distinct layers with modular software, integrated with internal APIs
4. SDC Current Release API definitions
SDC provides the following interfaces:
Interface Name | Interface Definition | API Spec (Swagger) |
SDCE-1 | VNF is on-boarded through VNF Onboarding GUI | |
SDCI-1 | VNF is stored in Design Catalog |
SDCE-2 | Service designer creates a service model from Design Catalog items | |
SDCI-2 | Designer Studio stores and retrieves Design Catalog items |
SDCE-3 | Ops designer creates monitoring templates with mS data flows → replaced by DCAE-MOD |
SDCI-3 | DCAE Designer Studio stores and retrieves monitoring flow with mS elements |
SDCE-4 | Service tester certifies service models for distribution | |
SDCE-5 | Service tester distributes service models | |
SDCE-6 | Distribution Engine publishes service notification to DMaaP. ONAP components subscribe to service notification from DMaaP | |
SDCE-7 | ONAP components retrieve service models from the Design Catalog |
Note: xxxI interface is a SDC internal interface. xxxxE interface is a SDCE external interface
The current API documents can be found at:
SDC consumes the following interfaces:
Interface | Purpose | API Spec (Swagger) |
VNFSDKE-3 | Upload VNF/PNF packagess for test purpose, and retrieve VNF/PNFs packages from the marketplace.Se |
VNFSDKE-4VN | Request VNF/PNF validation tests and obtain the result |
5. New Capabilities in this Release
SDC Release planning for R8 : SDC R8 Release Planning (link between REQ JIRA and SDC Epics/Stories)
1) Use Case Impact :
No new use case impacting SDC for I release
2) Functional Impact :
ARC reviews of new functional features :
Requirement | Description | Arch Review link | ArchComm decision | Arch Impact ? |
Approved | No. New internal APIs to manage the models. Retro-compatible changes for any other API. | |||
ONAP CNF orchestration - Istanbul Enhancements |
Full Arch review status for functional : Istanbul-R9 Functional Requirements Architecture Reviews
3) Non Functional Impact
Requirement | Description | Arch Review link | ArchComm decision | Arch Impact |
| |
Full Arch review status for non functional : Istanbul-R9 NonFunctional Requirements Architecture Reviews
6.Istanbul Functional View (No change)
The SDC Istanbul view is:
7 SDC Architecture Evolution (optional item)
The goals of the SDC evolution are:
Seamless Design Time user experience based on user’s roles and design workflow
Pluggable Framework to integrate multiple external developed design tools into SDC
One consolidated Design Catalog with common models in SDC to drive ONAP runtime
8 SDC Overall ONAP Architecture Principle Compliance
9 The SDC near term focus on architecture deficiencies are (optional):
User experience:
Workflow Congfigurator to define service provide specific design workflow
Workflow guided, role-based user experience
Function-based (rather than tool based) GUI
Application Layer for Tool Plug-ins
Provide Plug-in Framework for design tools
Support standard-based VNF package onboarding tool plug-ins
Support Onboarding Helm packages
Provide Data Mapping/Translation/Enrichment to ONAP Standard Internal Model
Provide tools to support Service Provider's test & validation environment/process for model certification
Nert term tasks: Integrate Policy Designer, CLAMP designer, CDS - Retire DCAE DS as now replaced by DCAE-MOD
Catalogue & Data Management
Support common data model as defined by the modelling team
Model Data Lifecycle Management
Runtime Distribution Version Management
10 SDC - Current System Deployment Architecture - OOM Helm view
User Experience layer (Frontend Jetty Server)
supplies the static content of web pages, and all resources that required by the GUI
serves as a proxy for the REST API requests coming from the GUI
Every request originating from the GUI is passed to the Jetty front-end server before it is executed.
Application Layer (Backend Jetty Server)
Containers all the application logic for the SDC.
Catalog/Data Management Layer
Cassandra is used to store audit data, artifacts and data model objects.