The purpose of this page is to describe the vDNS use case instantiation using the Controller Design Studio in ONAP Dublin Release.
Design Phase
In this section we desribe the design phase of the use case
Runtime Phase
In this section we describe the Runtime Phase which has the objective of instantiating the vDNS use case on OpenStack.
Video demo of the vDNS instantiation
SO Workflow BBs
After the Service Instantiation Rest Call to SO, we can see that SO decomposes the service into 1 VNF + 4 VF Modules, and 18 Building Blocks.
In the video below we can see the BBs as they progressing, until the full workflow is completed, and in the video shows the stack as it comes up in Openstack.
SO ConfigAssignBB
In this BB, a configlet is generated and saved in CDS DB.
The snapshot below shows the table, we can see we have 2 configs, one called baseconfig, and another called incremental config.
SO ConfigDeployBB
In this BB, the config generated by ConfigAssign from teh CDS DB, and push the config to the network element.
This happens via a python script that uses netconf library to connect to the vLB and deploys the baseconfig and the incremental config on the vLB via Netconf.
SO Instantiation call and response