- Release
SDK jarsand Docker images (Sunder – checking).- Release docker versions v2.2.0 - Manoop - send email to LF team
- Portal Resiliency/Failover testing - Portal on OOM - Manoop/Sunder
completed testing in internal kubernetes - Tom/Leimeng- pending in TLab - Tom/Sireesh/Leimeng
- Casablanca goals are being defined here
- Any new proposals for Code Committer role?
- Code Coverage needs to be improved to 80% - require TechM and IBM resources to commit for the plan
- Sireesh to get back on the resource plan for code coverage from IBM. (may be on SDK repo); Naveen is working this. Plan the files that Naveen can cover in SDK (Hima to work with Naveen).
- Prasad/Swapnali - Please use Epic - PORTAL-268 - for code coverage - PORTAL-273; for sonar issues - PORTAL-247; (focused on Portal repo).
- Portal's Javascript unit test plan? Yes it should be done in Casablanca- Prasad/Swapnali (Manoop to followup with TSC on the requirement on JS code coverage), Karma - look into it ( from Robert) plugin like jacoco - ?? ; check out this webpage ; for examples see (from Lorraine)
- Design for Angular update - Saravanan to provide the Design review and plan; listed out items, testing one screen, needs a week for this , another week for design document
- Portal Admin screen - for POC to migrate to latest Angular - Saravanan (Design discussion to understand the impact - Thurs 05/31).
- SDK code coverage dropped to 49% on master - every new code commit from any developer must make sure that that the code coverage remains same and improves - Kishore to push the code coverage mostly related to AAF changes.
Discussion Items:
- OOM integration and enhancement plans for Casablanca - Manoop/Sunder
- deployment, scalabilty of the platform issues (Start creating user stories based on the design review)
- Music as a service - integration? - Sunder
- AAF integration plan for Casablanca - Sunder/Farhan/Manoop
- Truning ON AAF and starting using role management for partners
- AAF certificate management integration (both for FE HTTPs and BE rest API calls)
- Security issues from Nexus-IQ plan for Casablanca - Farhan
- Angular will be a problem - How can we upgrade Angular - Saravanan
- Possibly in phases - In casablanaca, start remiving the vulnerabilities that are maeked as - "Not vulnerable in ONAP"
- Internationalization language support plan for Casablanca - PORTAL-267 - Leimeng to followup
- Choose language/internal components
- In discussion by larger community (Use Case UI Team), expecting implementation details
- Leimeng has sent email to Tao Shen on this topic and is waiing fr his return email
- Lorraine to run grep scan for ecomp keyword - done - Review with Sunder/Manoop - will send them result in email
- Performance
- Docker JVM memory - Sunder
- Split DB, Portal and SDK docker images plan for Casablanca - Robert working on it
- Testing
- CSIT test for new Casablanca features - Sunder to schedule a session to go over the new features.
- Convert ECOMP selenium tests into CSIT ONAP Robot Framework tests - Sunder/Sireesh
Beijing Release Planning:
M0 - dev kick-off, Nov 16M1 - planning Jan 16M2 Functionality Freeze→ fill in the contents by Manoop & Leimeng - doneM3 API/Data Model FreezeM4 Code FreezeRC0 ChecklistRC1 Checklist- RC2 Checklist
- Release Delivery