cloud-infrastructure and cloud-regions in A&AI DB is in Amsterdam release.
Introducing following:
- HPA-flavor, HPA-feature and HPA-feature-attribute: A given cloud-region may support multiple groups of hardware features. Both Azure and AWS has multiple groups of HW features defined for each region. Azure calls them as "VM Sizes" and AWS calls them as "Instance types". In Openstack world, Openstack VIM administrator also defines multiple groups of HW features (called as flavors in Openstack). HPA-flavor is represents these HW feature groups. Each HPA-flavor has set of HPA-features and each HPA-feature is defined by HPA-feature-attributes.
Sequence Diagrams
Discovery of HPA-flavors when cloud-region is added
Periodic Discovery of HPA-flavors
VNFC Instantiation
A&AI Schema Changes
Example: Run time view of A&AI graph instance
Current AAI Schema
Modified AAI Schema
HPA Feature Definition
Requirements that are kept in mind are :
- Expose HW capability of various CPU architecture (Intel x86, ARM etc...) in generic fashion.
- Provide flexibility to expose CPU architecture and vendor specific features.
- Support for multiple Clouds such as Openstack clouds, AWS Cloud, Azure Cloud etc...
- No hardcoding of HPA feature names OR attribute names in ONAP (other than Multi-Cloud plugin)
Following table provides HPA features and attributes. Also, it describes matching constraints for each HPA feature. These constrains are applied while finding the best compute-group for placing VNFC.
Following format is used to represent the HPA feature name:
<Hardware or Software feature>-<Generic feature or CPU architecture/vendor specific featuers>-<feature name>
Attributes are represented as:
<HPA feature name |