- Get the configuration from the Policy Decision Point (PDP) by Policy Name (createConfigRequestUsingPOST)
- Get the configurations from the Policy Decision Point (PDP) createConfigRequestUsingPOST1)
- Create a Config Policy (createConfigRequestUsingPUT)
- Send an event to the Policy Engine (createEventParameterRequestUsingPOST)
- Create a Config Firewall Policy (createFirewallConfigRequestUsingPUT)
- Get a list of policy configurations from the PDP (createListConfigRequestUsingPOST)
- Create a Policy (createRequestUsingPUT)
- Delete a Policy (deletePolicyRequestUsingDELETE)
- Get a list of PAPS (listPAPsUsingGET)
- Get a list of PDPs (listPDPUsingGET)
- Push Policy to PDP Group (pushPolicyRequestUsingPUT)
- Update a Config Policy (updateConfigRequestUsingPUT)
- Update a Firewall Config Policy (updateFirewallConfigRequestUsingPUT)
- Update a Policy (updateRequestUsingPUT)
Download the full Policy API documentation for details, including code samples.