This page contains details of planning and implementation of the migration functionality for instances in ACM-R. Rest interface users will be able to call a new endpoint in order to trigger the moving/migration of an instance from a source composition definition to a target composition definition. Calls to migrate the instance will take place on an instance-by-instance basis. The caller will have to supply the following parameters when making the call to migrate an instance.
- Source Composition Definition Id - The Id of the composition that the instance is currently based on.
- Target Composition Definition Id - The Id of the composition that the instance is to be migrated to.
- Instance Id - The Id of the instance that the caller wishes to migrate.
This operation will only be possible if:
- the source composition is primed
- the target composition is primed and contains the same element definitions present in the source composition
- the instance is deployed and based on the the source composition
Migration Sequence Diagram
Note: The functionality for the upload of a new composition definition already exists