#AGREED The TSC agree to add the term "intent-driven" to the new mission statement to read as below:
"ONAP is also an industry collaboration to define, describe and evolve a reference architecture for real-time, policy-driven or intent-driven orchestration, management, and automation of physical, virtual, and cloud-native network functions."
#AGREED TSC approves adding the term "intent-driven" to the ONAP mission statement.
#AGREED the TSC approves the following scheduling changes
- London RC rescheduled for June 15
- London Sign Off rescheduled for June 29
- Montreal M1 rescheduled for July 13
#AGREED The TSC approve rescheduling the London RC milestone to June 1.
#AGREED TSC agrees to adopt the proposed new direction for ONAP and update the charter to reflect new mission below:
"ONAP is an open-source project containing a set of autonomous components for orchestration, management, and automation of network and edge computing services for network operators, cloud providers, and enterprises.
The components are designed by self-organising projects, evolving in dialogue with code consumers, as well as adhering to ONAP’s global requirements and best practices. To increase the value of the components to the consumers, use cases are identified to guide the bundling of components into packages and integrating components for proof of concept demonstrations.
ONAP is also an industry collaboration to define, describe and evolve a reference architecture for real-time, policy-driven orchestration, management, and automation of physical, virtual, and cloud-native network functions."
#AGREED TSC agrees to change the timing to begin the nominations as soon as we hit the RC milestone.
#AGREED TSC agrees to Combine ARCCOM and requirements review process.
#AGREED The TSC agree that the requirements for M4 have been met, with the exception of the AAI, DCAE, and OOF projects.
#AGREED The TSC approve the proposed schedule (https://wiki.onap.org/x/HoupCQ v.3) for the Montreal release.
#AGREED The TSC approve forwarding the proposed release names Odesa, Paris, Quebec, and Rabat to the MAC for review and approval.
#AGREED TSC approve slipping the schedule for London M4, RC, and Sign Off by one week to May 4, May 25, and June 15, respectively.
#AGREED The TSC approve moving the scheduled dates for M3, M4, RC, and Sign Off by one week.
#AGREED The TSC approve the changes to the release management tasks that were documented in the release management task review with the PTLs.
#AGREED TSC pre approves to merge proposed changes for SBOM, conditioned there are no objections from PTLs in Monday’s meeting.
TSC 2023-03-02
#AGREED The TSC approves creating a special Kohn Release PTL Badge
TSC 2023-02-09
#AGREED ONAP TSC meeting canceled for 2/16.
#AGREED The TSC approves London M2 with the exceptions of the release management tasks for the AAI and OOF projects, as well as DMAAP-1862.
TSC 2023-02-02
#AGREED TSC agrees in principle to form a special squad or task force to manage changes to projects that lack a PTL. Participants and details to be determined.
#AGREED The ONAP TSC approve London M1, with the exception of release management tasks for AAI and OOF
TSC 2023-01-05
#AGREED The TSC approve of the proposed London release schedule, as shown here (London schedule, confluence v.9 last updated Jan 5)