A1 PMS Spring Boot application exposes some management endpoints including loggers, metrics, Prometheus, and so on...
All these endpoints are enabled by Spring Boot Actuator dependency. When this dependency is added in pom.xml, it will
expose counters and statistics which could be managed from application.yaml
management: endpoints: web: exposure: # Enabling of springboot actuator features. See springboot documentation. include: "loggers,logfile,health,info,metrics,threaddump,heapdump,prometheus"
In order to access these exposures, you need to form an URL and append metric's name end of the URL like below:
http://localhost:8081/actuator/health or http://localhost:8081/actuator/prometheus
Prometheus Statistics
Prometheus is time-series database, which stores a sequence of data points, across time. It’s generally used to store metrics and performance data from your applications.
There are plenty of Prometheus statistics and counters, however "total_ric_count", "total_policy_type_count", and "total_policy_count"
are directly related to A1-PMS business logic. For example, while total_ric_count shows total available RIC count, total_policy_type_count
reveals total created policy type. An example of Prometheus statistics:
Prometheus UI
If you want to visualize Prometheus' statistics in Prometheus GUI, you can bind the below 'prometheus.yml' that exists in config folder.
You can use these links to access Prometheus' page and instructions:
When Prometheus UI docker container up and running, you can observe application state = "UP".
To access metrics, you can use graph page and search for one of the existing metrics such as "total_policy_type_count".
Another Prometheus metrics called "total_ric_count" and "total_policy_count" can be observed too.