- Each LCM state change triggers a notification to the user to notify about the state change
- When a cm handle is registered it will be in 'ADVISED' state and data-sync will be set to false by the module-sync watchdog
- If the user wants to enable data-sync - it has to enable it on its dedicated API endpoint
- Only the handles with enabled data-sync will be picked up by the data-sync watchdog
- If the handles are to be deleted during update then their states will be set to 'DELETING' before the deletion happens, then after it to 'DELETED'
- If the data-sync watchdog starts to work with on a cm Handle state transitions to 'READY' or 'LOCKED' whether data-sync succeeded or failed respectively
- If the data-sync watchdog was able to the sync then the dataStoreSync state will changed to SYNCHRONIZED
Diagram of the possible transactions between CM-Handle states
CPS-799 Spike: Define states and state handling for CM handle
Notification details
Notification handling in code
The Event structure of the notification
Event schema
Event examples
CPS-1104 Agree LCM Event schemas
Typical use cases which leads to state changes and trigger notification events
State changes after new cm Handle is registered
State changes after cm Handle update received
State changes happens during data-sync watchdog execution
Source materials
Important links to related Spikes and Implementation proposals
(From latest to older ones)
- CPS-1104 Agree LCM Event schemas
- CPS-1119: Define the Initial Data Sync State on each cmhandle registration request
- CPS-1034 Publish LCM Events on Cmhandle State Change(NcmpEventsCmHandleStateHandler)
- Workshop: CM-Handle States & Locking
- CPS-909 Separate NCMP endpoint for cm-handle properties and cm-handle state
- CPS-1014 Yang module update with DataStoreSyncState
- CPS-875 Cm Handle State: Java Enum State Machine
- CPS-877: Exclude any CM-Handles from queries/operations that are not in state 'READY'
- CPS-875 CM Handle State: Watchdog-process that syncs 'ADVISED' CM Handles
- CPS-872 CM Handle State: define and agree new dmi-registry yang model supporting States
- CPS-799 Spike: Define states and state handling for CM handle