The following study describes extending YANG language statements to allow customization of models.
- - CPS-735Getting issue details... STATUS
- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8526/
- https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6095.html
- https://www.hjp.at/doc/rfc/rfc6020.html#sec_6.3.1
- https://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/release-notes/upgrade-process.html?highlight=extension%20annotation#unrecognized-yang-statement-handling
- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6110#section-9.4
- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8791
YANG Language
- The YANG language provides us the ability to define and model configurations and state data by defining YANG modules
- Modules contain a sequence of statements
- Statement syntax is either of the following :
- statement = keyword [argument] ;
- statement = keyword [argument] { <substatement(s)..> } ;
- Statement syntax is either of the following :
- Modules contain a sequence of statements
* argument can be zero or one depending on the statement
* argument is a string
- An XML-based equivalent version of YANG is called YIN
- YANG uses a tree to define the hierarchy of data wherein each ‘node’ has a value or/and a set of child nodes
- 4 types of nodes
container nodes
- list nodes
- leaf nodes
- leaf-list nodes
- 4 types of nodes
Sample YANG (stores.yang) | Statements and Description |
module stores { yang-version 1.1; namespace "org:onap:ccsdk:sample"; prefix book-store; revision "2020-09-15" { description "Sample Model"; } typedef year { type uint16 { range "1000..9999"; } } container bookstore { leaf bookstore-name { type string; } list categories { key "code"; leaf code { type string; } leaf name { type string; } list books { key title; leaf title { type string; } leaf-list authors { type string; } } } } } | module Statement see example from Line 1
see examples from Lines 2-16
typedef Statement see example from Line 12
container Statement see example from Line 18
leaf Statement see example from Line 27
list Statement see example from Line 35
leaf-list Statement see example from Line 41
Figure 1.1 Schema tree of module 'stores'
YANG extension Statement
** the YIN version and Schema trees above are generated by YANG validator 'pyang'
Expected tree diagram for example-module based on RFC8340 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8340):
Existing YANG parser
(Please see https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Existing+Yang+Parser)
OpenDayLight Yang tools recognises YANG extensions
- Contains interface which has methods to access data of a YANG extension statement
package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.ExtensionEffectiveStatement;
public interface ExtensionDefinition extends SchemaNode, EffectiveStatementEquivalent<ExtensionEffectiveStatement> {
String getArgument();
boolean isYinElement();
}- Implementing Class
- Class
- Implementing Class