Configuration for testing with minikube:
Clone policy-docker and navigate to policy-db-migrator folder
On a terminal do the following
- Download and install minikube on linux
minikube config set driver docker minikube start --mount --mount-string="/git/docker:/mnt" ## that's where docker repo was cloned
- /git/docker/policy-db-migrator/src/main/docker folder should contain the following file: provided at the end of this page
kubectl create -f db.yaml kubectl get pods kubectl logs <db-migrator image name> kubectl delete -f db.yaml minikube stop
Test scenarios:
- Fresh install Honolulu
DB migrator should configure the database on Honolulu scripts.
Schema shouldn't exist
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -t 0800
Expected result: schema is created and populated with tables and indexes.
- Fresh install Istanbul
DB migrator should configure the database on Istanbul scripts.
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade
Expected result: schema is created and populated with tables and indexes.
- Downgrade Istanbul to Honolulu
DB migrator should change tables and indexes based on Istanbul downgrade scripts.
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800
Expected result: tables and indexes altered, but no data loss.
- Upgrade Honolulu to Istanbul
DB migrator should change tables and indexes based on Istanbul upgrade scripts.
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900
Expected result: tables and indexes altered, but no data loss.
- Upgrade Istanbul to Honolulu (fail scenario) (need to confirm if target is by number)
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -t 0800 -f 0900
DB migrator should fail when upgrading to a down version.
Expected result: no changes on database, script has error result.
- Downgrade Honolulu to Istanbul (fail scenario)
DB migrator should fail when downgrading to an upper version.
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -t 0900 -f 0800
Expected result: no changes on database, script has error result.
- Downgrade Honolulu
DB migrator should change tables and indexes based on Honolulu downgrade scripts.
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -t 0800
Expected result: tables and indexes are all dropped.
- Partial upgrade
- Upgrade to Honolulu
- Drop a table that is to be altered in Istanbul
- Upgrade to Istanbul
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -t 0800; drop table pdpdstatistics; db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900
Expected result: script halts at the given table's upgrade script and updates the metadata table to indicate that it failed
- Downgrade to Honolulu
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800
Expected result: script skips the missing table and completes successfully (though it doesn't re-create the table)
- Upgrade to Istanbul
Command: /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900
Expected result: script halts at the given table's upgrade script and updates the metadata table to indicate that it failed
- Manually recreate the table
- Upgrade to Istanbul
Expected result: success
- Partial downgrade
- Upgrade to Istanbul
- Drop/Alter a table that is to be changed in Istanbul
- Downgrade to Honolulu
Expected result: script halts at the given table's downgrade script and updates the metadata table to indicate that it failed
- Upgrade to Istanbul
Expected result: script skips the missing table and completes successfully (though it doesn't re-create the table)
- Downgrade to Honolulu
Expected result: script halts at the given table's upgrade script and updates the metadata table to indicate that it failed
- Manually recreate the table
- Downgrade to Honolulu
Expected result: success
- Metadata database fails (No new functionality being tested)
When DB migrator starts, a metadata for historical changes is created/updated.
If metadata schema verification fails, script should return error.
Expected result: no changes on database, script has error result.
- Database information check fails (No new functionality being tested)
Username and password for accessing/creating schemas are invalid.
Expected result: no changes on database, script has error result.
- Database cannot connect
Server is unavailable.
Expected result: no changes on database, script has error result.
- Current schema already exists
If operation is valid, scripts should run with no issues.
Expected result: schema is populated with tables and indexes or tables and indexes are altered.
#!/bin/sh # ============LICENSE_START==================================================== # Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation. # ============================================================================= # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ============LICENSE_END====================================================== export POLICY_HOME=/opt/app/policy export SQL_USER=policy_user export SQL_PASSWORD=policy_user export SQL_HOST=mariadb export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret export SCHEMA=policyadmin # Test variables TEST_TS=$(date +%F-%T) TOTAL_COUNT=0 HONOLULU_UPGRADE_COUNT=$(ls /home/policy/sql/0800/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l) HONOLULU_DOWNGRADE_COUNT=$(ls /home/policy/sql/0800/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l) ISTANBUL_UPGRADE_COUNT=$(ls /home/policy/sql/0900/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l) ISTANBUL_DOWNGRADE_COUNT=$(ls /home/policy/sql/0900/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l) NEW_RECORDS=0 START_VERSION="" START_RECORDS=0 END_VERSION="" END_RECORDS=0 END_STATUS=0 TEST_STATUS="FAIL" TEST_MSG="" TESTS=0 PASSED=0 FAILED=0 # SQL statements PDPSTATISTICS="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pdpstatistics (" PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"PDPGROUPNAME VARCHAR(120) NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"PDPSUBGROUPNAME VARCHAR(120) NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYDEPLOYCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYDEPLOYFAILCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYDEPLOYSUCCESSCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYEXECUTEDCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYEXECUTEDFAILCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYEXECUTEDSUCCESSCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS}"POLICYUNDEPLOYCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"POLICYUNDEPLOYFAILCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"POLICYUNDEPLOYSUCCESSCOUNT BIGINT DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"timeStamp datetime NOT NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"timeStamp datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"ID BIGINT NOT NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"name VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"name VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, " PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"version VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL," PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"version VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL," PDPSTATISTICS=${PDPSTATISTICS}"CONSTRAINT PK_PDPSTATISTICS PRIMARY KEY (timeStamp, name, version));" PDPSTATISTICS2=${PDPSTATISTICS2}"CONSTRAINT PK_PDPSTATISTICS PRIMARY KEY (ID, name, version));" IDX_TSIDX1="CREATE INDEX IDX_TSIDX1 ON pdpstatistics(timeStamp, name, version);" INSERT="INSERT INTO pdpstatistics(PDPGROUPNAME,PDPSUBGROUPNAME,POLICYDEPLOYCOUNT,POLICYDEPLOYFAILCOUNT,POLICYDEPLOYSUCCESSCOUNT," INSERT1="${INSERT}""POLICYEXECUTEDCOUNT,POLICYEXECUTEDFAILCOUNT,POLICYEXECUTEDSUCCESSCOUNT,timeStamp,name,version)" INSERT2="${INSERT}""POLICYEXECUTEDCOUNT,POLICYEXECUTEDFAILCOUNT,POLICYEXECUTEDSUCCESSCOUNT,POLICYUNDEPLOYCOUNT," INSERT2="${INSERT2}""POLICYUNDEPLOYFAILCOUNT,POLICYUNDEPLOYSUCCESSCOUNT,timeStamp,ID,name,version)" SQL1="${INSERT1}"" values('groupname', 'subgroup',1,1,1,1,1,1,now(),'test1', '1.0')" SQL2="${INSERT1}"" values('groupname', 'subgroup',1,1,1,1,1,1,now(),'test2', '1.0')" SQL3="${INSERT2}"" values('groupname', 'subgroup',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,now(),1,'test3', '1.0')" SQL4="${INSERT2}"" values('groupname', 'subgroup',1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,now(),2,'test4', '1.0')" SQL5="${INSERT1}"" values('groupname', 'subgroup',1,1,1,1,1,1,now(),'test5', '1.0')" SQL6="${INSERT1}"" values('groupname', 'subgroup',1,1,1,1,1,1,now(),'test6', '1.0')" function run_sql { local user="${1}" password="${2}" schema="${3}" sql="${4}" MYSQL="mysql -u${user} -p${password} -h ${SQL_HOST} ${schema}"; ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}" return $? } function start_test { let TESTS=$TESTS+1 reportStatus=$(/opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o report | tail -2) START_VERSION=$(echo $reportStatus | cut -f13 -d' ') START_RECORDS=$(echo $reportStatus | cut -f1 -d' ') if [ "${START_VERSION}" == "" ]; then START_VERSION="0" START_RECORDS=0 fi } function end_test { reportStatus=$(/opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o report | tail -2) END_VERSION=$(echo $reportStatus | cut -f13 -d' ') END_RECORDS=$(echo $reportStatus | cut -f1 -d' ') END_STATUS=$(echo $reportStatus | cut -f7 -d' ') } function check_results { local status="${1}" operation="${2}" startVer="${3}" endVer="${4}" newRecords="${5}" filesRan="${6}" echo "" echo "check_results: status:$status, operation:$operation, from:$startVer, to:$endVer, new records:$newRecords, sqlFiles:$filesRan" # Convert to number startVer=$(echo $startVer | awk '{$0=int($0)}1') endVer=$(echo $endVer | awk '{$0=int($0)}1') if [ ${startVer} -eq ${endVer} ] && [ $newRecords -eq $filesRan ] && [ $newRecords -eq 0 ]; then TEST_MSG="No ${operation} required" TEST_STATUS="PASS" let PASSED=$PASSED+1 elif [ $status -eq 1 ] && [ "${operation}" == "upgrade" ] && [ ${startVer} -le ${endVer} ] && [ $newRecords -eq $filesRan ]; then TEST_MSG="Successful ${operation}" TEST_STATUS="PASS" let PASSED=$PASSED+1 elif [ $status -eq 1 ] && [ "${operation}" == "downgrade" ] && [ ${startVer} -ge ${endVer} ] && [ $newRecords -eq $filesRan ]; then TEST_MSG="Successful ${operation}" TEST_STATUS="PASS" let PASSED=$PASSED+1 else TEST_MSG="Errors occurred during ${operation}" TEST_STATUS="FAIL" let FAILED=$FAILED+1 fi echo "*** Test $TESTS: $TEST_STATUS , $TEST_MSG, current version: $END_VERSION ***" } # Test 1 - Full upgrade start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade end_test let TOTAL_COUNT=$HONOLULU_UPGRADE_COUNT+$ISTANBUL_UPGRADE_COUNT check_results $END_STATUS 'upgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${END_RECORDS}" $TOTAL_COUNT sleep 5 # Test 2 - downgrade to 0800 start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS check_results $END_STATUS 'downgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $ISTANBUL_DOWNGRADE_COUNT sleep 5 # Test 3 - upgrade to 0900 start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900 end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS check_results $END_STATUS 'upgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $ISTANBUL_UPGRADE_COUNT sleep 5 # Test4 - run upgrade on db where tables already exist and migration schema is empty start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 run_sql "root" "${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS migration;" /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS check_results $END_STATUS 'upgrade' "0800" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $ISTANBUL_UPGRADE_COUNT sleep 5 # Test5 - upgrade after failed downgrade start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "DROP table pdpstatistics;" /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${PDPSTATISTICS2}" run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${IDX_TSIDX1}" /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade -f 0900 -t 0900 end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS # (files run before error * 2) + 1 to run the file again let TOTAL_COUNT=9 check_results $END_STATUS 'upgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $TOTAL_COUNT sleep 5 # Test6 - Dwongrade after failed downgrade start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "DROP table pdpstatistics;" /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${PDPSTATISTICS2}" run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${IDX_TSIDX1}" /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS # +1 to run the file again let TOTAL_COUNT=$ISTANBUL_DOWNGRADE_COUNT+1 check_results $END_STATUS 'downgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $TOTAL_COUNT sleep 5 # Test7 - downgrade after failed upgrade start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "DROP table pdpstatistics;" /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900 run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${PDPSTATISTICS}" /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS # (files run before error * 2) + 1 to run the file again let TOTAL_COUNT=7 check_results $END_STATUS 'downgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $TOTAL_COUNT sleep 5 # Test 8 - Upgrade after failed upgrade start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "DROP table pdpstatistics;" /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900 run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${PDPSTATISTICS}" /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade -f 0900 -t 0900 end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS # +1 to run the file again let TOTAL_COUNT=$ISTANBUL_UPGRADE_COUNT+1 check_results $END_STATUS 'upgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $TOTAL_COUNT sleep 5 # Test 9 - Upgrade when pdpstatistics contains data /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 start_test run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${SQL1}" run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${SQL2}" /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o upgrade -f 0800 -t 0900 run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${SQL3}" run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${SQL4}" end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS # +1 to run the file again let TOTAL_COUNT=$ISTANBUL_UPGRADE_COUNT check_results $END_STATUS 'upgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $TOTAL_COUNT sleep 5 # Test 10 - downgrade to 0800 with records in pdpstatistics start_test /opt/app/policy/bin/ ${SQL_DB} /opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s ${SQL_DB} -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800 run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${SQL5}" run_sql "${SQL_USER}" "${SQL_PASSWORD}" "${SCHEMA}" "${SQL6}" end_test let NEW_RECORDS=$END_RECORDS-$START_RECORDS check_results $END_STATUS 'downgrade' "${START_VERSION}" "${END_VERSION}" "${NEW_RECORDS}" $ISTANBUL_DOWNGRADE_COUNT echo echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Number of Tests: $TESTS, Tests Passed: $PASSED, Tests Failed: $FAILED" echo "Date: $TEST_TS" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" exit 0
Tests results: tests_results.txt