This document highlights design considered for to Provision authenticated, authorized DMaaP topics on Message Router and feeds on Data Router .
Bus Controller is a RESTful web service used to provision DMaaP topics (on Message Router) and feeds (on Data Router), with associated authorization (on AAF).
Endpoints are used to provision :
- Authorized topic on MR, and to create and grant permission for Publishers and Subscribers.
- Feed on Data Router, with associated user authentication.
- Bus Controller API link :
Gerrit review links
Ticket No. | Gerrit link | Comments | 5gbulkpm Test Result | Status |
DMAAP-1561 | | Updated dmaap-dbc script | OPEN | |
DCAEGEN2-2715 | | To be tested with 5gBulkpm gaiting testcase | OPEN | |
DCAEGEN2-2714 | | To be tested with 5gBulkpm gaiting testcase | OPEN |
Dmaap dbc-client docker Image (onap/dmaap/dbc-client:1.0.9)
This dbc-client image is utility (containing shell script) by making use of which we can initiate HTTP REST Request towards Dmaap Bus Controller app for creating dynamic Feeds, Topics.
Design details
- Existing design consist fo kubernetes Job Manifest which consist of onap/dmaap/dbc-client docker image for making http request toward dmaap-bc (Dmaap Bus Controller) pod.
- In DCAE Design-1 highlighted in below pic is considered where we need to create dmmap provisionning Init-Container which will be making use of same onap/dmaap/dbc-client docker image to make Http Rest Request towards dmap-db pod.
- Once the http request is made response will be written back to shared EmptyDir voulme.
- Second Init-container (Update Config) will be reading the response from share EmptyDir voulme and will merge it with application config.
Code Snip for Updating Application config with dmaap Feed/Pub/Sub detals.
Open Issues
Data Router Publisher/Subscriber behaviour is not consistent
- On dr_publiser creation if we dont provide username/password a default usename/password is created, but the same is not happening for dr_subscriber.
- On both dr_publisher / dr_subscriber creation creation if username/password is provided as part of input dmaap-dbc client Api returns username as output and password is defaulted ot "NULL".
Cmpv2Certificates generation
- While testing with 5gbulkpm testcase Cmpv2Certificates processing is failing send mail for clarification - Issue was due to incorrect configuration its resolved now (Poor documentation on Cmpv2 enabling)
**Further analysis is on going will be updating this wiki as we move along.