Before Frankfurt
Until Frankfurt there were 2 tests
- stability test: vFw (then vFWCL) run continuously
- resilency test: test when we destroy some pods and retest that the use case vFw is still OK (only up to El Alto)
In frankfurt we also consider the stability of the installation through teh Dialy chains
The stability tests considered for the release were:
- 1 week stability test based on basic_vm
- 1 day HC verification
- Daily CI Guilin installation chain
See https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-integration/en/guilin/integration-s3p.html#integration-s3p
Evolution for Honolulu
In Honolulu we would like to revisit the stability/resiliency testing part by introducing automated tests on CI weekly chain.
It means we want to execute tests over a week to verify the resiliency and the stability of the solution during the development life cycle.
Definition of the KPIs
what do we want to test, which figures? Nb of onboardings / instantiations? test duration//