This user guide explains how to launch the pnc-simulator and initialize it with administrative APIs.
Step 1. Launch the simulator container(s)
After compiling the pnc-simulator image locally or fetching the docker image from remote registry, executing the command below to start the container:
docker run –p 18181:8181 –d –name pncsimu-18181 –t pncsimu:1.0.5
It should be noted that, we redirect the request from host:18181 to container:8181. You can configure whatever port, mapping to container:8181 at your discretion.
After starting the container, you should be able to verify the running container by:
docker container ps –a | grep pncsimu
Step 2. Initialize the simulator
The simulator offers a set of administrative APIs which are designed for initialization, management and reset purposes.
To initialize the simulator:
curl –X POST –H "content-type:application/json" http://${SERVER_IP:SERVER_PORT}/pncsimu/v1/reload-data -d @INITIAL_DATA_FILE
In our case, SERVER_PORT is 18181.
Here, INITIAL_DATA_FILE is a JSON representation describing the status of operational datastore.
The file is formatted as follows.