Appcontext Data Format
The following figure depicts the hierarchical data store for runtime data. The notes in the figure is additional data stored in each type of node. Rsync uses this information to schedule resources. Status is updated by Rsync.
AppContext Library
To create and work with appcontext a library is provided:
Creating AppContext Flow
The following example shows how to create an AppContext for a CompositeApp with one App. This pattern is used by controllers that are creating new AppContextID. Examples are Orchestrator, NCM(create networks), CLM(create clusters) and DCM(create logical clouds)
import "" func createAppContextWithOneApp(appName string) { context := appcontext.AppContext{} ctxVal, err := context.InitAppContext() if err != nil { return nil } handle, err := context.CreateCompositeApp() if err != nil { return nil } // This is optional err = context.AddCompositeAppMeta(appcontext.CompositeAppMeta{Project: p, CompositeApp: ca, Version: v, Release: rName}) if err != nil { return nil } appHandle, err := context.AddApp(handle, appName) if err != nil { return nil } // Iterate through cluster list and add all the clusters for _, cluster := range clusterList { clusterName := strings.Join([]string{cluster.ClusterProvider, "+", cluster.ClusterName}, "") clusterHandle, err := context.AddCluster(appHandle, clusterName) if err != nil { return nil } // Add resource _, err = context.AddResource(clusterHandle, nameofRes1, resYaml1) if err != nil { return nil } // Add resource _, err = context.AddResource(clusterHandle, nameofRes2, resYaml2) if err != nil { return nil } // Add Resource Order resOrder, err := json.Marshal(map[string][]string{"resorder": []string{nameofRes1, nameofRes2}}) if err != nil { return nil } _, err = context.AddInstruction(clusterHandle, "resource", "order", string(resOrder)) if err != nil { return nil } } }
Action Controller flow
Action controllers will follow the following pattern to add and update existing resources in AppContext. AppContextId is provided to the action controllers from the orchestrator using gRpc call. Examples are ovnAction controller
import "" func updateAppContext(appContextId string) { var context appcontext.AppContext _, err = context.LoadAppContext(appContextId) if err != nil { return nil } // Get all clusters from the AppContext for an App clusters, err := context.GetClusterNames("testApp") for _, c := range clusters { // Resources in AppContext are named is the format (ResourceName+ResourceType) "res3+Deployment" appContextResName := strings.Join([]string{"resName", "Deployment"}, "+" rh, err := context.GetResourceHandle("testApp", c, appContextResName ) if err != nil { return err } r, err := context.GetValue(rh) if err != nil { return err } // Unmarshal resource extract the Kubernetes object definition kubObj, err := runtime.Decode(scheme.Codecs.UniversalDeserializer(), []byte(r.(string))) //Modify resource to add/modify existing contents ...... // Put back updated resource in AppContext err = context.UpdateResourceValue(rh, updatedRes) if err != nil { return nil } }
Placement Controller flow
Placement controllers will follow the following pattern to select a cluster from group of clusters for an App. AppContextId is provided to the placement controllers from the orchestrator using gRpc call.
func placement(appContextId string) { var context appcontext.AppContext _, err = context.LoadAppContext(appContextId) if err != nil { return nil } // Get AppContext for an App gmap, err := context.GetClusterGroupMap("testApp") // sample output {"1":["cluster_provider1+clusterName3","cluster_provider1+clusterName5"],"2":["cluster_provider2+clusterName4","cluster_provider2+clusterName6"]} for gr, cl := range gmap { for i, cn := range cl { // Based on the output decide which cluster is not suitable ....... //Delete the cluster not suitable ch, err := ct.GetClusterHandle(an, cn) err = ct.DeleteCluster(ch) } } }
AppContext API
GoDoc: package appcontext // import ""
func (ac *AppContext) CreateCompositeApp() (interface{}, error) CreateCompositeApp method returns composite app handle as interface. func (ac *AppContext) AddCompositeAppMeta(meta interface{}) error AddCompositeAppMeta adds the meta data associated with a composite app func (ac *AppContext) AddApp(handle interface{}, appname string) (interface{}, error) Add app to the context under composite app func (ac *AppContext) AddCluster(handle interface{}, clustername string) (interface{}, error) AddCluster helps to add cluster to the context under app. It takes in the app handle and clusterName as value. func (ac *AppContext) AddClusterMetaGrp(ch interface{}, gn string) error AddClusterMetaGrp adds the meta info of groupNumber to which a cluster belongs. It takes in cluster handle and groupNumber as arguments. Used when using AnyOf func (ac *AppContext) AddResource(handle interface{}, resname string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) Add resource under app and cluster func (ac *AppContext) AddInstruction(handle interface{}, level string, insttype string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) Add instruction under given handle and type func (ac *AppContext) AddLevelValue(handle interface{}, level string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) AddLevelValue for holding a state object at a given level will make a handle with an appended "<level>/" to the key func (ac *AppContext) AddResource(handle interface{}, resname string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) Add resource under app and cluster func (ac *AppContext) DeleteApp(handle interface{}) error Delete app from the context and everything underneth func (ac *AppContext) DeleteCluster(handle interface{}) error Delete cluster from the context and everything underneath func (ac *AppContext) DeleteClusterMetaGrpHandle(ch interface{}) error DeleteClusterMetaGrpHandle deletes the group number to which the cluster belongs, it takes in the cluster handle. func (ac *AppContext) DeleteCompositeApp() error Deletes the entire context func (ac *AppContext) DeleteInstruction(handle interface{}) error Delete instruction under given handle func (ac *AppContext) GetAllHandles(handle interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) Return all the handles under the composite app func (ac *AppContext) GetAppHandle(appname string) (interface{}, error) Returns the handle for a given app func (ac *AppContext) GetAppInstruction(insttype string) (interface{}, error) Returns the app instruction for a given instruction type func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterGroupMap(an string) (map[string][]string, error) GetClusterGroupMap shall take in appName and return a map showing the grouping among the clusters. sample output of "GroupMap" :{"1":["cluster_provider1+clusterName3","cluster_provider1+clusterName5"],"2":["cluster_provider2+clusterName4","cluster_provider2+clusterName6"]} func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterHandle(appname string, clustername string) (interface{}, error) Returns the handle for a given app and cluster func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterMetaHandle(app string, cluster string) (string, error) GetClusterMetaHandle takes in appName and ClusterName as string arguments and return the ClusterMetaHandle as string func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterNames(appname string) ([]string, error) Returns a list of all clusters for a given app func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterStatusHandle(appname string, clustername string) (interface{}, error) GetClusterStatusHandle returns the handle for cluster status for a given app and cluster func (ac *AppContext) GetCompositeAppHandle() (interface{}, error) Returns the handles for a given composite app context func (ac *AppContext) GetCompositeAppMeta() (CompositeAppMeta, error) GetCompositeAppMeta returns the meta data associated with the compositeApp Its return type is CompositeAppMeta func (ac *AppContext) GetLevelHandle(handle interface{}, level string) (interface{}, error) GetLevelHandle returns the handle for the supplied level at the given handle. For example, to get the handle of the 'status' level at a given handle. func (ac *AppContext) GetResourceHandle(appname string, clustername string, resname string) (interface{}, error) Return the handle for given app, cluster and resource name func (ac *AppContext) GetResourceInstruction(appname string, clustername string, insttype string) (interface{}, error) Returns the resource instruction for a given instruction type func (ac *AppContext) GetResourceStatusHandle(appname string, clustername string, resname string) (interface{}, error) Return the handle for given app, cluster and resource name func (ac *AppContext) GetValue(handle interface{}) (interface{}, error) Returns the value for a given handle func (ac *AppContext) InitAppContext() (interface{}, error) Init app context func (ac *AppContext) LoadAppContext(cid interface{}) (interface{}, error) Load app context that was previously created func (ac *AppContext) UpdateInstructionValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error Update the instruction usign the given handle func (ac *AppContext) UpdateResourceValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error Update the resource value using the given handle func (ac *AppContext) UpdateStatusValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error UpdateStatusValue updates the status value with the given handle func (ac *AppContext) UpdateValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error UpdateValue updates the state value with the given handle