For R7 GuiLin release the Data Persistency Service
Topic | Description | Wiki |
Contacts | ||
Requirements Tracking | Project Management requirements Jira Ticket (clone++ of REQ-1) | |
Architecture Sub-committee Jira tracker | Link to Architecture Jira for Architecture sub-committee w/ presentation link | |
R7 Functional Requirements Page | Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list#Configuration&PersistencyServiceProject | |
Meetings Register | Configuration & Persistency Service Meeting Notes & Recordings | |
PoC Jira REQ | Model Driven C&PS PoC | |
High Level Design PoC | Page for the High Level Design of the Model Driven C&PS PoC (R7) | High Level Design (PoC) |
High Level Design PoC | Issues decisions & assumptions for the C&PS PoC (R7) | Issues decisions and assumptions |
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - The Data Persistency Service is a new platform component that is designed to serve as a data repository for Run-time data that needs to be persistent. As a stand-alone ONAP component, this project provides data layer services to other ONAP platform components and use cases that require persistent configuration or operational data. The R6 development will be enhanced as well.
BUSINESS IMPACT - The ability for service operators to visualize and manage data in a RAN network (PNFs, VNFs, and logical constructs) with ONAP is a critical business function because they are key Life Cycle Management (LCM) and OA&M operations. The project has business impacts to enhance the operation of data-handling within ONAP by providing efficient data layer services.
BUSINESS MARKETS - This project applies to any domain (wireless, transport, optical, and wireline) that ONAP may manage. It is not a market or geographical specific capability. It is expected that scaled ONAP installations such as Edge & Core ONAP deployments will also deploy the database across each installation.
FUNDING/FINANCIAL IMPACTS - This project represents a large potential Operating Expense (OPEX) savings for operators because of the ability to configure networks saving time and expenses.
ORGANIZATION MGMT, SALES STRATEGIES - There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
The roadmap for CPS and what will be delivered in the upcoming releases:
C&PS 1.0 - This is the evolution of ConfigDB in the CC-SDK / SDN-C. this solution was initially coded in R3 for the OOF/SON/PCI Use Case and was referred to as "ConfigDB" using a MariaDB ITDM solution. Because in R7 GuiLin planning, there is some clarity needed to identify the different tracks of development, the notation is introduced here, "C&PS 1.0" to allow people to have a common "language" to refer to a body of work. This was done in the R6 time frame.
C&PS 1.1 - This is the continuation of the C&PS 1.0 solution (see above). Updates will involve schema and interface changes for additional data supported in the C&PS database. This will be introduced in the R7 Guilin time frame. Thus, when someone refers to C&PS, in the R7 time frame they are referring to the C&PS 1.1 solution. Additionally, there are two C&PS related PoC going on the Model-Driven C&PS and State Management PoC (Bell Canada) and when referring to R7 C&PS, work done in these PoC are also included.
C&PS 2.0 - C&PS 2.0 is the stand-alone project. In R8 Honolulu, the goal is to have C&PS become its own stand-alone project. Thus, a presentation to the Architecture S/C and TSC will be made again to petition for a stand-alone project.
Updated Roadmap:
R7 Guilin | Store Real-Time Configuration Data Update Data Access Control | Management framework (not mgmt policy to run network, ONAP mgmt policy) Network Elements (config info, policy for NE, A1 for NE) |
R8 Honolulu | Data Recovery Model Adaptation (Dynamic Schema) | |
R-Future | Data Auditing Topology Traversal Data History Roll-Back Data Syncing Performance Optimization (Scaling) |
PROJECT PROPOSAL | Target for R7 Guilin |
DPS Project Proposal | Configuration Persistency Service Project Proposal (Oct 25 2019) |
COMPONENT DESCRIPTION | ARC RunTime DB Component Description - R6 Frankfurt |
ARCHITECTURE FLOWS | ARCHCOM: InfoFlow - RunTime Config DB Information Flow |
MEETINGS REGISTER | Configuration & Persistency Service Meeting Notes & Recordings |
PROJECT | PTL | User Story / Epic | Requirement |
A&AI | |||
AAF | No Active PTL | ||
APPC | |||
CLAMP | |||
CC-SDK (incl. CDS) | Epic #1 - OOF SON PCI U/C
Epic #2 - E2E Network Slicing | ||
DCAE | |||
DMaaP | |||
External API | |||
Multi-VIM / Cloud | |||
OOF | |||
POLICY | |||
PORTAL | |||
SDN-C | |||
SDC | |||
SO | |||
VID | |||
PROJECT | PTL | User Story / Epic | Requirement |
A&AI | |||
AAF | No Active PTL | ||
APPC | |||
CLAMP | |||
CC-SDK (incl. CDS) | |||
DCAE | |||
DMaaP | |||
External API | |||
Multi-VIM / Cloud | |||
OOF | |||
POLICY | |||
PORTAL | |||
SDN-C | |||
SDC | |||
SO | |||
VID | |||
List of PTLs:Approved Projects
*Each Requirement should be tracked by its own User Story in JIRA
Use Case Diagram
Use cases define how different users interact with a system under design. Each use case represents an action that may be performed by a user (defined in UML as an Actor with a user persona).
Use Case Functional Definitions
Use Case Title | Title of the Use Case |
Actors (and System Components) | The list of Actors and System Components that participate in the Use Case |
Description | Short overview of the Use Case |
Points of Contact | Authors and maintainers of the Use Case. Use Case Lead, Key Use Case members and code contributors. |
Preconditions | A list of conditions that are assumed to be true before the Use Case is invoked Includes description of Information Consumed |
Triggers / Begins when | Describes the trigger for beginning the Use Case |
Steps / Flows (success) | Describes the sequence of steps and interactions that occur during the Use Case (may include: description, data exchanges, functionality, state changes) Interaction diagrams may be included or referenced |
Post-conditions | The expected results of the execution of the Use Case Includes description of Information Produced |
Alternate / Exception Paths | Description of any exceptions or special process that could occur during Use Case |
Related Use Cases | List of the Use Cases referenced by this Use Case |
Assumptions | Describes any assumptions that are made for this use case |
Tools / References / Artifacts | List of any tools or reference material associated with this Use Case as well as any JIRA trace-ability. List of any associated diagrams or modelling artifacts associated with the Use Case |
Weekly Meetings - Recordings & Discussion Log
Link to the team's weekly discussion, attendees & Recordings
Configuration & Persistency Service Meeting Notes & Recordings
Project Proposal Presentation | TSC Project presentation Present at TSC | |
Project Proposal Presentation | Answers discussion updates ( Version) | |
C&PS Model Driven PoC (Ericsson) | PoC demonstrating Model Driven management using C&PS database | |
State DB (Bell Canada) PoC | Bell Canada Leading a PoC related to State management using the C&PS project. | |
Time series database mgmt | Time series database mgmt Presented by johnsont | |
VIRTUAL DDF Presentations | C&PS Overview Presentation | |
VIRTUAL DDF Presentations | Model-Driven C&PS PoC Presentation | |
C&PS PoC Architecture Options | C&PS PoC Architecture Options | |
C&PS V-DDF C&PS Overview | C&PS Overview Update | |
Current Status
Testing Blockers
- High visibility bugs
- Other issues for testing that should be seen at a summary level
- Where possible, always include JIRA links
End to End flow to be Tested
**This should be a summary level Sequence diagram done in Gliffy**
Test Cases and Status
1 | There should be a test case for each item in the sequence diagram | NOT YET TESTED |
2 | create additional requirements as needed for each discreet step | COMPLETE |
3 | Test cases should cover entire Use Case | PARTIALLY COMPLETE |
4 | Test Cases should include enough detail for testing team to implement the test | FAILED |