Hint: Under construction
User documentation: SDN-R Upgrade Procedure
This will be a CommandLineTool for:
- (re)initialize/upgrade SDN-R DB
- backup and restore SDN-R DB data
- create unit test init-file
Its sources are located in the data-provider subproject of ccsdk/features sdnr/wt projects but it won't be deployed as a bundle for opendaylight, so that it is possible to run it independently from any sdnc.
Database Init Container
This Tool will be executed inside the sdnc container with a seperate flag (env-var) 'SDNRINIT', so that the tool will be executed once and the container will be stopped afterwards. The parameters will also pushed within environment variables
User password coding is "ASCII". If one of SDNRDBUSERNAME or SDNRDBPASSWORD is empty the no-authentication is configured.
Security enabled/disabled by SDNRDBURL, by "https" or "http". Default is "http://sdnrdb:9200". All client certs are accepted.
- SDNRDBURL="http://sdnrdb:9200"
In Elasticsearch(ES) there are no database and datatables. Instead there are indices and doctypes. Since version 5.0 of ES only one doctype per index is allowed, so that we can say our index equals the table in a normal relational database like mariadb.
get help
java -jar $ODL_HOME/system/org/onap/ccsdk/features/sdnr/wt/sdnr-wt-data-provider-setup/0.7.1-SNAPSHOT/sdnr-dmt.jar : usage: SDNR DataMigrationTool -c,--cmd <arg> command to execute -db,--dburl <arg> database url -dbp,--db-password <arg> database basic auth password -dbu,--db-username <arg> database basic auth username -f,--force-recreate delete if sth exists -if,--input-file <arg> file to read from -k,--trust-insecure trust insecure ssl certs -n,--silent prevent console output -of,--output-file <arg> file to write into -p,--prefix <arg> prefix for db indices -r,--replicas <arg> amount of replicas -s,--shards <arg> amount of shards -v,--version <arg> version -w,--wait <arg> wait delay for yellow status -x,--verbose verbose mode Commands: init initialize databse indices and aliases delete clear database indices and aliases pluginfile create maven plugin file import import data into database export export data from database list list release versions
init database (for startODL.sh)
java -jar $ODL_HOME/system/org/onap/ccsdk/features/sdnr/wt/sdnr-wt-data-provider-setup/0.7.1-SNAPSHOT/sdnr-dmt.jar -c init -db $SDNRDBURL -dbu $SDNRDBUSERNAME -dbp $SDNRDBPASSWORD
clear database
java -jar $ODL_HOME/system/org/onap/ccsdk/features/sdnr/wt/sdnr-wt-data-provider-setup/0.7.1-SNAPSHOT/sdnr-dmt.jar -c delete -db $SDNRDBURL -dbu $SDNRDBUSERNAME -dbp $SDNRDBPASSWORD
import data
java -jar $ODL_HOME/system/org/onap/ccsdk/features/sdnr/wt/sdnr-wt-data-provider-setup/0.7.1-SNAPSHOT/sdnr-dmt.jar -c import -db $SDNRDBURL -dbu $SDNRDBUSERNAME -dbp $SDNRDBPASSWORD -if filename
export data
java -jar $ODL_HOME/system/org/onap/ccsdk/features/sdnr/wt/sdnr-wt-data-provider-setup/0.7.1-SNAPSHOT/sdnr-dmt.jar -c export -db $SDNRDBURL -dbu $SDNRDBUSERNAME -dbp $SDNRDBPASSWORD -of filename
create unit test plugin file for elasticsearch-maven-plugin
java -jar $ODL_HOME/system/org/onap/ccsdk/features/sdnr/wt/sdnr-wt-data-provider-setup/0.7.1-SNAPSHOT/sdnr-dmt.jar -c pluginfile -of filename