SDN-R ODLUX does require compilation of Javascript and Typescript files as runnable code for the Web-Clients.
A specific compilation environment is created, that requires an extension of the actual version of "frontend-maven-plugin".
The extension for ONAP SDN-R is published in github repository
Usage in ODLUX pom files
In ONAP ODLUX the plugin is used as already pre-compiled plugin.
For getting it from public available repository, the follwong additonal repository was added to the related ODLUX pom files:
<pluginRepository> <id>highstreet repo</id> <url></url> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy> </snapshots> </pluginRepository>
How to compile it locally
A further option is to download the source code to a local server and compile to the local ".m2" maven repository.