- 8:00am Eastern
- Status and Stucks
- Technical Discussion
- Making the PTL Happy
- Status and Stucks
Current POMBA Dublin Stories (Logging Project) -
Current Code Inspections
- POMBA 6 hour healthcheck (full 200G CD deployment) -
General Status
- Dublin
- Stories in progress:
- Stories to be formally verified before closure:
- - LOG-778Getting issue details... STATUS
- - SDNC-475Getting issue details... STATUS : For network resource only and should be split into Network Discovery and ND context builder.
- - LOG-779Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-957Getting issue details... STATUS
- - SDNC-637Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-958Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-404Getting issue details... STATUS
- Stories closed since last meeting:
- Bugs to enter:
- Latest security scan results show ~9 medium issues that should be recorded (but aren't severe enough to merit immediate work).
- Bugs entered in last week:
- Bugs in progress:
- - LOG-993Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-994Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-996Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-852Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-988Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-975Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-986Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-987Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-976Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-967Getting issue details... STATUS
- - LOG-916Getting issue details... STATUS
- Bugs to be verified:
- Bugs closed off since last meeting:
- Dublin
- Technical Discussion
- Consider demo schedules
- J. Ram Balasubramanian will forecast demos as development progresses
Data Dictionary & Network Discovery- Dec 20Done
- L2 Network data (Feb 21)
- video available
- Additional enhancement - March 21st
- additional resources and rules
- potentially other enhancements
- J. Ram Balasubramanian will forecast demos as development progresses
- Note we have discovered a number of discrepancies between the model definition in the wiki and the code. We are now raising bugs on specific issues found and will resolve as appropriate.
- Bugs raised; Issues fixed.
- Chesla to review mapping and provide feedback
- common model:
- This is out of date.
- common model mapping:
- Reflects what has been implemented after some updates
- common model:
- Not all containers have health check enabled
- The gaps should be tracked. Action J.Ram.
- Consider demo schedules
- Validation Service and adding rules
- Action Yong to improve page or create a new one with better steps.
- Work has been done and Brian has seen
- Still looking for feedback from various folks and will update as appropriate.
- Issues raised in integration environment, we don't know how they have deployed. Need to figure out how to better work with integration team.
- This relates to the POD issues, where it was a problem with their manifest.
- We have no visibility of their current setup.
- PTLs will discuss with integration team to decide best path.
- Validation Service and adding rules
- There might be a late change to the PNF model
- We might get impacted
- Will they be backwards compatible? Ie, versioned
- Sharon to follow up Jimmy.
- Making the PTL Happy
- Casablanca
- Release notes being prepared.
- Still seems to be open.
- Data router version was upped. So, POMBA needed to update its version. This was integrated.
- Release notes being prepared.
- Dublin
- If you have concerns bring them to the TSC or the PTL meet - as I have a hard time convincing the TSC about issues without more developer voices
- Also for committer promotion - the template needs more data - 90/180/360 day commits, jira, discuss groups, wiki, reviewed commits, meeting attendance - as one of the committers for integration was rejected last week - any developer listed for committer promotion must attend the TSC 9-1030 to promote themselves and answer questions
- (+) 20190228: manifest confusion being addressed in TSC 2019-02-28 for - LOG-966Getting issue details... STATUS
- Should look at milestones and ensure we are in good shape.
- Feature commitment Jan 17 → pushed one week. Jan 24th. (M1)
- Prudence is supporting Michael for this activity.
- we are at M2 not M1
- Logging Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist
- Functionality freeze Feb 21/28
- Any new APIs are supposed have draft definition, but this doesn't really apply to us
- Michael has filled in the templates for POMBA. Should be good to go.
- API freeze is March 14th (or has this slipped?)
- Michael is starting to put together M3 checklist.
- Feature commitment Jan 17 → pushed one week. Jan 24th. (M1)
- Casablanca