Delta from R2
R3 Usecase schema updates:
R2 Usecase functionality updates:
Other updates:
AAI will use AAF for Authentication/Authorization
S3P Updates
- Security
- AAI core:
- AAI used 1-way TLS on APIs in Beijing and will continue in Beijing.
- AAI → Cassandra w/ TLS
SONAR code coverage. Plan is to maintain >50% on all repos. - Nexus IQ scans: We are in the process of migrating off AJSC to Spring Boot - Our first microservice has been converted (aai/resources) and has 0 security and 0 policy violations. The other microservices will be similarly converted. This should clear the overwhelming majority of the current exceptions on the other repos
- Scalability and Resiliency
- Relying on kubernetes to manage AAI resilience, multiple instances of each stateless application serve
- Performance and stability
- Focus to this point has been security and scalability/resiliency. We will participate in the integration team's performance testing
- Seeking to meet 36hr stability soak test
- Manageablility
- Logging/EELF
- AAI services can be instantiated in < 1hr
- Usability
Information/Data Model Alignment
AAI's schema/edge rules will not change for the Casablanca release to align with the modelling subcommittee's proposed information/data/runtime service and instance models. AAI is participating in the discussions and will map existing data objects to the approved clean versions when they are approved.
- MODELING-61Getting issue details... STATUS
API Updates
New endpoints for HPA use case
New custom-query to support HPA use case
New attribute on PNF object
Clients will use legacy APIs thru MSB