- New committers: Geora Barsky, Shane Daniel, Prudence Au - we are now at 7
- Kubernetes demo of logging demo RI that uses the AOP wrapper of the Java SLF4J library
- working but will be slightly refactored before merging
- documented in ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)#AddingFilebeattoanONAPKubernetesPOD and ONAP Development#DeveloperDeployment
- Casablanca Scope
- JIRA Board
- Acumos and ONAP syncing
- Sonar 80.7% - still out of date - build servers were down yesterday -
- use "run-sonar" to kick it in - verify that there was no hudson timeout - run again if so -
- logging spec
- logging deployment infrastructure integrity
- logging messages in spec
- security - aaf has just enabled certificate management
- Use draft reviews if there is any chance there is sensitive non-public content
- Code coverage - use eclEmma - to view granular coverage - example
- from
- to