Deploy MUSIC Cluster
In order for the PROM instances within the SDN-C sites to publish their site's health state, a MUSIC cluster needs to be deployed.
Please refer to the MUSIC Project pages to deploy a MUSIC cluster for use with SDN-C.
Configuring PROM
Several of PROM's configuration parameters are deployment-specific and must be tailored to your environment. All values go in PROM's values.yaml file, e.g. ~/oom/kubernetes/sdnc/prom/values.yaml
With the exception of musicLocation (see below), the values.yaml file should be identical in both sites.
config: deployment: "test_onap" aid: "afa09bff-394d-4a28-b026-6201d83ce39c" password: "sdnc" musicLocation: - "" - "" - "" musicConnectionTimeoutMs: "1000" promTimeout: "35000" coreMonitorSleepTime: "15000" noOfRetryAttempts: "2" restartBackoffTime: "15000" ...
Onboarding PROM
PROM is a non-AAF MUSIC client that must be on-boarded into MUSIC using the Onboarding API
Replace <parameter>
with the appropriate value from PROM's values.yaml; the generated AID must be written to config.aid
in values.yaml.
{ "appname": "<config.deployment>", "userId" : "<config.deployment>", "isAAF" : false, "password" : "<config.password>" }
MUSIC nodes
Add several MUSIC node IP addresses to config.musicLocation in PROM's values.yaml, e.g. ~/oom/kubernetes/sdnc/prom/values.yaml
The first MUSIC node should be one co-located or near the site as it will always be used first. Other nodes, preferably from other sites, should be added for fail-over when the local node is unavailable.