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related page Control Loop Sub Committee - Beijing Integration Testing Plan


attached ONAP_DCAE_controller_policy_take_6.5.2.pdf is the architecture for how the DCAE-Controller brings policies to microservices under DCAE-Controller

  • ONAP_DCAE_controller_policy_take_6.5.2.pdf is to be converted to wiki page

Detailed flow of installation of TCA through CLAMP and DCAE-Controller

1. Configure and starting the deployment of TCA through CLAMP and DCAE-Controller

Configure and starting the deployment

2. CLAMP periodically polling for installation status

3. Get and gather policies and install TCA instance

4. Starting TCA instance and end of installation

UML - seq diag for installation
title Configure and deploy the control loop with TCA in DCAE
actor CLAMP_User
participant CLAMP
participant Policy
box "DCAE controller"
database Inventory
participant "Deployment-handler" as DH
control Cloudify
participant "dcaepolicy\n plugin in\n Cloudify" as dcaepolicyplugin
participant "k8s/docker\n plugin in\n Cloudify" as k8splugin
participant "Policy-handler" as PH
database "Consul-kv" as consul_kv
participant "Config-binding service" as CBS
end box
participant MSB
control "k8s or docker" as k8s
participant TCA_Instance
note over CLAMP_User: Closed loop
hnote right CLAMP_User: decided to install TCA
CLAMP_User -> CLAMP : Configure thresholds\n of control loop
CLAMP_User -> CLAMP : Configure actions\n of control loop
activate CLAMP
CLAMP -> Policy : Create Configuration\n and Operational Policies
CLAMP -> Inventory : Get DCAE Service Id\n based on Distributed Parameters
group install TCA_Instance
CLAMP -> DH : **install** instance of TCA with **policy_id** as input\n PUT /dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>\n {"**serviceTypeId**":"86615fc1-aed9-4aa2-9e4b-abdaccbe63de",\n  "**inputs**":{"dcae_service_location":<loc>,\n               "dcae_target_type":<type>,\n               "dcae_target_name":<target>,\n               "**policy_id**":<policy_id>}}
group get blueprint
    activate DH #lightgray
    DH -> Inventory : make sure **do not have** the deployment for TCA_Instance\n GET /dcae-services/<**deployment-id**>
    activate Inventory #lightgray
    Inventory --> DH : 404 - deployment not found as expected
    deactivate Inventory
    DH -> Inventory : get **blueprint** for TCA by **serviceTypeId**\n GET /dcae-service-types/86615fc1-aed9-4aa2-9e4b-abdaccbe63de
    activate Inventory #lightgray
    Inventory --> DH : 200 - blueprint for TCA
    deactivate Inventory
    DH -> Inventory : **register** deployment for TCA_Instance\n PUT /dcae-services/<**deployment-id**>
    activate Inventory #lightgray
    Inventory --> DH : 200 - deployment registered
    deactivate Inventory
end group get blueprint
group start installing TCA_Instance
    DH -> Cloudify : upload **blueprint** for TCA\n PUT /api/v2.1/blueprints/<**deployment-id**>
    activate Cloudify #lightgray
    Cloudify --> DH : 200 - blueprint uploaded
    deactivate Cloudify #lightgray
    DH -> Cloudify : create deployment for TCA_Instance\n PUT /api/v2.1/deployments/<**deployment-id**>\n {"blueprint_id":<**deployment-id**>,\n  "**inputs**":{"dcae_service_location":<loc>,\n               "dcae_target_type":<type>,\n               "dcae_target_name":<target>,\n               "**policy_id**":<policy_id>}}
    activate Cloudify #lightgray
    Cloudify --> DH : 201 - deployment created
    deactivate Cloudify #lightgray
    DH -> Cloudify : start installing TCA_Instance\n POST /api/v2.1/executions\n {"deployment_id":<**deployment-id**>,\n  "workflow_id":"install"}
    activate Cloudify #lightyellow
    Cloudify --> DH : 201 - {"status":"**pending**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>}
    DH -> Cloudify : check the status of execution\n GET /api/v2.1/executions/<**execution_id**>
    activate Cloudify #lightgray
    Cloudify --> DH : 200 - {"status":"**started**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>}
    deactivate Cloudify
end group start installing TCA_Instance
DH --> CLAMP : 202 - started installation: url to get status\n {"requestId":"fc3603d7-1c93-448e-988b-373a8c5d8b18",\n  "links":{"self":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>",\n  "**status**":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**>"}}
deactivate DH
CLAMP -> CLAMP : sleep
newpage CLAMP polling for installation status
group CLAMP polling for installation status
    CLAMP -> CLAMP : wake up
    activate CLAMP #DarkSalmon
    CLAMP -> DH : get status of installation\n http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**>
    activate DH #DarkSalmon
    DH -> Cloudify : get execution status\n GET /api/v2.1/executions/<**execution_id**>
    activate Cloudify #DarkSalmon
    Cloudify --> DH : 200 - {"status":"**started**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>}
    deactivate Cloudify
    DH --> CLAMP : 200 - installation status: **processing**\n {"operationType":"install","status":"processing",\n  "requestId":"c60a00cb-81db-402f-ae81-83791140a369",\n  "links":{"self":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>",\n  "**status**":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**>"}}
    deactivate DH
    CLAMP -> CLAMP : sleep
    deactivate CLAMP
end group
newpage get and gather policies and install TCA_Instance
group get policy by <policy_id>
    create dcaepolicyplugin
    Cloudify -> dcaepolicyplugin : on create node of type\n **dcae.nodes.policy**\n with <**policy_id**>\n from input as property value
    activate Cloudify #lightblue
    activate dcaepolicyplugin #lightblue
    dcaepolicyplugin -> PH : get policy from policy-handler by <**policy_id**>\n GET /policy_latest/<**policy_id**>
    activate PH #lightblue
    PH -> MSB : pass to Policy - POST /getConfig \n {"policyName" = <**policy_id**>}
    activate MSB #lightblue
    MSB -> Policy : POST /getConfig {"policyName" = <**policy_id**>}
    activate Policy #lightblue
    Policy --> MSB : 200 - found policy-body [{"policyName": <**policy_id**>+".1.xml", "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED", ..., "policyVersion": "1", "**config**": "{\"hello\":\"world !\"}"}]
    deactivate Policy
    MSB --> PH : 200 - pass on the found policy body
    deactivate MSB
    PH --> dcaepolicyplugin : 200 - {"policy_id": <**policy_id**>,\n  "**policy_body**": {"policyName": <**policy_id**>+".1.xml",\n   "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED", ...,\n   "policyVersion": "1", "**config**": {"hello": "world !"}}}
    deactivate PH
    dcaepolicyplugin --> Cloudify : success
    deactivate dcaepolicyplugin
    destroy dcaepolicyplugin
    deactivate Cloudify
end group get policy
group gather policies and install TCA_Instance
    create k8splugin
    Cloudify -> k8splugin : on create node for TCA_Instance
    activate Cloudify #lightblue
    activate k8splugin #lightblue
    k8splugin -> k8splugin: gather policies on TCA_Instance\n @Policies.gather_policies_to_node()
    k8splugin -> consul_kv: store application_config for TCA_Instance\n under key=<**service_component_name**>
    activate consul_kv #lightblue
    consul_kv --> k8splugin: 200 OK
    deactivate consul_kv
    k8splugin -> consul_kv: store policies for TCA_Instance\n in folder=<**service_component_name**>:**policies**/\n @Policies.gather_policies_to_node() - PUT /v1/txn
    activate consul_kv #lightblue
    consul_kv --> k8splugin: 200 OK
    deactivate consul_kv
    k8splugin -> k8s: prepare deployment of TCA_Instance\n create_namespaced_deployment / {docker - create container} for TCA_Instance
    activate k8s #lightblue
    k8s --> k8splugin: 200 OK
    deactivate k8s
    k8splugin -> k8s: deploy TCA_Instance from <TCA-image>\n create_namespaced_service / {docker run <TCA-image>} - pass <**service_component_name**>
    activate k8s #lightblue
    create TCA_Instance
    k8s -> TCA_Instance: deploys
    activate TCA_Instance #lightyellow
    k8s --> k8splugin: deployed TCA_Instance
    deactivate k8s
    k8splugin --> Cloudify : success
    deactivate k8splugin
    destroy k8splugin
    deactivate Cloudify
deactivate Cloudify
end group gather policies and install
newpage starting TCA_Instance
group get config and policies
    TCA_Instance -> CBS: get config and policies (**new API**):\n GET /service_component**_all**/<**service_component_name**>
    activate TCA_Instance #darkorange
    activate CBS #darkorange
    CBS -> consul_kv: get all\n for <scn>\n PUT /v1/txn
    activate consul_kv #darkorange
    consul_kv --> CBS: 200 - config\n and policies
    deactivate consul_kv
    CBS --> TCA_Instance: 200 - config and policies\n {"**config**" : { … whatever the <CBS>/service_component/<scn> returns …},\n "**policies**" : {"items": [{"policyName": <**policy_id**>+".1.xml",\n   "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED", ...,\n   "policyVersion": "1", "**config**": {"hello": "world !"}}],\n                    "event": {"action": "gathered", "policies_count": 1,\n                         "timestamp": "2018-02-12T10:20:30.777Z",\n                         "update_id": "0e79edc0-6c64-425e-a618-cc13ef50cd56"}}}
    deactivate CBS
    deactivate TCA_Instance
end group get config and policies
TCA_Instance -->]: run
group CLAMP polling for installation status
    CLAMP -> CLAMP : wake up
    activate CLAMP #DarkSalmon
    CLAMP -> DH : get status of installation\n http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**>
    activate DH #DarkSalmon
    DH -> Cloudify : get execution status\n GET /api/v2.1/executions/<**execution_id**>
    activate Cloudify #DarkSalmon
    Cloudify --> DH : 200 - {"status":"**terminated**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>}
    deactivate Cloudify
    DH --> CLAMP : 200 - installation status: **succeeded**\n {"operationType":"install","status":"**succeeded**",\n  "requestId":"58dddc4c-0783-463c-9e23-2ae349e98ea7",\n  "links":{"self":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<deployment-id>",\n  "status":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<deployment-id>/operation/<execution_id>"}}
    deactivate DH
    deactivate CLAMP
end group
hnote over CLAMP: installed TCA
deactivate CLAMP
end group

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