- Created by Alex Shatov , last modified on Apr 24, 2018
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related page Control Loop Sub Committee - Beijing Integration Testing Plan
attached ONAP_DCAE_controller_policy_take_6.5.2.pdf is the architecture for how the DCAE-Controller brings policies to microservices under DCAE-Controller
- ONAP_DCAE_controller_policy_take_6.5.2.pdf is to be converted to wiki page
Detailed flow of installation of TCA through CLAMP and DCAE-Controller
1. Configure and starting the deployment of TCA through CLAMP and DCAE-Controller
2. CLAMP periodically polling for installation status
3. Get and gather policies and install TCA instance
4. Starting TCA instance and end of installation
UML - seq diag for installation Expand source
@startuml title Configure and deploy the control loop with TCA in DCAE actor CLAMP_User participant CLAMP participant Policy box "DCAE controller" database Inventory participant "Deployment-handler" as DH control Cloudify participant "dcaepolicy\n plugin in\n Cloudify" as dcaepolicyplugin participant "k8s/docker\n plugin in\n Cloudify" as k8splugin participant "Policy-handler" as PH database "Consul-kv" as consul_kv participant "Config-binding service" as CBS end box participant MSB control "k8s or docker" as k8s participant TCA_Instance autonumber note over CLAMP_User: Closed loop hnote right CLAMP_User: decided to install TCA CLAMP_User -> CLAMP : Configure thresholds\n of control loop CLAMP_User -> CLAMP : Configure actions\n of control loop activate CLAMP CLAMP -> Policy : Create Configuration\n and Operational Policies CLAMP -> Inventory : Get DCAE Service Id\n based on Distributed Parameters group install TCA_Instance CLAMP -> DH : **install** instance of TCA with **policy_id** as input\n PUT /dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>\n {"**serviceTypeId**":"86615fc1-aed9-4aa2-9e4b-abdaccbe63de",\n "**inputs**":{"dcae_service_location":<loc>,\n "dcae_target_type":<type>,\n "dcae_target_name":<target>,\n "**policy_id**":<policy_id>}} group get blueprint activate DH #lightgray DH -> Inventory : make sure **do not have** the deployment for TCA_Instance\n GET /dcae-services/<**deployment-id**> activate Inventory #lightgray Inventory --> DH : 404 - deployment not found as expected deactivate Inventory DH -> Inventory : get **blueprint** for TCA by **serviceTypeId**\n GET /dcae-service-types/86615fc1-aed9-4aa2-9e4b-abdaccbe63de activate Inventory #lightgray Inventory --> DH : 200 - blueprint for TCA deactivate Inventory DH -> Inventory : **register** deployment for TCA_Instance\n PUT /dcae-services/<**deployment-id**> activate Inventory #lightgray Inventory --> DH : 200 - deployment registered deactivate Inventory end group get blueprint group start installing TCA_Instance DH -> Cloudify : upload **blueprint** for TCA\n PUT /api/v2.1/blueprints/<**deployment-id**> activate Cloudify #lightgray Cloudify --> DH : 200 - blueprint uploaded deactivate Cloudify #lightgray DH -> Cloudify : create deployment for TCA_Instance\n PUT /api/v2.1/deployments/<**deployment-id**>\n {"blueprint_id":<**deployment-id**>,\n "**inputs**":{"dcae_service_location":<loc>,\n "dcae_target_type":<type>,\n "dcae_target_name":<target>,\n "**policy_id**":<policy_id>}} activate Cloudify #lightgray Cloudify --> DH : 201 - deployment created deactivate Cloudify #lightgray DH -> Cloudify : start installing TCA_Instance\n POST /api/v2.1/executions\n {"deployment_id":<**deployment-id**>,\n "workflow_id":"install"} activate Cloudify #lightyellow Cloudify --> DH : 201 - {"status":"**pending**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>} DH -> Cloudify : check the status of execution\n GET /api/v2.1/executions/<**execution_id**> activate Cloudify #lightgray Cloudify --> DH : 200 - {"status":"**started**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>} deactivate Cloudify end group start installing TCA_Instance DH --> CLAMP : 202 - started installation: url to get status\n {"requestId":"fc3603d7-1c93-448e-988b-373a8c5d8b18",\n "links":{"self":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>",\n "**status**":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**>"}} deactivate DH CLAMP -> CLAMP : sleep newpage CLAMP polling for installation status group CLAMP polling for installation status CLAMP -> CLAMP : wake up activate CLAMP #DarkSalmon CLAMP -> DH : get status of installation\n http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**> activate DH #DarkSalmon DH -> Cloudify : get execution status\n GET /api/v2.1/executions/<**execution_id**> activate Cloudify #DarkSalmon Cloudify --> DH : 200 - {"status":"**started**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>} deactivate Cloudify DH --> CLAMP : 200 - installation status: **processing**\n {"operationType":"install","status":"processing",\n "requestId":"c60a00cb-81db-402f-ae81-83791140a369",\n "links":{"self":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>",\n "**status**":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**>"}} deactivate DH CLAMP -> CLAMP : sleep deactivate CLAMP end group newpage get and gather policies and install TCA_Instance group get policy by <policy_id> create dcaepolicyplugin Cloudify -> dcaepolicyplugin : on create node of type\n **dcae.nodes.policy**\n with <**policy_id**>\n from input as property value activate Cloudify #lightblue activate dcaepolicyplugin #lightblue dcaepolicyplugin -> PH : get policy from policy-handler by <**policy_id**>\n GET /policy_latest/<**policy_id**> activate PH #lightblue PH -> MSB : pass to Policy - POST /getConfig \n {"policyName" = <**policy_id**>} activate MSB #lightblue MSB -> Policy : POST /getConfig {"policyName" = <**policy_id**>} activate Policy #lightblue Policy --> MSB : 200 - found policy-body [{"policyName": <**policy_id**>+".1.xml", "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED", ..., "policyVersion": "1", "**config**": "{\"hello\":\"world !\"}"}] deactivate Policy MSB --> PH : 200 - pass on the found policy body deactivate MSB PH --> dcaepolicyplugin : 200 - {"policy_id": <**policy_id**>,\n "**policy_body**": {"policyName": <**policy_id**>+".1.xml",\n "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED", ...,\n "policyVersion": "1", "**config**": {"hello": "world !"}}} deactivate PH dcaepolicyplugin --> Cloudify : success deactivate dcaepolicyplugin destroy dcaepolicyplugin deactivate Cloudify end group get policy group gather policies and install TCA_Instance create k8splugin Cloudify -> k8splugin : on create node for TCA_Instance activate Cloudify #lightblue activate k8splugin #lightblue k8splugin -> k8splugin: gather policies on TCA_Instance\n @Policies.gather_policies_to_node() k8splugin -> consul_kv: store application_config for TCA_Instance\n under key=<**service_component_name**> activate consul_kv #lightblue consul_kv --> k8splugin: 200 OK deactivate consul_kv k8splugin -> consul_kv: store policies for TCA_Instance\n in folder=<**service_component_name**>:**policies**/\n @Policies.gather_policies_to_node() - PUT /v1/txn activate consul_kv #lightblue consul_kv --> k8splugin: 200 OK deactivate consul_kv k8splugin -> k8s: prepare deployment of TCA_Instance\n create_namespaced_deployment / {docker - create container} for TCA_Instance activate k8s #lightblue k8s --> k8splugin: 200 OK deactivate k8s k8splugin -> k8s: deploy TCA_Instance from <TCA-image>\n create_namespaced_service / {docker run <TCA-image>} - pass <**service_component_name**> activate k8s #lightblue create TCA_Instance k8s -> TCA_Instance: deploys activate TCA_Instance #lightyellow k8s --> k8splugin: deployed TCA_Instance deactivate k8s k8splugin --> Cloudify : success deactivate k8splugin destroy k8splugin deactivate Cloudify deactivate Cloudify end group gather policies and install newpage starting TCA_Instance group get config and policies TCA_Instance -> CBS: get config and policies (**new API**):\n GET /service_component**_all**/<**service_component_name**> activate TCA_Instance #darkorange activate CBS #darkorange CBS -> consul_kv: get all\n for <scn>\n PUT /v1/txn activate consul_kv #darkorange consul_kv --> CBS: 200 - config\n and policies deactivate consul_kv CBS --> TCA_Instance: 200 - config and policies\n {"**config**" : { … whatever the <CBS>/service_component/<scn> returns …},\n "**policies**" : {"items": [{"policyName": <**policy_id**>+".1.xml",\n "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED", ...,\n "policyVersion": "1", "**config**": {"hello": "world !"}}],\n "event": {"action": "gathered", "policies_count": 1,\n "timestamp": "2018-02-12T10:20:30.777Z",\n "update_id": "0e79edc0-6c64-425e-a618-cc13ef50cd56"}}} deactivate CBS deactivate TCA_Instance end group get config and policies TCA_Instance -->]: run group CLAMP polling for installation status CLAMP -> CLAMP : wake up activate CLAMP #DarkSalmon CLAMP -> DH : get status of installation\n http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<**deployment-id**>/operation/<**execution_id**> activate DH #DarkSalmon DH -> Cloudify : get execution status\n GET /api/v2.1/executions/<**execution_id**> activate Cloudify #DarkSalmon Cloudify --> DH : 200 - {"status":"**terminated**", ...,\n "id": <**execution_id**>} deactivate Cloudify DH --> CLAMP : 200 - installation status: **succeeded**\n {"operationType":"install","status":"**succeeded**",\n "requestId":"58dddc4c-0783-463c-9e23-2ae349e98ea7",\n "links":{"self":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<deployment-id>",\n "status":"http://<deployment-handler-url>/dcae-deployments/<deployment-id>/operation/<execution_id>"}} deactivate DH deactivate CLAMP end group hnote over CLAMP: installed TCA deactivate CLAMP end group @enduml
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