Local Installation
If you are using a VM make sure it has at least 8 GB of RAM (It may work with 4 GB, but with 2 GB it
does give issues).
Create MUSIC Install dir /opt/app/music
Ensure you have OpenJDK 8 on your machine.
If you are having trouble with some of the apt-get installation packages, enter the name of the vm alongside localhost in the line for in /etc/hosts. Some of the apt-get installation may require this.
MUSIC Installation
Cassandra Installation
- Download Apache Cassandra 3.0, install into /opt/app/music and follow these instructions http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/getting_started/installing.html till and including Step
- By the end of this you should have Cassandra working.
- Download Apache Zookeeper 3.4, install into /opt/app/music and follow these instructions https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.4.11/zookeeperStarted.html pertaining to the standalone operation. By the end of this you should have Zookeeper working.
- Download the Version 8.5 Apache Tomcat and install it using these instructions https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi (this is for version 8.5).
- Create a music.properties file and place it in /opt/app/music/etc/. Here is a sample of the file:
my.id=0 all.ids=0 my.public.ip=localhost all.public.ips=localhost ####################################### # Optional current values are defaults ####################################### # If using docker this would point to the specific docker name. #zookeeper.host=localhost #cassandra.host=localhost #music.ip=localhost #debug=true #music.rest.ip=localhost #lock.lease.period=6000 # Cassandra Login - Do not user cassandra/cassandra cassandra.user=cassandra1 cassandra.password=cassandra1 # AAF Endpoint #aaf.endpoint.url=<aaf url>
- Make a dir /opt/app/music/logs MUSIC dir with MUSIC logs will be created in this dir after MUSIC starts.
- Build the MUSIC.war and place in tomcat webapps dir.
- Authentications/AAF Setup For Authentication setup.
- Start tomcat and you should now have MUSIC running.
Extra Cassandra information for Authentication:
To create first user in Cassandra
- Edit conf/cassandra.yaml file
authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer
- Restart Cassandra
- Login to cqlsh with default credentials
cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
- To change default user create new user with the following command.
- Change password for default user ‘Cassandra’ so that no one will be able to login
ALTER USER cassandra WITH PASSWORD ‘SomeLongRandomStringNoonewillthinkof’;
Provide the new user credentials to Music. Update music.properties file and uncomment or add the following:
cassandra.user=<new_user> cassandra.password=<new_password>
To access keyspace through cqlsh, login with credentials that are passed to MUSIC while creating the keyspace.
Build Music
Documentation will be updated to show that. Code can be downloaded from Music Gerrit.
To build you will need to ensure you update your settings with the ONAP settings.xml (Workspace and Development Tools)
Once you have done that run the following:
# If you installed settings.cml in your ./m2 folder mvn clean package # If you placed the settings.xml elsewhere: mvn clean package -s /path/to/settings.xml
After it is built you will find the MUSIC.war in the ./target folder.
There is a folder called postman that contains a postman collection for testing with postman.
Continue with Authentication