Attendees -
- Get status on AAI lab resources
- Discuss MSB/AAF and establish clear direction on approach for Beijing
- Status on Cassandra clustering
- AAI Administrivia
Discussion items
New contributor to the AAI Portal project | Kang would like to introduce a new developer, XiaoCheng, to contribute to the AAI Portal project XiaoCheng is interested in improving the A&AI portal to show the logical relationship among instances. Service to models, instances etc. Has done code analysis of AAI No impact to other components Liase with Arul Nambi | ||
CII Badging | Wiki page with instructions on the process: CII Badging Program We have two CII Badging submissions currently active on CII Best Practice Badge Program: 1) AAI and 2) Sparky-fe The team needs to decide how to split up the project - AAI is too big to fit under a single project. James Forsyth proposes the following breakdown for CII badging: 1) AAI core (REST providers and common code): James Forsyth - Project created, ongoing progress.
2) GUI - Arul Nambi - Need to include more repos to the current "front-end" project
4) Graph utils / eventing / logging - Steve Blimkie - Need to create projects 5) ESR - Zi Li - Project is created, still ongoing process to meet all the requirements
The idea is that we assign one key person who will be responsible for getting the badge on their set of repos. This is just a suggestion, and I invite discussion, re-categorization, and complete rewrites. | ||
Richard Epp to send yaml file via email to Pavel and attach to wiki so all can see. Issues seen thus file: YAML file too large and cannot be read by readmedoc causing it to be unusable. Suggestion of using MSB portal with link of file to readmedoc. How to display REST APIs via the swagger UI integrated with MSB: Will need to continue as open item until resolved. Contact Zi Li / Former user (Deleted) for more information about integration. Just require the swagger JSON file for integration - Richard Epp please provide the JSON to Zi Li - Zi Li - please download the yaml file above and see if you can make use of it in MSB Note: Alternate Swagger UI service already available. Issues parsing the YAML file into RST format - structure is not correct | |||
Jenkins | Release jenkins jobs are still failing. Helpdesk ticket # 52082 Changes to AAI-COMMON not picked up by downstream projects (resources, traversal) Unable to release aai-common, as cannot release multiple times, without incrementing the version. Liasing with ONAP helpdesk about whether we can release multiple minor versions of an artifact. Proposal for Monday PTL meeting to align SNAPSHOT strategy | ||
HPA | I would like to discuss about the Persistence of HPA related information in A&AI in the weekly meeting call. I would like to discuss my proposal to capture the HPA capabilities in a generic way in A&AI as represented here à I would appreciate if we could include this in tomorrow’s meeting. Dileep Ranganathan presented . General discussion. Alex Vul (Deactivated) met with OAF team yesterday to determine optimal way to consume info from A&AI, will go back To OAF with using key value pairs; implementation needs to be agnostic and optimal. Alex to post on wiki general format and value specifics; will meet with OAF on Mon on how to represent the values. Alex Vul (Deactivated) to review changes with Christina for specific schema proposal Functional requirements for HPA : | ||
MSB Integration Status | |||
Cassandra Clustering | Goal - provide HA to AAI Issue 1 - remote storage Meetings with Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabs OOM team should check the video recording of the session @Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabs will arrange further meeting on Monday Issue 2 - simulating outage Pavel + Harish will try to simulate on Monday We have a 3 node replicated cluster configured with local storage; need to discuss if this will be adequate to the purpose of Beijing integration testing. - AAI-539Set up Cassandra docker images in 3 node cluster OPEN - OOM-591AAI needs persistent volumes configured, need help with OS in lab REOPENED Michael O'Brien from OOM team will assist w/ OOM-591 Michael O'Brien to respond back to Harish’s email and setup meeting on Monday 10 AM; Will put on OAM discussion page so others interested can attend. | ||
Event-Client | Tian Lee | Auto-generated build jobs failing. Tian will investigate - update next week. |
Action items
- Zi Li or other ESR rep will to start the CII Badging process for ESR
- James Forsyth will set up a session with AAF to try authentication
- James Forsyth to look at AAI-671 to provide comments/clarifications back to Adrian Slavkovsky
Rich Epp to send yaml file via email to Former user (Deleted) and attach to wiki so all can see.
Alex Vul (Deactivated) to post on wiki general format and value specifics; will meet with OAF on Mon on how to represent the values.
Michael O'Brien to respond back to Venkata Harish Kajur’s email and setup meeting on Monday 10 AM; Will put on OAM discussion page so others interested can attend.