Setup the OOM Infrastructure: OOM Infrastructure setup
Deploy OOM
Video describing all the steps
We will basically follow this guide:
Clone OOM release-1.1.0 branch
git clone -b release-1.1.0
- Prepare configuration
Edit the onap-parameters.yaml under
To have endpoints registering to MSB, add your kubectl config token in kube2msb config, under kubeMasterAuthToken located at
Create the config
cd oom/kubernetes/config ./ -n onap
Deploy ONAP
cd oom/kubernetes/oneclick ./createAll.bash -n onap
- Now, time for a break. This will take arround 30/40 minutes.
After 45mn, everything is ready
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespace
Let's run health check to see current status, with the expected failure for DCAE, as it's now deployed.
cd oom/kubernetes/robot $ ./ health
Let's run the init_robot script, that will enable us to check the robot logs
cd oom/kubernetes/robot $ ./ init_robot
Navigate to
and to see the robot logs, go to
Let's run the init goal
cd oom/kubernetes/robot $ ./ init
Running vFW demo
Video of onboarding
I had a hickup at the end, due to the fact I already had another vFW deployed, hence the ip it tried to assign was used. To fix this, I remove the existing stack.
Video of instantiation
I had a a hickup for the vFW_PG due to the fact I pre-loaded on the wrong instance. After realizing, all went well.
Login into the VNC. Password is password
Open the browser and navigate to the ONAP Portal
Login using the Designer user. cs0008/demo123456!
- Virutal Licence Model creation
- Open SDC application, click on the OnBoard tab.
- click Create new VLM (Licence Model)
- Use onap as Vendor Name, and enter a description
- clicksave
- click Licence Key Group and Add Licence KeyGroup, then fill in the required fields
- click Entitlements Pools and Add Entitlement Pool, then fill in the required fields
- click Feature Groups and Add Feature Group, then fill in the required fields. Also, under the Entitlement Pools tab, drag the created entitlement pool to the left. Same for the License Key Groups
- click Licence Aggreements and Add Licence Agreement, then fill in the required fields. Under the tab Features Groups, drag the feature group created previously.
- then check-in and submit
- go back to OnBoard page
- click Create new VLM (Licence Model)
- Open SDC application, click on the OnBoard tab.
- Vendor Software Product onboarding and testing
- click Create a new VSP
- First we create the vFW sinc; give it a name, i.e. vFW_SINC. Select the Vendor (onap) and the Category (Firewall) and give it a description.
- Click on the warning, and add a licence model
- Get the zip package:
- Click on overview, and import the zip
- Click Proceed to validation then check-in then submit
- click Create a new VSP
- Then we create the vFW packet generator; give it a name, i.e. vFW_PG. Select the Vendor (onap) and the Category (Firewall) and give it a description.
- Click on the warning, and add a licence model
- Get the zip package:
- Click on overview, and import the zip
- Click Proceed to validation then check-in then submit
- Go to SDC home. Click on the top right icone, with the orange arrow.
- Import the VSP one by one
- Submit for both testing
- Logout and Login as the tester: jm0007/demo123456!
- Go to the SDC portal
- Test and accept the two VSP
- click Create a new VSP
- Service Creation
- Logout and login as the designer: cs0008/demo123456!
- Go to the SDC home page
- Click Add a Service
- Fill in the required field
- Click Create
- Click on the Composition left tab
- In the search bar, type "vFW" to narrow down the created VSP, and drag them both.
- Then click Submit for Testing
- Service Testing
- Logout and Login as the tester: jm0007/demo123456!
- Go to the SDC portal
- Test and accept the service
- Service Approval
- Logout and Login as the govener: gv0001/demo123456!
- Go to the SDC portal
- Approve the service
- Service Distribution
- Logout and Login as the operator: op0001/demo123456!
- Go to the SDC portal
- Distribute the service
- Click on the left tab monitor and click on arrow to open the distribution status
- Wait until everything is disitributed (green tick)
- Service Instance creation:
- Logout and Login as the user: demo/demo123456!
- Go to the VID portal
- Click the Browse SDC Service Models tab
- Click Deploy on the service to deploy
- Fiil in the required filed, call it vFW_Service for instance. Once done, this will redirect you to a new screen
- Click Add VNF, and select the vFW_SINC VNF first
- Fill in the required field. Call it vFW_SINC_VNF, for instance.
- Click Add VNF, and select the vFW_PG_VNF first
- Fill in the required field. Call it vFW_PG_VNF, for instance.
- SDNC preload:
Then go to the SDNC Admin portal and create an account
Login into the SDNC admin portal
- Click Profiles then Add VNF Profile
- The VNF Type is the string that looks like this: VfwPg..base_vpkg..module-0 It can be copy/paste from VID, when attempting to create the VF-Module
- Enter 100 for the Availability Zone Count
- Enter vFW for Equipement Role
- Repeat the same for the other VNF
Pre-load the vFW SINC. Mind the following values:
service-type: it's the service instance ID of the service instance created step 9
vnf-name: the name to give to the VF-Module. The same name will have to be re-use when creating the VF-Module
vnf-type: Same as the one used to add the profile in SDNC admin portal
generic-vnf-name: The name of the created VNF, see step 9f
vfw_name_0: is the same as the generic-vnf-name
generic-vnf-type: Can be find in VID, please see video if not found.
Make sure image_name, flavor_name, public_net_id, onap_private_net_id, onap_private_subnet_id, key_name and pub_key reflect your environmentExpected result:
{ "output": { "svc-request-id": "robot12", "response-code": "200", "ack-final-indicator": "Y" } }
Pre-load the vFW PG. Mind the following values:
service-type: it's the service instance ID of the service instance created step 9
vnf-name: the name to give to the VF-Module. The same name will have to be re-use when creating the VF-Module
vnf-type: Same as the one used to add the profile in SDNC admin portal
generic-vnf-name: The name of the created VNF, see step 9h
vpg_name_0: is the same as the generic-vnf-name
generic-vnf-type: Can be find in VID, please see video if not found.
Make sure image_name, flavor_name, public_net_id, onap_private_net_id, onap_private_subnet_id, key_name and pub_key reflect your environmentExpected result:
{ "output": { "svc-request-id": "robot12", "response-code": "200", "ack-final-indicator": "Y" } }
- Create the VF-Module for vFW_SINC
- The instance name must be the vnf-name setup in the preload phase.
- After a few minutes, the stack should be created.
- Create the VF-Module for vFW_PG
- The instance name must be the vnf-name setup in the preload phase.
- After a few minutes, the stack should be created.
I hope everything worked for you, if not, please leave a comment. Thanks