When wanting to deploy the SDC dockers into your machine you can run the docker_run script with one or more of the following options:
-r | --release <RELEASE_NAME> - The specific release you want to pull and deploy. By default this option will point to the latest docker version available
docker_run.sh -r 1.1-STAGING-latest
-e | --environment <ENV-NAME> - The environment name you want to be deployed. By Default this option will be the AUTO environment.
docker_run.sh -e ENV
- -p | --port <DOCKER_HUB_PORT> - The port from which to connect to the docker nexus. By Default this option will point to the port: 10003
docker_run.sh -p 10001
- -l | --local <Run-without-pull> - This option is for deploying the dockers found locally on the machine without pulling them first. For example: